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  • to wake up in the mornings and smile calmly knowing we made the best decision: a beach housecocktails by the beach, as a soft melody lulls the evening, and you dip your feet in the crystal clear water of the caribbean, while the sun in the sky reminds us how lucky we arewith musical notes that brighten up the nights in a 17 unit development of 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms, on one and two levelsthat is sabor a mielubicado en una de las mejores zonas de playa, la italian zone, sabor a miel se antoja para una tarde de verano con un agua de coco heladaall of them have spacious terraces where sunrises and sunsets will become part of your daily routine if such a thing exists in playao una mañana de enero con una taza de café en la mano con el mar caribe, imponente con su azul turquesa, como testigo y protagonistathats our definition of lifestyleapartment #504 1-bdr 1-bth $254,900 usdapartment #103 2-bdr 3-bth $372,463 usd sabor a miels essence is pretty relaxed, one of the barefoot evenings amongst friends


    $ 254900

  • una lectura te puede ayudar a darte cuentano sustituyen ningún servicio profesional como médico, psicóloga, administración de negocios, etcis he/she my friend? one free questioni will answer you one question for freelectura de tarotwhatsapp 55-51-56-26-50 erika<br>estas consultas son para mayores de 18 años y con fines de entretenimientoa reading can help you to realize about itwhatsapp 55-51-56-26-50 erika<br>these readings are for people over 18 years and for entertainment purposes<br><br>tarot readingno sabes si realmente puedes confiar en esa personaspanish spoken<br>tarot readingthey do not replace any professional service such as a doctor, psychologist, business administration, etcte contesto una pregunta gratisyou don't know if you can really trust that person


    $ 1

  • you can ask the tarot this and other thingsno sustituyen ningún servicio profesional como médico, psicóloga, administración de negocios, etcle puedes preguntar al tarot esto y otras cosas mássometimes we don't know which way to go or which one to take firstspanish spoken<br>tarot readingi will answer you one question for freelectura de tarotwhatsapp 55-51-56-26-50 erika<br>estas consultas son para mayores de 18 años y con fines de entretenimientowhatsapp 55-51-56-26-50 erika<br>these readings are for people over 18 years and for entertainment purposes<br><br>tarot reading on the path to choosete contesto una pregunta gratisone free questionthey do not replace any professional service such as a doctor, psychologist, business administration, etcen ocasiones no sabemos por cual camino ir o cual tomar primero


    $ 1

  • <br>http://yisraelin nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti amentres día y tres noches en el vientre del gran pez en aquellos tiempos fue de forma fisica ahora entendamoslo de forma simbolica esta por acontecer un invierno obscuro como lo dijo bide en su precandidatura y bill ga subdito de las logias masonicas siendo en la biblia invierno obscuro representación de tinieblas cuando el shaddai todopoderoso dios yahweh oculta su rostro permitiendo que las tinieblas cubran la faz de la tierra trayendo enfermedad muerte y destrucción por la maldad que hay en la tierra cumpliendose como escrito fue profetizado como existio y hoy existe en lo tiempo de noé en el diluvio somos la misma generación maldita por eso no hay salvación más que en jesucristo esta por iniciar la ira y juicio de dios con el arrebatamiento de su iglesia la tribulación y la gran tribulación cayendo los angeles caidos(demonios) que los estan disfrazando de ovnis la humanidad esta peste(covid19) las que bienen que será de risa esta la que estamos padeciendo de lo que hablamos matando ya a tantas personas así esta tocando a la puerta una tercera guerra mundial el gran engaño el transhumanismo clonación cybors androides inteligencia artificial la marca de la bestia 666 el anticristo(ya nacio) el falso profeta estas completamente seguro(a) que tu no serás el proximo la proxima en esa cama de hospital eres tan soberbio(a) de creerte inmortal de no tener temor de tú dios nuestro dios jesucristo/jehova sin entender lo vulnerables que somos los seres humanos que en un parpadeo de ojos llega la muerte sin saber mucho menos pedir permiso acaso los que ahorita ruegan por su vida en los hospitales saturados en méxico acaso sabian que estarian ahí eran como tú necios soberbios vanagloriosos amadores de si mismos y los deleites mira donde se encuentran ya escucha pueblo toda la humanidad como fue en los tiempos de moises ahora estan ya aquí en aquellos tiempos de forma fisica ahora entendamoslo de forma simbolica pero son los mismos quien como en egipto(mundo) no tenga en su casa(morada) la marca del cordero inmolado(señor jesucristo) será herido de muerte él(varón(a) y toda su casa cuando el angél de la muerte pase por su habitación quienes tengan la marca de dios(jesucristo) en su casa no temeran él y toda su casa porque el angél de la muerte como fue en el pasado sabra que le pertenece a nuestro rey de reyes y señor de señores jesucristo que se encuentra sellado protegido por él por lo cual no debe herir obedeciendo el mandato de elohim yahweh las ovejas y corderos de dios su rebaño no se tocan estan protegidas por jah más aquellos que se aparten de la luz pereceran como escrito está ahora es en oración comunión leiendo escudriñando haciendo el bien estando en todo tiempo lugar todo momento con dios obedeciendo sus mandamientos y apartandose de quienes te invitan a desobedecer sus mandamientos embriagues adulterio homicidio robos fornicaciones gula idolatría soberbia etcha empezado por necios(as) insensatos(as) escarnecedores(as) desobedientes iniquos(as) sin arrepentimiento mucho menos misericordía y piedad por el dolor sufrimiento de cientos de miles de millones en el mundo entero que lo han perdido todo la vida misma luto mundial biene la peste(covid19) para méxico y el mundo entero ahora si sigue en tus bacanales(orgias) fiestas llenas de embriages drogadicción fornicación(adulterio sodomismo pedofilia bestialismo) murmuración(chismes llenos de calumnias y difamación) idoltaría con los santeros brujos astrologos(caldeos) que hay en tus bacanales(fiestas) donde se leen las cartas(tarot) donde abunda y prospera la majadería(de la boca habla el corazón) llenas de insultos maldiciones edonismo estan llenos todos los que participan en esas reuniones ensoberbecidos vanagloriosos egoistas sin misericordía por quienes les cambiaron los pañales los alimentaron les dieron lo que hoy tienen mucho ó poco su universidad sigue en tu egosimo endiosiamiento(simple mortal eres) siendo rebelde no haciendo lo que hoy no se debe hacer reuniones fiestas vacaciones ahí estan las consecuencias hoy ahorita y biene mucho peór(niños adolecentes jovenes muriendo) entonces si recordaras las veces que se te dijo una otra y otra vez guardate quedate en casa ponte cubrebocas mascarilla usa gel antibacterial lavate las manos has comunión con la unica y verdadera salvación jesucristo su santa palabra el nuevo testamento/antiguo testamento cerrando la puerta de tu habitación arrodillandote postrandote humillandote solo ante quien te creo dio la vida misma nuestro padre jehova ofreciendole disculpas pidiendole perdón por lo que has hecho tus pecados orando es tu obligación por todos los seres humanos en la tierra buenos malos tu propia familia por ti mismo en oración leiendo esudriñando su santa palabra(manual de vida) la biblia porque lo haras cuando estes como lo están los que no quisieron oir escuchar e hiceron lo indebido que ahorita se encuentran en esos nosocomios hospitales que hoy en día son lugares llenos de crueldad donde no hay misericordía mucho menos compasión tienes dinero te llevamos a tu familiar en ambulancia y al nosocomio donde nos lo reciban no tienes dinero te lo dejamos ahi en tu morada(casa) muriendose como un perro porque los que supuestamente deberian salvar vidas e importarles el ser humano antes que el dinero son usureros lo de satanás la usura el lucrar con el mendigo menesteroso necesitado y entrando en el mismo hospital será lo mismo que con los de las ambulancias tanto tienes lo atendemos no tienes medios economicos ahí lo tendremos sufriendo muriendose si bien le va en una silla en un sillón más duro como el cemento solo hay camas para quienes tienen dinero y lo dan a todos esos médicos(as) que su prioridad deberia ser los seres humanos con ó sin dinero pero lo que hoy vemos es la manifestacón más cruel de satanás y sus demonios el lucrar con la necesidad humana despellejar al que ya no tiene nada y lo poco que tiene quitarselo e incluso endeudarlo para todos aquellos que se encuentran en los hospitales que escogieron esa profesión no por la vida humana sino por sus ambiciones desmedidas que es el mundo y lo que representa fama poder dinero(joyas inmuebles deleites ropa fina de marca lugares de lujo resorts autos etc) y que solo pueden pagar lucrando con la vida humana como en todo hay sus benditas exepciones ellos(as) no tienen que temer porque son protegidos y seguiran siendo bendecidos pero aquellos que hoy saben que han dejado de ser seres humanos y que estan endurecidos de sus corazones no les importa el ser humano hombre mujer(enfermos) solo a lo que idolatrán y se han entregado al demonio mamón(del dinero) y como él ves en sus ojos oyes sus palabras y asi de frente sin temor mucho menos compasión viendote roto y en lagrimás te lo dicen tienes dinero lo llevamos lo atendemos no tienes dinero ahí te lo dejamos no nos hagas perder el tiempo en ese mismo instante con sus smartphones en sus cinicas redes sociales donde estan viendo pornografia ó sus videos de estupides y media llena de vanagloria con grupos de narcocorridos reggeton heavy metal donde se promueve y se exalta la grocería agresividad crueldad tanto tienes tanto vales claro mientras no sean ellos y sus familiares los que se encuentren en tu mismo estado pero no busques excusas no las hay se te dijo más de una vez lo ridículo se te suplico a tí que no eres nadie por muchos doctorados y maestrías que tengas un simple ser humano quedate en tu casa ponte cubrebocas usa mascarilla ponte gel antibacterial sino te amas a ti mismo como esta claro hazlo por tus padres(quienes te dieron la vida) tu esposa(o) hijos hermanos nietos familia completa porque cuando tu llegues a casa los vas a contagiar ellos que si hicieron lo que se tiene que hacer en estos tiempos malditos(coronavirus) pero siempre lo que no es de dios haces la rebeldía desobediencia idiotes con frases como hay que exagerados, no pasa nada es una simple gripita, hay que vivir la vida, la vida se vive una sola vez, soy joven hay que disfrutar esos mismos(as) que ahorita suplican estan en agonía sufriendo ellos y a los que arrastraron todos sus familiares que estan pasando las de caín para que los atiendan para reunir el dinero incluso endeudandose soportando jetas(malas caras) suplicando a los que laboran en los hospitales atiendan salven y den informes de sus pacientes cumpliendose lo que escito esta en la biblia la paga del pecado es la muerte ahí estan las consecuencias más en estos tiempos terribles de peste(covid19) que son tiempos de prueba oración comunión con nuestro dios jesucristo/jehova buscalo mientras lo puedas hallar porque cuando te encuentres como hoy se encuentran tristemente cientos de hermanitos y hermanitas todos somos hijos de dios debatiendose entre la vida y la muerte ahora si quieres estar buscar hacer comunión escudriñar a dios y como esta escrito en la toráh me buscaras y no me hallaras por cuanto me rechasaste yo tú dios yeshua/yahweh volteare escondere mi rostro por cuanto no quisiste saber de mi cuando estabas vivo sano lo tenias todo vida salud alimento calzado morada bienes materiales hasta lujos y te invite a órar conmigo estar conmigo tu dios yahweh/yeshua y solo recibi de tí injurias insultos herejias blasfemias burlas agresiones cuando te dijo ese hermanito hermanita que te predicaba con ó sin intención de hacerlo te hablaba de mi en el agua viva la biblia(podcats hablan de ella) y mientras lo hacia te burlaste reiste escupiste y delante de todos con los que estabas les decias pinche aleluyo(a) santurrón mojigato(a) sin darte cuenta que ahí estaba yo tonto(a) necio(a) insensato(a) que te estaba diciendo clamando arrepientete buscame ven conmigo sigue la luz(jesucristo) porque tu tiempo de misericordía esta así en un abrir y cerrar de ojos de terminarse y empezar la ira de mi padre celestial el unico vivo verdadero justo y esa justicia esta por iniciar contigo ahora en esa cama de hospital intubado sin

    Coyoacán (Distrito Federal)

  • también está a unas cuadras de la estación del ado y a solo 6 cuadras de la posible estación del tren maya, lo cual seguramente será otro gran punto a favor para esta casa en ventala casa se compone de una parte colonial, que es el frente de la propiedad, y una sección más reciente en la parte posteriorpor su amplitud, la terraza tiene potencial para hacer en este espacio lo que se te ocurra and if you want even more space, this property has an added bonus: this spacious lot for sale in valladolid is right next to this house, and has colonial structures that perfectly complement this property  distribución de los espaciosla propiedad ofrece 30350 m2 de terrenoall services are available encontrar casas coloniales con lotes amplios es muy raro; esta puede ser una oportunidad única para los inversionistas que buscan construir un hotel, departamentos, finca de descanso, etcthe bathroom is spacious and full of natural light la propietaria actual es diseñadora, quien ha ido dando toques únicos a esta propiedad que la hacen muy especialeste es un amplio espacio que funciona como acceso principal y hay un biombo semi-fijo para dividir el espacio y utilizarlo como se considere conveniente: como recámara, estudio o simplemente para hacer un área común más ampliacontact us if you want more details about this propertyin addition, due to its central location in the san juan neighborhood, one of the most sought after by mexican and foreign buyers, this colonial house is a few blocks from downtown, the san bernardino de siena convent and the now famous calzada de los frailesfrom the outside it looks like just another house in the neighborhood, but inside you will be surprised by its spacious spaces, its unique details and its pleasant gardenit also has a beautiful wooden tub and an iron window overlooking the gardena garden to relax in valladolid yucatánthe garden is spacious and well-keptin this part of the house an access to the terrace has been built, which is reached by means of a staircase made of hard woods from the region and a beautiful iron door that also favors the ventilation of this roomcuenta con enormes árboles maduros y abundante vegetación que le da un toque muy selvático y agradable distribution of spacesthe property offers 303contáctanos si deseas más detalles de esta propiedadhermosa casa colonial en venta en valladolidubicada en barrio san juanesta preciosa casa colonial en venta esconde muy bien sus encantos  y si deseas aún más espacio, esta propiedad tiene una ventaja adicional: este amplio lote en venta en valladolid está justo al lado de esta casa, y cuenta con estructuras coloniales que complementan perfectamente a esta propiedadademás de su amplitud, te encantará el ventanal de hierro que se abre totalmente al jardín: es el lugar perfecto para pasar una tarde agradable con amigos o relajándose con tu libro favoritothe spacious terrace has a seating area overlooking the garden volviendo a la planta baja, después de la estancia principal se sigue un pasillo que lleva a la parte posterior y más reciente de la casaal entrar a la parte posterior de esta casa y ver el jardín a través del ventanal, es casi inevitable decir: wow!¿deseas comprobarlo por ti mismo? contáctanos para agendar una visita a esta preciosa casa colonial en venta en valladolidthere is also a mayan palapa that is currently used as a room for vacation rentals, as well as a full bathroom with a unique design: covered to avoid prying eyes, but open to take a shower overlooking the gardenthe room is quite nice and spacious and is part of the original structure of the house todos los servicios están disponibles la habitación es bastante agradable y espaciosa, y forma parte de la estructura original de la casathis part of the house is extremely spacious and includes a living room, dining room, kitchen, a second bedroom and a bathroom la espaciosa terraza cuenta con un área de descanso con vistas al jardín por fuera parece una casa más del barrio, pero por dentro te sorprenderán sus amplios espacios, sus detalles únicos y su agradable jardínthe house is made up of a colonial part, which is the front of the property, and a newer section at the backthe current owner is a designer, who has been giving unique touches to this property that make it very specialdue to its size, the terrace has the potential to do whatever comes to mind in this spaceit is also a few blocks from the ado station and only 6 blocks from the possible mayan train station, which will surely be another great point in favor for this house for saleel baño es amplio y lleno de luz naturalthe colonial part of this property for sale is a traditional masonry construction with high log ceilings that is kept in excellent conditionthis is a large space that functions as the main access and there is a semi-fixed screen to divide the space and use it as deemed convenient: as a bedroom, study or simply to make a larger common area                                                                                                       ---------- beautiful colonial house for sale in valladolidlocated in barrio san juan this beautiful colonial house for sale hides its charms very welleste jardín es sin duda uno de los puntos fuertes de la propiedadcuenta además con una bonita tina de madera y un ventanal de hierro con vistas al jardínin addition to its spaciousness, you will love the iron window that opens completely to the garden: it is the perfect place to spend a pleasant afternoon with friends or relaxing with your favorite bookthis garden is undoubtedly one of the strengths of the propertyas you enter the back of this house and see the garden through the window, it is almost inevitable to say, wow!do you want to check it out for yourself? contact us to schedule a visit to this beautiful colonial house for sale in valladolidit has huge mature trees and abundant vegetation that gives it a very jungle and pleasant touch returning to the ground floor, after the main room there is a corridor that leads to the rear and newer part of the house la parte colonial de esta propiedad en venta es una construcción tradicional de mampostería con techos altos de rollizo que se conserva en excelentes condicionesfinding colonial houses with large lots is very rare; this can be a unique opportunity for investors looking to build a hotel, apartment, farmhouse, etcesta parte de la casa es sumamente amplia e incluye sala, comedor, cocina, una segunda habitación y un baño un jardín para relajarse en valladolid yucatánel jardín es amplio y bien cuidadoademás, por su céntrica ubicación en el barrio de san juan, uno de los más buscados por compradores mexicanos y extranjeros, esta casa colonial está a pocas cuadras del centro, del convento de san bernardino de siena y de la ya famosa calzada de los frailesen esta parte de la casa se ha construido un acceso a la terraza, a la cual se llega por medio de una escalera de maderas duras de la región y una bonita puerta de hierro que además favorece la ventilación de esta habitacióntambién hay una palapa maya que actualmente se utiliza como habitación para rentas vacacionales, así como un baño completo con un diseño único: cubierto para evitar miradas indiscretas, pero abierto para darte una ducha mirando al jardín


    $ 2200000

  • this new house in the best area de puerto vallarta is very spacious and fuses contemporary style with comfort, its spaces are designed with flexibility in mind and functionality as a focus, this magnificent property meets the style demands of today, and will do so for many years to comethe bathroom in this bedroom is very elegant, spacious and modern, with very nice finishes and tempered glass, sink and walking closetbrand new house with an excellent location in fluvial vallarta, 2-levels and roof topthe 2nd and 3rd bedrooms are also very spacious, both with closets and sharing a full bathroomyou can compare similar properties and you will see!*estthis house for sale in residencial fluvial vallarta is special because in new construction and for all its qualities, its location, design and above all for its price: it is a true investment in your heritage2 car garages with gatefrancisco villa and av, francisco medina ascencio, just to 5 minutes from the beach and 10 minutes from the international airport of puerto vallartait has many wooden drawers and a cupboard, ideal for storing all kitchen itemspatio and pool: to spend time with the family, this house in residencial fluvial vallarta has a terrace and a very nice pool, there is an additional space for a nice table and umbrella, ideal for having a barbecueit has a stationary gas system88 sqft 3 bedrooms + flex room 3 bathrooms pool roof top parking for 2 cars air conditioning in bedrooms kitchen with granite countertops hydropneumatics automatic heater wooden finishes 2,800-liter tank 120-liter stationary tank location: located in fluvial vallarta, one of the most attractive zone in puerto vallarta, close to shopping malls, restaurants, parks, schools, and the avenues most important of the city, the avkitchen: the elegant and functional kitchen has granite countertops, equipped with a stove, hood and ovenprice in pesos: $7,890,000 mxn features: lot: 160 m2 / 1722bedrooms: this house in fluvial vallarta has 3 bedrooms and 1 flex room on the ground floor that can be used as a bedroom23 sqft construction: 225 m2 / 2421the house has an attractive design and a spacious and functional interior for a completely modern and pleasant family lifestylethese rooms overlook the poolthe laundry room is located on the ground floor, with enough space for a washer/dryer and storagedescription of the house: first level: this new house in fluvial vallarta consists on its first level of a bright living-dining room area, which connects to the rear terrace with pool, kitchen, flex room which can also be used as a bedroom, one full bathroom, laundry room and to the front it has parking for two carsthis beautiful integral kitchen is located next to the living and dining area, interacting perfectly, without having walls in between, which makes the ground floor a space with a great sense of spaciousnessdue to its sliding windows that communicate the main room (living room and dining room) with the patio, it is possible to have a sense of great spaciousness and freshnessthe master bedroom of almost 36m2 is incredible, it has a very high ceiling, the windows are sliding, and it has a small balcony facing the streeton the second floor there is a tv room, with enough space for a small sofa or even as a work areadelivery date: october 2022rest of the house: roof garden on the third floor, a very comfortable and functional area to enjoy a pleasant atmosphere and a beautiful view of the mountainssecond level: consists of 3 bedrooms, the main one with a balcony, dressing room and full bathroom, as well as two others each with its own closet and a shared full bathroom, and a tv room

    Puerto Vallarta (Jalisco)

    $ 394500

  • schedule an appointment right now!015 ft2, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, kitchen, service patio, air conditioning, ceiling fans  garage for 1 car unfurnished  house description: the social area of the dining room is very comfortable for gatherings with family and friends, it has a full kitchen with plenty of storage spaceit is perfect for families looking for nearby services and tranquility in a comfortable placecomfortable one level housethe house is equipped with air conditioning in the social area and in one of the bedrooms, additionally it has ceiling fansthis house for sale has 2 comfortable bedrooms and 1 full bathroom, as well as a service patio75 ft2, construction: 55 m2 / 592the whole house has blacksmithing on the windowslocation: the location is optimal, it is a very quiet and safe place, it is close to schools, main avenues and close to places of interest such as supermarkets, shopping malls, beach, airport and bus station, as well as various convenience storesfeatures: lot: 90 m2 / 968the garage for 1 car and the terrace are equipped with a porcelain tile floor

    Puerto Vallarta (Jalisco)

    $ 1790000

  • 5 bathrooms tv room, dining room and fitted kitchen spacious garden and palapa 2 car garages with electric gate  this 2-level house features a double height entry that gives a feeling of spaciousness, its hall has an attractive wall of stone arches drowned in cement, its wide spaces invite you to share moments with your family and enjoy its different areas surrounded by large windows that allow natural light to enterthis spacious traditional-style hose for sale is located in colonia ojo de agua, its located in the corner, its perfect for families looking for nearby services and tranquility in a comfortable spacejust 10 minutes from the beach and 20 minutes from the airport and the malecón puerto vallartaits garden and terrace will allow you to spend pleasant and relaxing moments or to spend time with family and friendsor if you prefer, the garden is large enough to build a nice poolgarden and terrace: a large garden with 2 sections and a lot of vegetation which makes it a pleasant space to hang out, as well as a terrace with a palapa with ample space to enjoy, relax or spend time with family and friendsthe house has a perimeter fence and protective meshfeatures: lot: 417 m2 (4488location:located en colonia ojo de agua in puerto vallarta, very close to two of the main avenues, such as francisco villa and fluvial vallarta that connect with the main points of interest in the destination, such as shopping centers, services, schools and hospitalsthe master bedroom has bathroom with tub and closet, the other two bedrooms share a bathroom, all bedrooms with air conditioning and flex room or tv roomgarden with space for pool and terrace with palapa with additional bathroombedrooms: 3 bedrooms with balconyrest of the house:this house has the option to grow above the garage since it has the necessary supports and foundations for one more room37 sq ft) 3 bedrooms with balcony + flex room 2it has a double height entrance, half bathroom, tv room, living room with access to the garden, dining room, kitchen, laundry room that connects with the garagekitchen: spacious fitted kitchen with granite bar and breakfast bar, has a pantry with wooden doors, double sink and stovelaundry room: it connects to the kitchen and has direct access to the garage, ample space for a washer and dryer55 sq ft) construction: 278 m2 (2992additional the house has: spring wood finishes hydropneumatic 2,500-liter cistern stationary gas tank automatic heaterdescription:this house has a hallway at the entrance that connects to the terrace of the tv room and in turn to the garden and on the other side to the 2-car garage with electric gate

    Puerto Vallarta (Jalisco)

    $ 6095000

  • features: 2 bedrooms 1 bathroom patio living room and dining room kitchen parking lot  second floor: the second floor only has one apartment of 150m2 of constructionsee renderings of the facade specially designed for the property for illustration purposes only, the price of the house does not include any improvements or remodeling and it is sold as isgeneral features: 3 apartments with independent access 7 bedrooms 5 bathrooms 2 parking lots 350 m2 of construction  location: the house has an excellent location, is in the corner of the block, very close there are schools, restaurants, parks and morethis property for sale is very spacious and has an excellent location for investment, just a 5 minute from vidanta! its an excellent investment opportunity for renting their three apartments or modifying the ground floor and adding 2 commercial premises of approx excellent business opportunity, don't think twice! *merely illustrative images of the remodeling proposal are included**the sale price doesn´t include any improvementsvidanta: 5 minutes access to the beach: 8 minutes airport: 10 minutes  description of the house: this property for sale has 3 apartments, 2 in the first floor and one more in the second floorfeatures: 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms spacious kitchen with kitchen island spacious living room and dining room balcony  rest of the house: the roof terrace has a construction of approximately 60 m2 that can be arranged as a roof garden18 m² each (thus being 1 apartment, 2 small apartments and 2 commercial premises)the house offers excellent potential and great versatility, if you choose to remodel its interiors as well as its façade, you can turn it into a magnificent contemporary style housefirst floor: on the first floor there are two apartments with access independent, both apartments are totally the same, each one with 75m2 of construction

    Puerto Vallarta (Jalisco)

    $ 3449000

  • the hotel occupies 10 meters in front by approximately 40 meters in the background, and on the left side there is a restaurant of about 10 meters in front by 20 meters in the background, leaving an empty space behind the restaurantlegal matter of the property, the hotel was inherited for the children, said inheritance being in orderif there is interest, you can acquire the hotel and a contract to tie the other party to the restaurant (promise of sale so that as soon as the intestate is fulfilled, proceed to the definitive contract and liquidate it)the total price is 35 million pesos, 23 for the hotel and 12 for the restaurant and the rest of the landit is not currently in operation as a hotel, but it has hotel land use, commercial premises and restaurant permits, all permits must be updated for useas for the restaurant and the rest of the property, it was left intestate and is in the process of being transferred to the name of the childrenthis hotel is built on a plot of land 20 meters wide by 40 meters deep, totaling 800 m2hotel for sale in the heart of the town of isla mujeres, one hundred meters from the caribbean sea, 200 meters from the main pier to access the island, and 300 meters from the beautiful and famous north beachthis hotel has 25 rooms on three levels and a commercial space on the ground floor

    Isla Mujeres (Quintana Roo)

    $ 35000000

  • preciosa casa totalmente amueblada ubicada en un bonito fraccionamiento a solo 5 minutos del centro de la ciudadcuenta con un pequeño balcón que le dá un toque de elegancia a la fachadait has a small balcony that gives a touch of elegance to the facadeon the first level there is a living room, dining room, kitchen and bathroom as well as a spacious and useful room on the ground floor that could also be used as a study_______________________________________________________________________beautiful fully furnished house located in a beautiful neighborhood just 5 minutes from the city centerestacionamiento para un automóvil y área de lavadoconstrucción 188 m2 en el segundo nivel tiene recámara principal con baño y dos recámaras secundarias que comparten otro bañoen el primer nivel cuenta con sala, comedor, cocina y baño completo así como una amplia y útil habituación en planta baja que bien se pudiera utilizar también como estudioparking for one car and laundry areaconstruction 2,023on the second level there is a master bedroom with bathroom and two secondary bedrooms that share another bathroom

    Ensenada (Baja California)

    $ 15500

  • at the back there is a small construction for a bathroom and another room, also as a utility roomthis is a house of opportunity to live very comfortablyesta es una casa de oportunidad para poder vivir muy comodamenteenglishopportunity to acquire a property in one of the most sought after areas of pátzcuaroen la parte trasera tiene una pequeña construcción para un baño y otra habitación, también como cuarto de serviciohouse for sale on 1 level and with a large garden in the back and very nice planters in the frontthe house has a very nice kitchen, living room and dining room, as well as 2 bathrooms and 2 bedrooms with closetcasa en venta en 1 solo nivel y con amplio jardín en la parte trasera y muy bonitas jardineras en la parte delanterala casa cuenta con una cocina muy bonita, sala y comedor, además de 2 baños y 2 recámaras con closetcod: cv283 españoloportunidad de adquirir una propiedades en una de las zonas más buscadas de pátzcuaro


    $ 1650000

  • it is a room for childrens parties that can also be used as a nursery (current use), hostel, school, church and moregran oportunidad de inversión por las amplias posibilidades que tienewith equipped childrens play area construction area 1,560767 ft²land area 4,305el salón cuenta con cocina baño de hombres y de mujeres (con excusado para niño) cuatro cajones de estacionamiento!! que no te ganen esta gran oportunidad de invertirit is located on the corner of the villas del mar neighborhoodon the main street there is a 24m2 store with a separate bathroom!! dont let them win this great opportunity to investes un salón para fiestas infantiles que también se puede usar como guardería (uso actual) albergue, escuela, iglesia y más564ft² price $2,595,000excelente propiedad en venta ubicada en calle principalprecio $2,595,000se encuentra en esquina en la colonia villas del marpor la calle principal tiene un local de 24m2 con baño independientecon área de juegos infantiles equipadathe living room has a kitchen, a mens bathroom and a womens bathroom (with a childs toilet), four parking spacesschedule your appointment as soon as possible!!!agenda tu cita cuanto antes!!!_________________________________________________________________great investment opportunity due to the wide possibilities it hassuperficie de terreno 400 m2excellent property for sale located on main streetsuperficie de construcción en total son 145 m2

    Ensenada (Baja California)

    $ 2595000

  • in the municipality there are 6 cenotes, of which the most important are: bohchen, hu - can - ha and popolathe entrance to the farm is located on the same highway with two small concrete towersthree good size bedroomscistern as a water reservoir,vane, water pumpsin a magnificent land of 37,000 m2 accompanied by more than 350 leafy fruit trees with a wide variety of fruitsof the house with a wooden door with glass and barred windowsorography and hydrographyin general it has a flat orography, it does not have relevant rugged areas; its soils are composed of steep rocks, its use is livestock, forestry and agriculture a magnificent living room that can serve as an office, library or large bedroomthe municipality belongs to the so-called henequen area of yucatanmedium sized kitchencellarcansahcab means in the mayan language the place of the 4 caves of white land, as it derives from the words, can, 4 and sahcab, white landthe farm: it has feeding channels for animals,well water,vane for obtaining water, noria,electric power,2 hectares of drip irrigation9 its hydrological resources are provided mainly by underground currents; which are very common in the statethe farm is located just 40 minutes and 50 km from the city of mérida traveling through the magnificent federal highway to tiziminlobbyterraces on the back of the house with a good-sized pool in front of lush vegetationbalconiesthe site is located four kilometers west of the town on a local road that passes through the towns cemetery and ends at the arch of the ukaha farm, from where there is a source of mineralized water with rare fish species that connect to two underground cenotes that adjoin archaeological ruins8 the municipality belongs to the yucatán norte hydrological regionplaces of interest    ex-convent of san francisco de asís, built in the 17th century    chapel of santa cruz    temple of san francisco de asís    the aerolitefinca texán has a beautiful house that preserves the façade of the hull of a very old hacienda which was used to build a house of 470 m2, with thick walls, high ceilings, good-sized rooms, a very large terrace in which there is a pond-type pool where you can enjoy the wide view and vegetation that the land offers allowing you to feel the most absolute silence and tranquility, listen to the song of the birds and the passage of the wind and listen to the expressions of naturethe flat dirt road that leads to the house and its patios is surrounded by leafy trees that give shade and darkness to the area, adorned with a simple and beautiful circular fountain and then a beautiful stone staircase that gives access to the main roomthe municipality borders to the north with the municipalities of yobaín, sinanché and dzidzantún; to the south with suma and teya; to the east with temax and to the west with motulone hectare with wall and cyclonic meshmore than 350 fruit trees among them: lemon, sour orange, mamey, sweet orange,chico sapote, gauayaba, avocado, chiabal plum, lime, black sapote, gauanabana, mango, grapefruit, saramuyo, anona, nance, cucumberthe house consists of: a large room for living and dining room


    $ 6190000

  • living room kitchendining room2 bathroomscentral patioservice yard with storage room}parking for one car (which can be used as a commercial space) cr61españolcasa en renta en el centro de patzcuaro, ubicada a una cuadra de la plazuela de san francisco, en una de las principales calles de la ciudad, construida en dos niveles esta casa cuenta con un amplio espacio que puede ser utilizado como local comercial ya que es una calle de mucha afluencia peatonal, cercana a escuelas, mercado, plazas principales, iglesias, esta distribuida en los siguientes espacios:3 recámaras, ( la principal con amplio closet y baño completo)sala cocinacomedor2 bañospatio centralpatio de servicio con bodeguita}estacionamiento para un auto (que puede funcionar como local comercial)englishhouse for rent in downtown patzcuaro, located one block from san francisco square, in one of the main streets of the city, built on two levels this house has a large space that can be used as commercial space as it is a busy pedestrian street, close to schools, market, main squares, churches, is distributed in the following spaces:3 bedrooms, (the main one with large closet and full bathroom)


    $ 14500

  • on the first level it has:1 bedroom 1 full bathroom 1 laundry area 1 bedroom inside the apartment with full bathroomliving room kitchen dining room kitchenette space for one caron the second level:1 large bedroom with balcony and bathroomliving room dining room integral kitchen art studio with kitchenetteterrace with fireplace    this magnificent property is built on two levels, with traditional finishes of the region such as wooden beams, tile, clay tile floors, in addition to modern finishes for your total comfort, where you can enjoy its beautiful garden, terrace with fireplace and a beautiful space for art workshop, for its distribution can enjoy a full house room on the second level and on the first rent to your friends or family, as it is suitable as a complete apartment esta magnífica propiedad esta construida en dos niveles, con acabos tradicionales de la region como son vigas de madera, teja, pisos de baldosa de barro, además de contar con acabados modernos para su total comodidad, donde usted podra disfrutar de su bello jardin, terraza con chimenea y un bello espacio para taller de arte, por su distribucion puede disfrutar de una casa habitacion completa en el segundo nivel y en el primero rentar a su amigos o familiares, ya que esta adecuado como un departamento completoen el primer nivel cuenta con:1 recámara 1 baño completo 1 area de lavado 1 recámara dentro del departamento con baño completosala cocina comedor cocineta espacio para un autoen el segundo nivel:1 recámara amplia con balcon y baño completosala comedor cocina integral taller de arte con cocinetaterraza con chimenea  english:house for sale in the center of patzcuaro, two blocks from the main square (vasco de quiroga), museum of popular arts and basilica of our lady of healthcv358español:casa en venta en el centro de pátzcuaro, a dos cuadras de la plaza principal (vasco de quiroga), museo de artes populares y basilica de nuestra sra


    $ 349000

  • com/spaparaninasmexico/<br><br>¡a tus ordenes! ?<br><br>cotización instantanea aquí: <br>https://api??spa para niñas???<br>#spaparaniñas<br>contrata el mejor servicio de "spa para niñas a domicilio" con todas las precauciones y medidas sanitarias necesariasmx ?<br>5511463213 whatsapp y movíl ?<br>50235717 oficina <br>facebook:<br><br>https://www<br>¡estamos capacitados para atenderte cuidando tú salud! <br> ¡contamos con las mejores ofertas y promociones!<br>??tenemos:<br>? #tematicaunicornio <br>? #tematicadistroller <br>? #tematicapijamada<br>? #animalparty<br>? #fiestasinfantiles<br>? #showpayasos<br>? #animadorasinfantiles<br>? #pintacaritas<br>?#karaoke<br>? #discotecainfantil<br>? #taquizas<br>? #regalosyflores<br>totalmente gratis??<br><br>contacto:<br>wwwcom/send?phone=525511463213 para obtener una promoción o un descuento preguntar por: jesús castro

    Alvaro Obregón Distrito Federal (Distrito Federal)

    $ 2499

  • as well as a small discreet bathroom in the terrace areaprivileged location, within reach of all services for a pleasant quality of lifethe house has 4 bedrooms + flexfeatures: great investment option with high profitability controlled access with 24/7 security common areas with pool it has 7 a / c units and ceiling fans lot: 3285just a few steps from beaches where you can enjoy wonderful sunsetsalso, half bath for visitors in the living roomcurrently this house is one of the largest within the complex with an area of 4843enjoy your new home overlooking the golf course in a gated community with 24hour security and swimming pools in the common area, with a green environmentideal for lovers of navigation, it has a yacht club, with more than 400 unitsmarina vallarta is an exclusive residential area, popular for its elegant luxury hotels, proximity to beaches, various bars, restaurants, spas, among other serviceson the fourth level you will find a laundry service area with 1 bedroom, 1 small bathroom and a / cremodeled facade and interior painted whiteand a kitchen and a bar where you can share a pleasant time with your loved ones76 sq ft of construction and 328546 sq st construction: 484346 sq ft of land, with an exact distribution to enjoy each spaceyou will also find 1 bedroom with full bathroom and a / cexcellent investment opportunity in puerto vallarta, jaliscoin addition to this, a nice functional flex-type space for library, office or living room, with window, a / c, ceiling fanon the third level you will find a spacious master bedroom with dressing room, a / c, and ceiling fan, 1 spacious full bathroom with jacuzzi and terrace overlooking the golf course76 sq ft 4 bedrooms + 1 flex + service area 5 full bathrooms (2 with jacuzzi) 2 half bathrooms garden and terraces overlooking the golf course living room - dining room with large spaces unfurniture pet friendly amenities: paved access malls urban zone parking lot colleges / universities pool residential area access to beaches green areas golf course yate club distribution on the first level you will find a large, illuminated space to rest, which includes a large living-dining room, which a harmonious environment with a warm light provides a feeling of tranquilityon the second level you will find 1 bedroom with a / c and ceiling fan, 1 full bathroom with jacuzzi outside the room and a pleasant terrace overlooking the complexon the same story you will find a second bedroom with dressing room, a / c and ceiling fan, with 1 full bathroom off the room, it has a terrace and sliding door with a privileged view of the golf course if you are looking for added value, rest and security, this home is for you!the harmony of its surroundings will surprise you at every stepthis connects through the sliding doors to a pleasant terrace with a garden and a wonderful view of the golf course to relax with family and friends

    Puerto Vallarta (Jalisco)

    $ 480000

  • superficie total: 187in the front the corridors and the patio are cemented and in the back we can find the backyard with a small gardenthis cozy house is located in a very quiet area with very easy and agile access to all parts of the city, just one block from the promising plaza senderorental price $: 11,000 plus 11,000 depositcasa en renta en colonia industrialen la parte frontal los pasillos y el patio están encementados y en la parte trasera podemos encontrar el patio trasero con un pequeño  jardínthe entire property is in excellent condition, very comfortable, warm and airy and is rented fully furnished, ready to move into_______________________________________________________________________________house for rent in colonia industrialthe house is fenced and barred, it has an entrance for a carla casa esta bardeada y enrejada, cuenta con entrada para un carrothe house has two floors, on the ground floor we have the living room, half bathroom, dining room, kitchen and laundry area; on the upper floor we find 2 bedrooms, the master bedroom with a walking closet and a full bathroom, as well as a comfortable and beautiful anteroomesta acogedora casa se encuentra en una zona muy tranquila de muy fácil y ágil acceso a todas partes de la ciudad, a solo una cuadra de la prometedora plaza senderoconstruction area: 120 m2la casa consta de dos pisos, en planta baja tenemos la sala, medio baño, comedor, cocina y área de lavar; en la planta alta encontramos 2 recamaras, la recamara principal con walking closet y baño completo, además una cómoda y bonita antesalasuperficie de construcción: 120 m2toda la propiedad está en excelente estado de conservación, muy cómoda, cálida  ventilada y se renta completamente amueblada, lista para habitarlaprecio de renta$: 11,000 más 11,000 de depósito

    Ensenada (Baja California)

    $ 11000

  • zhejiang is one of the most developed and dynamic regions in china, and it is also a veritable private economic province with a developed market, sufficient private capital, and strong economic vitality, providing a good economic foundation for the development of zhejiangs cultural creativity and tourism industryat the same time, zhejiang is also a major cultural province and a major tourist provincelatin american culture is a "hybrid" culture or a "hybrid" cultureit has a strong cultural heritage and excellent cultural traditions, and abundant natural tourism and cultural tourism resourcesit is good at introducing and absorbing the latest achievements of other culturesespecially since it was listed as a comprehensive pilot province for the national cultural system reform in 2003, its culture has been softthe strength has improved significantly, and zhejiang has a good foundation for the development of cultural creativity and creative tourism industryit has a great affinity and strong fusion power, thus creating a latin american cultural and creative industry with its own distinctive characteristics<br>the joint support unit of this cloud exhibition specially arranged five lectures in the field of cultural creativity and creative tourismsimultaneous development of openness and innovation is the foundation for the prosperity and development of cultural creativity and creative tourism in latin americalatin america cultural creativity and creative tourism service special<br><br>in order to strengthen the exchanges and mutual learning between zhejiang's cultural and creative industries and tourism and latin america, and stimulate the vitality of the zhejiang cultural, creative and tourism international market, the 2021 zhejiang service trade cloud exhibition (latin american cultural and creative and creative tourism services) will open on the online zoom platform on october 26latin america and the caribbean is rich in cultural and natural heritagethe cuban national tourism administration and the cuban consulate in shanghai were invited to give lectures on the theme of "china-cuban cultural tourism market exchange", and invited the national autonomous university of mexico, professionals from supporting units such as the national museum of argentina, the gabriela mistral cultural center of chile, and the zhejiang cultural and creative association have revolved around "the inheritance of art-ancient inca culture in modern life" and "art treasures from pampas-argentina "ancient culture (before the 16th century)", "the integration of chilean traditional culture and the cultural and creative market", "zhejiang songyun culture's cultural innovation height" and other topics to share and exchangethe project has received strong support from the cuban national tourism administration, the cuban consulate general in shanghai, the national art museum of argentina, the borges cultural center of argentina, the cultural center of chile, and the national autonomous university of mexico<br>during this period when the global epidemic is spreading, the zhejiang provincial department of commerce has been committed to mutual assistance and cooperation among international sister cities to help zhejiang enterprises go outthere are 131 sites recorded on the world heritage list, and many latin american writers are well-known around the worldcreative tourism industry

    Cerro de San Pedro (San Luis Potosi)

    $ 1

  • 333,66 94,79m2 r$: 1uma escolha que torna mais convidativos e agradáveis os diversos ambientes do empreendimentoo deck integrado à piscina permite confraternizações entre amigos e familiares em um ambiente confortável e sombreado, e os lounges externos junto ao salão de festas promovem o convívio social, contemplando um mirante para usufruir da bela vista ao maciço verde da praça vizinha ao empreendimento141 - cri 4a zona área do terreno: 2tabela de outubro de 2021 unidade 65,65m2 a partir de r$: previsão de entrega julho de 2024200m²; torres: 1; unidades: 111; pavimentos: 19; elevadores: 4 monta carga por pavimento: 1; suítes: até 3; vagas: 2 ou 3 *valor total precificado na tabela vigente do mês de julho de 2021844,57 98,36m2 r$: 1todas trazem o conforto e estrutura fluida para você ganhar espaçotudo isso permeado pela vegetação com diferentes cores e texturas que proporcionam sensação de bem-estar e melhor qualidade de vidamatricula no 4879,90m2 r$: 920966,75 126,92m2 r$: 1937,24 código: 50viva todas as possibilidades a cada uma das 5 tipologias(65,65m² | 79,90m² | 94,79m² | 98,36m² | 126,92m²) se adequa aos mais exigentes gostos, atendendo diferentes necessidade e estilosalém da arquitetura moderna presente em todo o projeto, com traços temáticos da natureza na sua área comum o paisagismo recepciona moradores e visitantes em uma charmosa e generosa praça que se mistura ao hall socialum clássico em estética moderna, com destaque para o jardim suspenso de três andares em continuidade com a praça das flores, sendo um projeto arquitetônica para nossa cidade visando a sinergia e integração com a praça das flores, para isso a ideia foi criar uma edificação que demonstrasse uma extensão da praça, principalmente nos materiais utilizados na fachada do empreendimento


    $ 920333

  • floor plan is flexible and can be adapted to your needs flooring type: ceramic tile devices: air conditioning: mini-split title: fideicomiso: monex electricity: cfe water: muni sewage: common plant hoa info: hoa name: casa adobe hoa; dues amount: 148; dues period: month price (usd): 158,482   mls 21-3455 la unidad puede ser modificada en base al uso y necesidades de los propietarios a unique community that is built in one of the most internationally recognized luxury destinations: los cabos, mexico, located in a residential area with high purchasing power, el tezalfunctional one bedroom condo that belongs to a wellness and sustainable master-planned community with functional designs for better use of spacethis one bedroom offers modern style and finishes, sustainable building materials, sunset views, mountains, and the fantastic activity in the central park56 decks/patios m2: 866 total bedrooms: 1 full baths: 1 1/2 bath: 1 year built: 2022 furnished: unfurnished primary view: local secondary view: territory style: 1 level floor number: 2 stories: 3 # units in develop:   total rooms:   garage stalls:   carport: 1 car parking on property: 1 space mstr plan community: yes   unit details: deck/terrace; pet friendly: yes common amenities: fence; fire pit; garden; gym; kiddy park; picnic area; pool; security guard; tennis court constructiontambién atractivo como una unidad de alquiler para la actividad orientada a los inquilinos de vacacionesesta moderna y compacta unidad de un dormitorio está orientada a los servicios del parque central y a las montañas del oeste  onstruction: pre-construction seller financing offered?: yes total m2: 79las puestas de sol desde aquí son increíblesa separate room could be customized as: a full-bathroom or half bath with a laundry room also storage76 total sqft: 858sustainable features: garbage separation (recycling), super adobe - sustainable structure (reduce the transmission of temperature and sound), soil improvement, solar panels - bioclimatic design, hot water, energy product8,500 square meters of a central park filled with a range of activities for any age, community shopping mall, and restaurantscasa adobe is a project that from its beginning has sought to be a unique community, offering an environmentally friendly housing optionfuncional condominio de un dormitorio que pertenece a una comunidad planificada de bienestar y sostenible con diseños funcionales para un mejor uso del espacio take the chance to choose the variety of finishes that go with your style to customize the interior design of your new condocasa adobe es una comunidad unica que está construida en uno de los destinos internacionales más lujosos: los cabos, méxico, ubicado en un área residencial con alto poder adquisitivo, el tezalalso attractive as a rental unit for activity oriented vacation renterscaracterísticas sostenibles: separación de la basura (reciclaje), super adobe - estructura sostenible (reducir la transmisión de la temperatura y el sonido), la mejora del suelo, paneles solares - diseño bioclimático, agua caliente, producto energético8plan de piso es flexible y se puede adaptar a sus necesidadessunsets from here are amazing500 metros cuadrados de un parque central lleno de actividades para cualquier edad, centro comercial comunitario y restaurantes24 decks/patios sqft: 88una habitación separada podría ser personalizada como: un baño completo o medio baño con una sala de lavandería también el almacenamientounidad muy atractiva para una pareja o una persona sola con tantas comodidadesunit can be modified based on the owners use and needsesta habitación ofrece un estilo y acabados modernos, materiales de construcción sostenibles, vistas al atardecer, a las montañas y a la fantástica actividad del parque centralthis modern compact one bedroom unit faces the central park amenities and the mountains to the westvery attractive unit for a couple or single person with so many amenitiesaproveche la oportunidad de elegir la variedad de acabados que van con su estilo para personalizar el diseño interior de su nuevo condominio


    $ 158452

  • <br>---no pets--- maximum 3 people i accept children<br>estacionamiento techado para un auto( es compartido)<br>tiene calentador solar y eléctrico, además de cisterna<br>information at 951 171 8891 with elizabeth<br>---no mascotas--- maximo 3 personas acepto niños<br>the rent is $7,500 including water, electricity, cable and internet service and a $7,500 deposit<br>covered parking for one car (shared)<br>it has a solar and electric heater, as well as a cistern<br>la renta es de $ 7,500 incluye servicio de agua, luz, cable e internet y depósito de $ 7,500<br>contrato mínimo de 6 meses<br>--- sin amueblar ----<br>cuenta con 2 cuartos chicos (en una tiene base y cama matrimonial ), cocina integral con estufa y campana, es´pacio para sala y patio de servicio con lavadora incluidarento mini departamento en san felipe del agua<br>lugar tranquilo, y muy seguro<br>contract minimum of 6 months<br>--- without furniture ----<br>it has 2 small rooms (on a base and a double bed), a full kitchen with stove and hood, space for a living room and a service patio with a washing machine included<br>informacion al 951 171 8891 con elizabeth<br>i rent a mini apartment in san felipe del agua<br>quiet place, and very safe

    Oaxaca de Juárez (Oaxaca)

    $ 7500

  • the ground floor consists of a living room, dining room, kitchen, service patio and a secondary bedroom with its bathroom), robo y servicios de reparación extra¡¡gratis!!oportunidad de vivir en el corazón de pátzcuarocondición construcción: buenaclave interna: cv271beautiful house for sale in the los nogales neighborhood in pátzcuarovery well maintained house, with luxury wood finishes in much of the house, stairs, kitchen, etccasa muy bien cuidada, con acabados de lujo en madera en gran parte de la casa, en escaleras, cocina, etcthe upper floor consists of the main bedroom with its 2 wooden dressing rooms for the couple, as well as a very spacious, comfortable and tasteful bathroomcuenta con cochera techada para dos autos y un patio techado con un poco de césped artificial, una de las partes más acogedoras de la casait has a covered garage for two cars and a covered patio with some artificial grass, one of the most welcoming parts of the househermosa casa en venta en la colonia los nogales en pátzcuaroen planta baja consta sala, comedor, cocina, patio de servicio y una recámara secundaria con su baño completola planta alta consta de la recámara principal con sus 2 vestidores de madera para la pareja, además de un baño muy amplio, cómodo y de buen gusto), theft and extra repair servicesfree!!opportunity to live in the heart of pátzcuarocod: cv271españolal comprar este inmueble regalamos un seguro contra daños (inundaciones, explosiones, rayo, etcenglishwhen buying this property we give an insurance against damage (floods, explosions, lightning, etcall the services so that you can live very comfortably with your family are just a few steps from your hometodos los servicios para que puedan vivir muy cómodamente en familia están a unos cuantos pasos de su casa


    $ 3300000

  • prior appointment 24 hours beforeprevia cita 24 horas antescódigo: cr66español:casa en renta  amueblada, sobre  avenida principal lazaro cardenas,  ubicada en un área tranquila a unos pasos de la plaza getrudris bocanegra (plaza chica) centro de pátzcuaro, con acabados rústicos coloniales, rodeada de áreas verdes donde podrá lograr un descanso confortable,  cuenta con espacios amplios de  excelente  distribución y confort, así como una gran terraza con vista al centro y avenidaincludes: 2 bedroomsliving roomstudio kitchendining room 2 bathrooms2 parking spacesterracelaundry area  it has excellent communication routes to downtown, the lake and its shore, morelia and uruapan, in addition to its proximity to schools, shopping and servicescuenta con excelentes vías de comunicación al centro de la ciudad, al lago y su ribera, a morelia y uruapan, además de su cercanía a escuelas, centros comerciales y de serviciosincluye: 2 recámarassalaestudio cocinacomedor 2 baños2 espacios de estacionamientoterrazaárea de lavadoenglishhouse for rent furnished, on main avenue lázaro cárdenas main avenue, located in a quiet area a few steps from gertrudis bocanegra square (plaza chica) downtown patzcuaro, with rustic colonial finishes, surrounded by green areas where you can achieve a comfortable rest, has large spaces of excellent distribution and comfort, as well as a large terrace overlooking the center and avenue


    $ 20000

  • <br>carton size: 33x18x33cm<br>- 5<br>carton size: 29x18x30cm<br>whatsapp/telegram: +86 18856235206<br>wickr: sumkoka04<br>mail: skj666@sumkokathere are professional technical staff who specialize in researching disposable products without pfas , heavy metal or toxic substances<br><br>q5: do you provide samples? is it free or extra?<br>a: yes, we can offer free samples, you just need to collect the freight costcom<br>hefei sumkoka environmental technology cosumkoka can satisfy customers demands in logo printing, customizable sizes, large quantities in short term5 inch fork: 162x33mm, 3<br><br>q3: what's your payment terms?<br>a: generally 50-70% deposit paid before production, 50-30% balance paid before shipping (it depends on the specific order amount )5 inch/ 165x27mm<br>weight: 3<br>carton size: 34x15x24we aim to provide environmentally friendly solutions to our earth, also the helpful guidance to your green businesswe will provide you with first-class service<br><br>faq<br>q1: what's your main products?<br>a: biodegradable tableware, mainly are in sugarcane, wood and bamboowas established in 2012, with about ten-year exporting experience in eco tableware and paper packing fieldscutlery disposal,<br><br>description:<br>the compostable bagasse cutlery utensil is made of organic and renewable natural fiber material from sugarcane pulp called bagasse<br><br>q4: can i customize on the products or package?<br>a: yes, we accept customization requirements on product size, logo, package and so on<br><br>specifications:<br>place of origin: anhui, china<br>brand name:sumkoka<br>model number: csk65<br>moq: 100000pcs<br>material: sugarcane/ bagasse<br>application: home, restaurant, hotel, bar, wedding<br>design style: minmalist, novelty, classic, morden luxury<br>usage: flatware, ice cream, meat, fruit, cake, soup<br>feature: disposable, sustainable, stocked, food contact safe<br>printing/embossed logo: acceptable<br>oem/odm: customized logo or color print available<br>certificates: ce / eu<br>superiority: 100% biodegradable<br>color: nature or unbleached<br>size: 6these eco friendly disposable knife, forks and spoons are very sturdy and durable, perfect for picnics, barbeques, camping, parties and other indoor outdoor activitiesyou can wholesale knives, forks, spoons individually or in setscutlery disposable cutlery sugarcane cutlery sugarcane fork keywords: cutlery set,biodegradable cutlery,bagass cutlery,disposable cutlery, spoon fork knife cutlery, bagasse cutlery, sugarcane cutlery set, sugarcane cutlery, sugarcane spoon, sugarcane knife, sugarcane fork5 inch knife: 165x27mm, 3<br><br>q6: what is the standard production time for each order?<br>a: usually, the production time for each order is around 25 days, but the actual time will be subject to the order quantity, packaging way and busy season etc5g<br>200 pcs / bag, 10 bags / carton, 2000 pcs/ ctn; also can be customizedthe eco-friendly collection by sumkoka uses only fully organic, earth-friendly materials to produce productsour product range covers disposable sugarcane bagasse products, paper packaging products, paper food containers, paper bags, plastic lids set and so on<br><br>the reason for choosing sumkoka as a steady supplier:<br> 1<br><br>q2: what price terms are acceptable?<br>a: it's up to you, but we prefer fob and cif price terms5g<br>type: knife, fork, spoon, cutlery set<br><br>packaging details:<br>- 6as a company of integration of industry and trade, sumkoka surely possesses advantages of both factory and trade companywe are always on line even though the time difference, so pls contact us freecompetitive and favorable price has been always quoted by our team just for expecting the long cooperation among customers from all over the world5 inch spoon: 141x35mm, 4g<br>200 pcs / bag, 10 bags / carton, 2000 pcs/ ctn; also can be customized

    Acolman (México)

    $ 1

  • <br>carton size: 33x18x33cm<br>- 5<br>carton size: 29x18x30cm<br>whatsapp/telegram: +86 18856235206<br>wickr: sumkoka04<br>mail: skj666@sumkokathere are professional technical staff who specialize in researching disposable products without pfas , heavy metal or toxic substances<br><br>q5: do you provide samples? is it free or extra?<br>a: yes, we can offer free samples, you just need to collect the freight costcom<br>hefei sumkoka environmental technology cosumkoka can satisfy customers demands in logo printing, customizable sizes, large quantities in short term5 inch fork: 162x33mm, 3<br><br>q3: what's your payment terms?<br>a: generally 50-70% deposit paid before production, 50-30% balance paid before shipping (it depends on the specific order amount )5 inch/ 165x27mm<br>weight: 3<br>carton size: 34x15x24we aim to provide environmentally friendly solutions to our earth, also the helpful guidance to your green businesswe will provide you with first-class service<br><br>faq<br>q1: what's your main products?<br>a: biodegradable tableware, mainly are in sugarcane, wood and bamboowas established in 2012, with about ten-year exporting experience in eco tableware and paper packing fieldscutlery disposal,<br><br>description:<br>the compostable bagasse cutlery utensil is made of organic and renewable natural fiber material from sugarcane pulp called bagassecutlery disposable cutlery bagasse cutlery bagasse spoon keywords: cutlery set,biodegradable cutlery,bagass cutlery,disposable cutlery, spoon fork knife cutlery, bagasse cutlery, sugarcane cutlery set, sugarcane cutlery, sugarcane spoon, sugarcane knife, sugarcane fork<br><br>q4: can i customize on the products or package?<br>a: yes, we accept customization requirements on product size, logo, package and so on<br><br>specifications:<br>place of origin: anhui, china<br>brand name:sumkoka<br>model number: csk65<br>moq: 100000pcs<br>material: sugarcane/ bagasse<br>application: home, restaurant, hotel, bar, wedding<br>design style: minmalist, novelty, classic, morden luxury<br>usage: flatware, ice cream, meat, fruit, cake, soup<br>feature: disposable, sustainable, stocked, food contact safe<br>printing/embossed logo: acceptable<br>oem/odm: customized logo or color print available<br>certificates: ce / eu<br>superiority: 100% biodegradable<br>color: nature or unbleached<br>size: 6these eco friendly disposable knife, forks and spoons are very sturdy and durable, perfect for picnics, barbeques, camping, parties and other indoor outdoor activitiesyou can wholesale knives, forks, spoons individually or in sets<br><br>q6: what is the standard production time for each order?<br>a: usually, the production time for each order is around 25 days, but the actual time will be subject to the order quantity, packaging way and busy season etc5 inch knife: 165x27mm, 35g<br>200 pcs / bag, 10 bags / carton, 2000 pcs/ ctn; also can be customizedthe eco-friendly collection by sumkoka uses only fully organic, earth-friendly materials to produce productsour product range covers disposable sugarcane bagasse products, paper packaging products, paper food containers, paper bags, plastic lids set and so on<br><br>the reason for choosing sumkoka as a steady supplier:<br> 1<br><br>q2: what price terms are acceptable?<br>a: it's up to you, but we prefer fob and cif price terms5g<br>type: knife, fork, spoon, cutlery set<br><br>packaging details:<br>- 6as a company of integration of industry and trade, sumkoka surely possesses advantages of both factory and trade companywe are always on line even though the time difference, so pls contact us freecompetitive and favorable price has been always quoted by our team just for expecting the long cooperation among customers from all over the world5 inch spoon: 141x35mm, 4g<br>200 pcs / bag, 10 bags / carton, 2000 pcs/ ctn; also can be customized

    Acolman (México)

    $ 1

  • cutlery disposable cutlery sugarcane cutlery sugarcane knife keywords: cutlery set,biodegradable cutlery,bagass cutlery,disposable cutlery, spoon fork knife cutlery, bagasse cutlery, sugarcane cutlery set, sugarcane cutlery, sugarcane spoon, sugarcane knife, sugarcane fork<br>carton size: 33x18x33cm<br>- 5<br>carton size: 29x18x30cm<br>whatsapp/telegram: +86 18856235206<br>wickr: sumkoka04<br>mail: skj666@sumkokathere are professional technical staff who specialize in researching disposable products without pfas , heavy metal or toxic substances<br><br>q5: do you provide samples? is it free or extra?<br>a: yes, we can offer free samples, you just need to collect the freight costcom<br>hefei sumkoka environmental technology cosumkoka can satisfy customers demands in logo printing, customizable sizes, large quantities in short term5 inch fork: 162x33mm, 3<br><br>q3: what's your payment terms?<br>a: generally 50-70% deposit paid before production, 50-30% balance paid before shipping (it depends on the specific order amount )5 inch/ 165x27mm<br>weight: 3<br>carton size: 34x15x24we aim to provide environmentally friendly solutions to our earth, also the helpful guidance to your green businesswe will provide you with first-class service<br><br>faq<br>q1: what's your main products?<br>a: biodegradable tableware, mainly are in sugarcane, wood and bamboowas established in 2012, with about ten-year exporting experience in eco tableware and paper packing fieldscutlery disposal,<br><br>description:<br>the compostable bagasse cutlery utensil is made of organic and renewable natural fiber material from sugarcane pulp called bagasse<br><br>q4: can i customize on the products or package?<br>a: yes, we accept customization requirements on product size, logo, package and so on<br><br>specifications:<br>place of origin: anhui, china<br>brand name:sumkoka<br>model number: csk65<br>moq: 100000pcs<br>material: sugarcane/ bagasse<br>application: home, restaurant, hotel, bar, wedding<br>design style: minmalist, novelty, classic, morden luxury<br>usage: flatware, ice cream, meat, fruit, cake, soup<br>feature: disposable, sustainable, stocked, food contact safe<br>printing/embossed logo: acceptable<br>oem/odm: customized logo or color print available<br>certificates: ce / eu<br>superiority: 100% biodegradable<br>color: nature or unbleached<br>size: 6these eco friendly disposable knife, forks and spoons are very sturdy and durable, perfect for picnics, barbeques, camping, parties and other indoor outdoor activitiesyou can wholesale knives, forks, spoons individually or in sets<br><br>q6: what is the standard production time for each order?<br>a: usually, the production time for each order is around 25 days, but the actual time will be subject to the order quantity, packaging way and busy season etc5 inch knife: 165x27mm, 35g<br>200 pcs / bag, 10 bags / carton, 2000 pcs/ ctn; also can be customizedthe eco-friendly collection by sumkoka uses only fully organic, earth-friendly materials to produce productsour product range covers disposable sugarcane bagasse products, paper packaging products, paper food containers, paper bags, plastic lids set and so on<br><br>the reason for choosing sumkoka as a steady supplier:<br> 1<br><br>q2: what price terms are acceptable?<br>a: it's up to you, but we prefer fob and cif price terms5g<br>type: knife, fork, spoon, cutlery set<br><br>packaging details:<br>- 6as a company of integration of industry and trade, sumkoka surely possesses advantages of both factory and trade companywe are always on line even though the time difference, so pls contact us freecompetitive and favorable price has been always quoted by our team just for expecting the long cooperation among customers from all over the world5 inch spoon: 141x35mm, 4g<br>200 pcs / bag, 10 bags / carton, 2000 pcs/ ctn; also can be customized

    Acolman (México)

    $ 1

  • there are professional technical staff who specialize in researching disposable products without pfas , heavy metal or toxic substances<br><br>q5: do you provide samples? is it free or extra?<br>a: yes, we can offer free samples, you just need to collect the freight costcom<br>hefei sumkoka environmental technology co<br>specifications:<br>place of origin: anhui, china<br>model number: crt170<br>moq: 50,000pcs<br>material: sugarcane/ bagasse<br>feature: disposable, sustainable, stocked, compostable, food contact safe<br>application: home, restaurant, hotel, bar, wedding, party<br>superiority: 100% biodegradable, take away, sturdy, no leakage, hot & cold use <br>usage: food packing<br>printing/embossed logo: acceptable<br>color: white or unbleached<br>sample: free sample with freight collect<br>certificates: ce / eu<br>size: 170(l)x115(w)x25(h)mm<br>weight: 10g<br><br>packaging details:<br>size: 170(l)x115(w)x25(h)mm, 10g<br>250 pcs/ bag, 2 bags/ carton, 500 pcs/ ctn; also can be customizedthese disposable trays are 100% biodegradable and suitable for composting for easy disposal, making these trays good for the environmentsumkoka can satisfy customers demands in logo printing, customizable sizes, large quantities in short term<br><br>q3: what's your payment terms?<br>a: generally 50-70% deposit paid before production, 50-30% balance paid before shipping (it depends on the specific order amount )our bagasse food trays have greater toughness and durability<br>description:<br>the biodegradable food trays is made of sugarcane fiber, which is eco-friendly and compostablewe aim to provide environmentally friendly solutions to our earth, also the helpful guidance to your green businesswe will provide you with first-class service<br><br>faq<br>q1: what's your main products?<br>a: biodegradable tableware, mainly are in sugarcane, wood and bambooits great alternative to plasticwas established in 2012, with about ten-year exporting experience in eco tableware and paper packing fieldsour product range covers disposable sugarcane bagasse products, paper packaging products, paper food containers, paper bags, plastic lids set and so on<br>the reason for choosing sumkoka as a steady supplier :<br> 1<br><br>q4: can i customize on the products or package?<br>a: yes, we accept customization requirements on product size, logo, package and so on<br><br>q6: what is the standard production time for each order?<br>a: usually, the production time for each order is around 25 days, but the actual time will be subject to the order quantity, packaging way and busy season etctray disposable tray sugarcane tray meat tray keywords: display trays, fruit tray, sugarcane tray, tray plate, pulp tray packaging, bagasse packaging, bagasse containers, food tray, tray disposal, disposable tray, sushi tray, tray set, compostable tray, rectangular tray, square traythe eco-friendly collection by sumkoka uses only fully organic, earth-friendly materials to produce products<br><br>q2: what price terms are acceptable?<br>a: it's up to you, but we prefer fob and cif price terms<br>carton size: 33x24x18cm<br><br>whatsapp/telegram: +86 18856235206<br>wickr: sumkoka04<br>mail: skj666@sumkokaas a company of integration of industry and trade, sumkoka surely possesses advantages of both factory and trade companywe are always on line even though the time difference, so pls contact us freecompetitive and favorable price has been always quoted by our team just for expecting the long cooperation among customers from all over the world

    Acolman (México)

    $ 1

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