Administrativos divorcios in causados

Listado administrativos divorcios in causados

  • Estos temas son la causa de que los divorcios sean mucho más complicados y necesiten la intervención de una abogada con pericia y experiencia, siempre que su cónyuge y usted no puedan llegar a un acuerdo
    en la mayoría de los divorcios, son dos temas los más difíciles de resolver la custodia de los hijos, y la división de los bienes conyugalesusted necesita encontrar una abogada que le inspire confianza, en este imprevisto de su vida, que hable con seguridad y sea asertiva, en todo lo relacionado a su asunto
    durante su primera consulta, usted cuenta con la oportunidad de decidir si soy la mejor opciónla toma de decisiones equivocadas puede causar un serio problemaquiero compartirle porque soy la mejor opción para tramitar su divorcio, sea con negociación o con juiciomi compromiso es apoyarlo, y brindarle el soporte y el respaldo jurídico, que necesita, para resolver sus dudas y reunir sus expectativas, creando estrategias especiales para su casoel futuro se ve incierto, y los asuntos legales rápidamente se vuelven más tediosos durante estos momentos, contar con una abogada experimentada a su lado, ayuda a disminuir en parte la ansiedad y el estrés, al mismo tiempo que protege sus intereseslo asesoro paso a paso en términos sencillos el procedimiento en forma detallada y los requisitos que necesita para tramitar su divorcio, además le presento un resultado honesto y transparente de lo que puede esperar de su caso, durante su proceso
    como profesional en el área familiar comprendo los problemas que se suscitan con mis clientes durante ese proceso tan difícily si reúno sus expectativas
    ¿porque contratar una abogada de confianza?
    la necesidad de una abogada es solo el primer paso en un proceso de divorciomis honorarios son muy asequibles, pensando en su bienestar y situación económicami objetivo es brindarle una idea clara de los resultados, conforme avanza su casopermítame representarlo legalmentemi trabajo es proteger sus intereses y los de su familia
    desarrollo estrategias específicas para su caso, para obtener los mejores resultados en breve tiempole ofrezco además una asesoría gratuita personalizada, y cubrir mis honorarios mediante 4 parcialidades durante el procedimientouno de los momentos más difícil de superar es el pasar por divorcio
    cada caso de divorcio es único, cada uno tiene situaciones y circunstancias particularesformas de contacto: whatsapp, correo electrónico o bien puede comunicarse a través del móvil, o concertar una cita, para que acuda a mi oficina que se encuentra ubicada en la colonia chapalita en guadalajara, jaliscoexisten un gran número de situaciones que pueden influir en cómo debemos presentar su caso para obtener los mejores resultados para usted y su familiacuento con 26 años de experiencia llevando asuntos relacionados con el divorcio
    ¿debería consultar a una abogada experimentada para su caso? sí, es muy importante que usted cuente con una asesoría confiable que le brinde certeza jurídica, que vea por sus intereses y los de sus hijos si los hubieraestas son unas de las razones para contratar mis servicios profesionales
    trabajando juntos podrá decidir qué es lo mejor para su familia y alcanzar la salida que sea en beneficio de sus intereses

    Guadalajara (Jalisco)

    $ 5500

  • Estos temas son la causa de que los divorcios sean mucho más complicados y necesiten la intervención de una abogada con pericia y experiencia, siempre que su cónyuge y usted no puedan llegar a un acuerdo
    en la mayoría de los divorcios, son dos temas los más difíciles de resolver la custodia de los hijos, y la división de los bienes conyugalesusted necesita encontrar una abogada que le inspire confianza, en este imprevisto de su vida, que hable con seguridad y sea asertiva, en todo lo relacionado a su asunto
    durante su primera consulta, usted cuenta con la oportunidad de decidir si soy la mejor opciónla toma de decisiones equivocadas puede causar un serio problemaquiero compartirle porque soy la mejor opción para tramitar su divorcio, sea con negociación o con juiciomi compromiso es apoyarlo, y brindarle el soporte y el respaldo jurídico, que necesita, para resolver sus dudas y reunir sus expectativas, creando estrategias especiales para su casoel futuro se ve incierto, y los asuntos legales rápidamente se vuelven más tediosos durante estos momentos, contar con una abogada experimentada a su lado, ayuda a disminuir en parte la ansiedad y el estrés, al mismo tiempo que protege sus intereseslo asesoro paso a paso en términos sencillos el procedimiento en forma detallada y los requisitos que necesita para tramitar su divorcio, además le presento un resultado honesto y transparente de lo que puede esperar de su caso, durante su proceso
    como profesional en el área familiar comprendo los problemas que se suscitan con mis clientes durante ese proceso tan difícily si reúno sus expectativasabogada familiar en guadalajara te brindará el soporte legal que necesitas, de la forma más segura y confiable, así que tranquilo/a estoy para resolver satisfactoriamente tu divorcio con la mayor rapidez y con honorarios muy asequibles
    ¿porque contratar una abogada de confianza?
    la necesidad de una abogada es solo el primer paso en un proceso de divorciomis honorarios son muy asequibles, pensando en su bienestar y situación económicami objetivo es brindarle una idea clara de los resultados, conforme avanza su casopermítame representarlo legalmentemi trabajo es proteger sus intereses y los de su familia
    desarrollo estrategias específicas para su caso, para obtener los mejores resultados en breve tiempole ofrezco además una asesoría gratuita personalizada, y cubrir mis honorarios mediante 4 parcialidades durante el procedimiento
    cada caso de divorcio es único, cada uno tiene situaciones y circunstancias particularesformas de contacto: whatsapp, correo electrónico o bien puede comunicarse a través del móvil, o concertar una cita, para que acuda a mi oficina que se encuentra ubicada en la colonia chapalita en guadalajara, jaliscoexisten un gran número de situaciones que pueden influir en cómo debemos presentar su caso para obtener los mejores resultados para usted y su familia
    uno de los momentos más difícil de superar es el pasar por divorciocuento con 26 años de experiencia llevando asuntos relacionados con el divorcio
    ¿debería consultar a una abogada experimentada para su caso? sí, es muy importante que usted cuente con una asesoría confiable que le brinde certeza jurídica, que vea por sus intereses y los de sus hijos si los hubieraestas son unas de las razones para contratar mis servicios profesionales
    trabajando juntos podrá decidir qué es lo mejor para su familia y alcanzar la salida que sea en beneficio de sus intereses

    Guadalajara (Jalisco)

    $ 8500

  • divorcios express, abogados especialistas
    atención lunes a domingo 10 am a 6 pm (previa cita)
    ubicación: muzquiz #226 col

    divorcio voluntario $3,000 pesos
    audiencias en vídeo conferencia
    incluye convenio de liquidación de bienes, alimentos o convivencia según el caso
    divorcio express $4,000 pesos
    quedo solter@ aunque mi ex no quiera!!!
    precio para mty y su área metropolitana
    duración aproximadas 3 semanas según la fecha que asigne el juzgado
    (cuando hay menores de edad y viven fuera de n
    precio para monterrey y su área metropolitana
    divorcio incausado express procede cuando:
    •solo una de las partes desea el divorcio, sin tener que demostrar la causaen ese caso se tramita en dónde residen los menores)
    •ambos lo desean pero todavía no están de acuerdo en los alimentos, convivencia, reparto de adeudos o pagos de deudas (si se casaron por sociedad conyugal)
    •puede promoverlo cualquier persona que radique en nuevo león, sin importar en dónde contrajo matrimonio o nació

    Monterrey (Nuevo Leon)

    $ 3000

  • abogada de familia en guadalajara: divorcios más justos y bajo el amparo de la ley
    aunque en todos los procesos de divorcio es necesario contar con un abogado, en algunos casos, como por ejemplo en el divorcio express, se acude a un profesional con el único fin de que tramite la documentaciónhay que tener en cuenta que los abogados de familia suelen llevar casos de lo más diversosya no se trata de defender los intereses de sus clientes en los tribunales, sino también de hacérselos entender a ellos cuando a quién se enfrentan es a seres queridospedir cita en un abogado especialista en familia puede ayudar a hacerle ver, desde un punto de vista profesional, que está erradoen genera es por eso que los profesionales de derecho en general, y los abogados de familia en particular actúan en muchas ocasiones como verdaderos asesoresmucho menos si hablamos de abogados de familia, ya que en esos casos hay que tratar asuntos que atañen a personas muy cercanasparece una cuestión sencilla, pero no lo es en absolutotambién pueden ser realmente útiles a la hora de hacer entrar en razón a las personas con la ley en la manopero todos ellos tienen en común que se refieren a personas muy queridas por sus vínculos familiaressin embargo, aunque parezca un verdadero drama, contar con el asesoramiento de una tercera persona, que además es un profesional del derecho, puede poner muchas cosas en claroes cierto que las separaciones de mutuo acuerdo son más rápidas, pero también lo es que a veces se firman cosas que van contra los derechos de las personas¿no lo habías pensado antes? pues puede que tu conflicto no sea tan complejo con esta víaluego siempre decidirás tútodos los conflictos son complicadosen la mayor parte de los casos son muy conscientes de las ventajas que ello supone, pero no tanto de las desventajasde hecho, no son pocos los que teniendo menos de 18 años quieren tener la condición de adultospero él conoce la ley y puede abrirte los ojos ante hechos que tú desconocías
    abogada familia: problemas con menores que se pueden solucionar
    una de las consultas más frecuente que recibe cualquier abogado familia está relacionada con la emancipación de menoresde hecho, creo que a ninguna persona le gusta tener que acudir a un abogado a resolverlos

    abogada de familia: el asesoramiento que frena conflictos
    el conocimiento es siempre positivono importa de qué ámbito estemos hablandopor eso te recomiendo que, en lugar de acudir a un abogado que no sea especialista en la materia con todo hecho, déjate asesorar por la especialistaes decir, no solo se trata de acudir a los profesionales del derecho familiar para ser representados ante un juez

    Guadalajara (Jalisco)

    $ 5000

  • divorcios con o sin el consentimiento de su pareja -alimentos pension de alimentos para tus hijos- custodia custodia compartida de tus hijos -jurisdiccion voluntaria -llama a los telefonos y con gusto te atenderemos 664 681 7700

    Tijuana (Baja California)

    $ 1

  • Estoy especializada en divorcios por mutuo acuerdo y necesariosarregle de una buena vez su divorciogarantizo mi trabajo mediante contrato de prestación de servicios profesionales, desde la presentación del escrito inicial de demanda o diligencias de jurisdicción voluntaria hasta la ejecución de la sentencia

    ofrezco cuatro opciones de pago diferentes y la posibilidad de pagos parciales durante el trámite del juicio, de acuerdo a sus posibilidadesatención personalizada
    adiós a los problemas de divorciocontáctame sin compromisotodas las consultas son gratuitasyo me hago cargo de su asunto con profesionalismo, certeza jurídica, integridad, confianza, entrega, constancia, tenacidad, compromiso, responsabilidad, garantía y fortalezadebe estar tranquilo, el divorcio es muy breve, rápido, confidencial y económicoasí como también profesionalismo y seriedad, comunicación constante y detallada con mis clientes en palabras sencillas desde el comienzo del juicio hasta dictada la sentencia

    Guadalajara (Jalisco)

    $ 5000

  • Cualquier tipo de deuda bancaria, hipotecas, arrendamientos,contratos civiles, mercantiles, fideicomisos, creditos, divorcios y amparos

    Culiacán (Sinaloa)

    $ 1

  • divorcios mis servicios profesionales están sustentados en ofrecer el soporte legal que necesites, para tomar las decisiones acertadas
    representación y asistencia integral en todas las fases de tu proceso de divorcio, una vez iniciado el procedimiento con acciones recursivas ante los juzgados familiares que garanticen su ejecución
    de igual forma cuento con una experimentada trayectoria profesionalen calle ermita 1035 sin embargo mis actividades multifacéticas me han llevado a ofrecer servicios de corresponsalías en diferentes estados de la república mexicana, para aquellos abogados que tengan un asunto en esta ciudad y que, por diversas razones, no puedan acudir directamente a la ciudad judicial con sede en zapopan, jalisco estoy a sus órdenes
    tus problemas y necesidades son importantes y tienen solución, llama a mi oficina con mi asistente legal, o bien comunícate con tu abogada y ella en su tiempo disponible te devolverá la llamada, para evaluar tu caso de forma preliminarla fuerza principal que me ha impulsado a desarrollar eficientemente mis servicios jurídicos, es mi experimentada carrera profesional, altamente calificada y comprometida en mi labor, siendo mi premisa el ofrecer al cliente un servicio personalizado eficiente y de alta calidad, lo que me convierte en garantía de satisfacción ya que ejecuto de manera segura y rápida,

    mi oficina se encuentra ubicada en la colonia chapalita de la ciudad de guadalajara, jaliscocuenta con la pericia necesaria para resolver de inmediato tu asunto legal
    además, con una asesoría integral
    no existe otro momento en que necesites más a una abogada firme y con argumentos sólidos y perseverantes siendo su enfoque principal

    Guadalajara (Jalisco)

    $ 8500

  • Unete a nuestro gran equipo como capturista de datos administrativos
    importante empresa solicita capturista de datos administrativos para trabajar en zona metropolitana
    disponibilidad inmediata
    descripción del empleo:
    encargados de llevar una serie de procesos y registros de empleados de una empresa, estos organizan, registran, clasifican, manejan y convierten los datos/informa de su forma original a un formato legible
    requisitos mínimos:
    edad: 19 a 45 años
    nivel de estudios: bachillerato o licenciatura (trunca)
    sexo: indistinto
    conocimiento en paquetería office
    sueldo semanal
    horario: lunes a viernes
    tipo de contrato: tiempo completo

    fecha limite para postularse: 15 de marzo
    realiza tu postulación por este medio: gibatalent@gmail

    Alvaro Obregón Distrito Federal (Distrito Federal)

    $ 2000

  • Somos proveedores contpaqi especializados en la implementación y asesoramiento de sistemas administrativos contablesnuestros productos te permitirán ahorrar tiempo en tus procesos y evitar errores al máximosomos expertos en dar la mejor atención y servicio a un precio increíble ¡garantizado!
    contáctanos para mayor información:
    teléfono: (442) 340- 81- 55
    whatsapp: (422) 724- 36- 33
    visita nuestra página: https://proveedorescontpaqi


  • Recursos administrativos ante las autoridades
    2visitas de verificación
    bjuicio de amparo

    estamos a su disposición para ofrecerle la mayor de nuestras riquezas, nuestro profesionalismo, dedicación y calidad humanacombate a multas del inai

    contacto: licjuicio de nulidad ante el tribunal federal de justicia fiscal y administrativa
    3multas de profepa (derecho ambiental)

    en robles & robles abogados le otorgamos una defensa completa a sus derechos en contra de los actos señalados, mediante la interposición de:

    1aseguramiento de cuentas bancarias
    erobles & robles abogados le ofrece la mejor asesoría y representación en contra de actos y resoluciones de autoridades como:

    1héctor jesús robles díaz mercado
    cel: 5529518851diferencias del predial, impuestos y aguaprocedimiento administrativo de ejecución

    asimismo, defendemos sus derechos en contra de actos y resoluciones como:

    arevisiones del ims
    5créditos fiscales así como multas y actualizaciones de los mismos

    Miguel Hidalgo (Distrito Federal)

    $ 100

  • Bedrooms: this house in fluvial vallarta has 3 bedrooms and 1 flex room on the ground floor that can be used as a bedroompatio and pool: to spend time with the family, this house in residencial fluvial vallarta has a terrace and a very nice pool, there is an additional space for a nice table and umbrella, ideal for having a barbecuethese rooms overlook the poolbrand new house with an excellent location in fluvial vallarta, 2-levels and roof top2 car garages with gate23 sqft construction: 225 m2 / 2421on the second floor there is a tv room, with enough space for a small sofa or even as a work areathe bathroom in this bedroom is very elegant, spacious and modern, with very nice finishes and tempered glass, sink and walking closet88 sqft 3 bedrooms + flex room 3 bathrooms pool roof top parking for 2 cars air conditioning in bedrooms kitchen with granite countertops hydropneumatics automatic heater wooden finishes 2,800-liter tank 120-liter stationary tank location: located in fluvial vallarta, one of the most attractive zone in puerto vallarta, close to shopping malls, restaurants, parks, schools, and the avenues most important of the city, the avkitchen: the elegant and functional kitchen has granite countertops, equipped with a stove, hood and oventhe house has an attractive design and a spacious and functional interior for a completely modern and pleasant family lifestyleprice in pesos: $7,890,000 mxn features: lot: 160 m2 / 1722the master bedroom of almost 36m2 is incredible, it has a very high ceiling, the windows are sliding, and it has a small balcony facing the streetthis house for sale in residencial fluvial vallarta is special because in new construction and for all its qualities, its location, design and above all for its price: it is a true investment in your heritagedue to its sliding windows that communicate the main room (living room and dining room) with the patio, it is possible to have a sense of great spaciousness and freshnesssecond level: consists of 3 bedrooms, the main one with a balcony, dressing room and full bathroom, as well as two others each with its own closet and a shared full bathroom, and a tv roomyou can compare similar properties and you will see!*estfrancisco villa and av, francisco medina ascencio, just to 5 minutes from the beach and 10 minutes from the international airport of puerto vallartadelivery date: october 2022the 2nd and 3rd bedrooms are also very spacious, both with closets and sharing a full bathroomthis beautiful integral kitchen is located next to the living and dining area, interacting perfectly, without having walls in between, which makes the ground floor a space with a great sense of spaciousnessit has many wooden drawers and a cupboard, ideal for storing all kitchen itemsthis new house in the best area de puerto vallarta is very spacious and fuses contemporary style with comfort, its spaces are designed with flexibility in mind and functionality as a focus, this magnificent property meets the style demands of today, and will do so for many years to comerest of the house: roof garden on the third floor, a very comfortable and functional area to enjoy a pleasant atmosphere and a beautiful view of the mountainsthe laundry room is located on the ground floor, with enough space for a washer/dryer and storagedescription of the house: first level: this new house in fluvial vallarta consists on its first level of a bright living-dining room area, which connects to the rear terrace with pool, kitchen, flex room which can also be used as a bedroom, one full bathroom, laundry room and to the front it has parking for two carsit has a stationary gas system

    Puerto Vallarta (Jalisco)

    $ 394500

  • Change of stay status from temporary resident to permanent residentvisas for job offer or family bondstate and federal non-criminal background letteremployer record updaterenewal of the legal stay
    our main objective is to give you the results you expect and help you have a comfortable and excellent stay in mexicodon´t do things in a bad way, do it better by legal means so that everything is reliable and secure
    services we offer:
    1employer records for companies (in case you want to hire foreign personnel)regularize migratory status by family linklegal stay in mexico (temporary residence, work permit or permanent residence)immigration legal advice in mexico for foreigners, we are in cancun
    are you a foreigner and would you like to live in mexico? or are you in mexico but your immigration status is irregular? or do you want to open a new business in mexico? contact us! we also do conferences via skype from anywhere in the worldexcellent customer service is our priority, clarifying all your doubts and resolving them with great seriousness, professionalism, honesty and confidentiality, adhering to mexican lawsopen a business or invest in mexico (partnerships, business association)

    skype: violetapiza
    e-mail: viagui@yahoocom
    whatsapp cel: 9985772380 or 9982368426our law firm maintains an excellent standard of personalized quality

    Benito Juárez Quintana Roo (Quintana Roo)

  • Change of stay status from temporary resident to permanent residentvisas for job offer or family bondemployer record updaterenewal of the legal stay
    our main objective is to give you the results you expect and help you have a comfortable and excellent stay in mexicoregularization program 2021don´t do things in a bad way, do it better by legal means so that everything is reliable and secure
    services we offer:
    1employer records for companies (in case you want to hire foreign personnel)regularize migratory status by family linkcom
    whatsapp cel: 9985772380 or to 9982368426legal stay in mexico (temporary residence, work permit or permanent residence)immigration legal advice in mexico for foreigners, we are in cancun
    are you a foreigner and would you like to live in mexico? or are you in mexico but your immigration status is irregular? or do you want to open a new business in mexico? contact us! we also do conferences via skype from anywhere in the worldexcellent customer service is our priority, clarifying all your doubts and resolving them with great seriousness, professionalism, honesty and confidentiality, adhering to mexican lawsopen a business or invest in mexico (partnerships, business association)

    skype: violetapiza
    e-mail: viagui@yahooour law firm maintains an excellent standard of personalized quality

    Benito Juárez Quintana Roo (Quintana Roo)

  • Amenities: jungle pool, sky pool, sunbathing area, over-water, hammocks area, yoga area, meditation space, gym, bar for residents, fire pit, open-air cinema, co working, laundry, elevator, bike parking, parking lota new beginning in the caribean paradiselocated in region 15, just 10 minutes from the beach, surrounded by the natural beauty of tulum and in a constantly growing area, sántal is the new concept of a residential complex, where you will enjoy a lifestyle in harmony with naturein the evening you could see the characteristic beautiful sunsets of tulum, which will captivate you from our sky poolrelax in a quiet space in the meditation area or get active in the gymtypologies: 1 s t floor, 35 to 88 m2, terrace, entrance to the swimming pool garden2 n d floor, 31 to 56 m2, terrace3 r d floor, 31 to 56 m2, terrace and poollock-off apartments (131-142 m2)1 bedroom with terrace and pool, grill, mini fridge, closet, bathroom, meditation space later, you could go to the jungle pool to swim or read a good book in the hammock area, sunbathe in the sunba-thing area or enjoy a refreshing drink in our barfinally, finish your day by the fire pit or at our open-air cinema on a starry nightthe amenities, responsible architecture, and strategic location guarantee the capital gain of this projecteach of our spaces conveys exclusivity and style, combined with details that will give you the feeling of being in the jungleto be here means to be amazed every morning at the incredible sunrises that will be waiting for you to fill you with energy with some yoga


    $ 118537

  • “la ermita de santa isabel, is a soap opera stage, literally14 sq ft the front of the lot is 7its colorful colonial mansions make one of the most beautiful places in the city of méridathe park was remodeled a few years ago, and since then it has further highlighted the beauty that characterizes this place62 ft, but the back opens to 8” upon entering the house you are greeted by a living room, followed by a room that is currently used as an office, next to these two spaces we have a garage for a large car and plenty of space for storage, in the middle of the house we have the common area, a dining room and kitchen run under a terrace-type roof, a full bathroom, then we have a huge patio on the north side of the property and 4 of the bedrooms face the patio, two bedrooms share a bathroom, another has a full bathroom, and in the back there is a good size  garden that can be used with the patio for a large pool, the property has a solid structure, even for a second level, and much to take advantage of the current constructionthat alone speaks about the impact in value for your property in that area important notesno unexpected visitors allowed / please schedule an appointmentdocuments up-to-date ready for your quick and secure purchasetrusts welcome price is negotiable(owner motivated to sell)90 m = 567 sq mirregular lot size in ftin this case, size really matters: irregular lot size in meters: front 736 ftcolonial house with unbeatable size lot and location, just a few steps from la ermita church & park in the historic downtown of mérida yucatán, potential for the house of your dreams, or commercial use, quiet area, but full of life on local festive dates; like the festival of souls every year, from october 1 to november 3, something unique in la ermita park, it has also been a stage for some filming of soap operas and film productionsits yellow church, its french cobblestone streets, its park and its botanical garden combine to give its visitors an incredible view of the entire siteplaces of interest:la ermita church of santa isabella ermita botanical spacelocal festivals in the area4 blocks from san juan park7 blocks from la plaza grande (tourism every day and events on weekends)schools of all levels just minutes awayit is a tourist area, very quiet and picturesque in its festivals


    $ 2499000

  • Look no further, this house is without a doubt the best option!beautiful house for sale with community pool in los olivos, puerto vallartabedrooms: this house in los olivos vallarta has 3 spacious bedrooms, all of them with closets and air conditioninglocated in a strategic zone, in the heart of the city, just a 15 km from the beach and the hotel zone, surrounded by restaurants, shopping malls, hospitals, banks, schools and morethe living room connects with the dining room to give a feeling of spaciousnessthe second and third bedrooms are in the second floor, each one has a closet and shares a bathroomrest of the house: on the ground floor has a half bathroom for guests and an excellent terrace in the second floor to enjoy a good time outdoors00location: located in the best zone of puerto vallarta, behind the condominium las morasor the backyard patio doors can be opened to let in fresh air and natural lightfeatures: 3 bedrooms 2description of the house: kitchen: open-plan fitted kitchen that connects with the dining room to have a sense of spaciousness that turns out to be practical when cookingpatio: at the front of this property for sale is an open parking space for up to 2 cars and it has a backyard with enough space for a small garden with furnitureliving room and dining room: the living room has air conditioning to enjoy a break watching tv or any other activity of your choicethe master bedroom is in the ground floor, has a full bathroom with walking closet5 bathrooms 2 parking lot fitted kitchen patio terrace air conditioning unfurnished community pool 24-hour security pet friendly  price in pesos: $3,170,000bright and with a modern design this property for sale has a lot of 108 m2 and a construction of 104 m2 this house for sale in los olivos is special, very little availability in the area at an incredible price! it has the advantage of being located within a gated community that provides security and common areas with a pool

    Puerto Vallarta (Jalisco)

    $ 3170000

  • Change of stay status from temporary resident to permanent residentvisas for job offer or family bondemployer record updaterenewal of the legal stay
    our main objective is to give you the results you expect and help you have a comfortable and excellent stay in mexicoregularization program 2021don´t do things in a bad way, do it better by legal means so that everything is reliable and secure
    services we offer:
    1employer records for companies (in case you want to hire foreign personnel)regularize migratory status by family linkcom
    whatsapp cel: 9985772380 or to 9982368426legal stay in mexico (temporary residence, work permit or permanent residence)open a business or invest in mexico (partnerships, business association)excellent customer service is our priority, clarifying all your doubts and resolving them with great seriousness, professionalism, honesty and confidentiality, adhering to mexican lawsare you a foreigner and would you like to live in mexico? or are you in mexico but your immigration status is irregular? or do you want to open a new business in mexico? contact us! we also do conferences via skype from anywhere in the world

    skype: violetapiza
    e-mail: viagui@yahooimmigration legal advice in mexico for foreigners, we are in cancunour law firm maintains an excellent standard of personalized quality

    Benito Juárez Quintana Roo (Quintana Roo)

  • Change of stay status from temporary resident to permanent residentvisas for job offer or family bondemployer record updaterenewal of the legal stay
    our main objective is to give you the results you expect and help you have a comfortable and excellent stay in mexicodon´t do things in a bad way, do it better by legal means so that everything is reliable and secure
    services we offer:
    1employer records for companies (in case you want to hire foreign personnel)regularize migratory status by family linkregularize immigration statuslegal stay in mexico (temporary residence, work permit or permanent residence)immigration legal advice in mexico for foreigners, we are in cancun
    are you a foreigner and would you like to live in mexico? or are you in mexico but your immigration status is irregular? or do you want to open a new business in mexico? contact us! we also do conferences via skype from anywhere in the worldexcellent customer service is our priority, clarifying all your doubts and resolving them with great seriousness, professionalism, honesty and confidentiality, adhering to mexican lawsopen a business or invest in mexico (partnerships, business association)
    skype: violetapiza
    e-mail: viagui@yahoocom
    whatsapp cel: 9985772380 o al 9982368426our law firm maintains an excellent standard of personalized quality

    Benito Juárez Quintana Roo (Quintana Roo)

  • Foreign spouse, minor children or parents
    - renewal of temporary residence or renewal of permanent residence (in cases of children under 18 years of age)
    - immigration regularization to obtain temporary or permanent residence (family unit or for having an expired document)
    - notice to immigration of change of place of work, address, name or nationality (you have 90 days to do so)
    - advice and management to establish a company in mexico
    -search for real estate to investcom
    whatsapp cel: 9985772380 or 9982368426

    in order to schedule an appointment our opening hours are monday through friday from 9 am to 3 pm

    - employer certificate renewalthis document must be renewed every year if you continue to have foreign employees in your company
    - visas for job offers by companies in mexico
    - visas for family tiesservicios migratorios de cancún
    lawyers specialized immigration in mexico with 14 years of experience our office is located in the city of cancun, mexicowe can provide you with advice in person or if you are outside of mexico or quintana roo, we can gladly do it by video calldocument that issues immigration to be able to hire foreign workers in mexico
    we offer the following legal services:
    - mexican temporary residence
    - mexican permanent residence
    - authorization to work as a natural person or by job offer from a company in mexico
    - employer certification for companies

    Benito Juárez Quintana Roo (Quintana Roo)

  • You will be able to enjoy a luxurious and comfortable life in every corner of its 563 m2 of constructionthe cresta del mar community is exclusive and safe, which gives you the peace of mind and security you are looking for in your homein addition, it is located in a privileged location, close to the best restaurants, shops and entertainment venues in los cabos, méxicowe will wait for you!enjoy the luxury and comfort you deserve! spectacular new luxury home for sale in the exclusive cresta del mar community in cabo san lucasthe house has 5 large bedrooms, 4 bathrooms and a spectacular pool, which makes it perfect for large families or for those looking for a spacious and comfortable space to receive guestsdont miss out on the opportunity to live in a luxury home in one of the most exclusive communities in cabo san lucascontact us today for more information and to schedule a showingthis contemporary designed house, built with luxury materials, has one floor and offers an impressive view of the sea


    $ 1250000

  • Meintenance dues include gas and water *non-negotiable priceresort lifestyleclearly contemporary, yet quietly elegant, this sophisticated two-level apartment offers you a functional, spacious design and just 350 meters from the beach!enjoy beautiful uninterrupted mountain views and impressive ocean views from your roof terrace with poolwith everything at your fingertips in the condominium and all the entertainment options that puerto vallarta offers, every day will seem like a vacationzoho skies is a planned development that features a fully integrated lifestyle compound that incorporates green areas, entertainment areas, and an endless common amenitiesthis apartment is located in one of the most sought after condominiums in puerto vallarta, in a complex that is distinguished by its concept of having all services and entertainment on site, carefully planned around quiet and distinctive places of attraction, a beautiful place to call homethe smart, light and airy open plan layout provides a quality lifestyle for singles, couples or small familiesperfectly located with quick access to main avenue and a few minutes from the maritime port, beach shopping centers, magnificent gastronomic options, hospitals, airport and downtown puerto vallartayour location is worth gold!located in the modern complex of zoho skies in the hotel zone of puerto vallarta, surrounded by all kinds of services, such as shopping malls, restaurants, hospitals, cinemas and in front of the maritime port and of course just a few minutes walk to the beachon the second level you will find the bedroom that includes access to the balcony, closet and a full bathroomon the ground floor it offers a large living-dining room area full of light that connects it to the outdoor terrace providing a perfect space for entertainment and relaxation, inside on the same floor it incorporates the beautiful modern kitchen, a flex and a full bathroomyou will delight in the vibrant and comfortable atmosphere, feeling completely at home in one of the most modern developments in the hotel zone of puerto vallartathe capital gain is enormous!features: bedrooms: 1 + flex room bathrooms: 2 part furnished air conditioning: yes parking: yes playroom sky lounge with pool, bar, jacuzzi, sundecks, grills and fire pit or campfire gym and boxing studio 24 hour security and controlled access bussiness center events area recreation area this apartment at zoho skies puerto vallarta has been perfectly designed with modern architecture and its interiors offer you a contemporary neutral color scheme and quality finishes

    Puerto Vallarta (Jalisco)

    $ 257475

  • The cresta del mar community is exclusive and safe, which gives you the peace of mind and security you are looking for in your homein addition, it is located in a privileged location, close to the best restaurants, shops and entertainment venues in los cabos, méxicowe will wait for you!08 sqft of construction and lad of  8406enjoy the luxury and comfort you deserve! spectacular new luxury home for sale in the exclusive cresta del mar community in cabo san lucasthe house has 5 large bedrooms, 4 bathrooms and a spectacular pool, which makes it perfect for large families or for those looking for a spacious and comfortable space to receive guestsdont miss out on the opportunity to live in a luxury home in one of the most exclusive communities in cabo san lucascontact us today for more information and to schedule a showingthis contemporary designed house, built with luxury materials, has one floor and offers an impressive view of the seayou will be able to enjoy a luxurious and comfortable life in every corner of its 6060


    $ 1250000

  • Garden with space for pool and terrace with palapa with additional bathroombedrooms: 3 bedrooms with balcony5 bathrooms tv room, dining room and fitted kitchen spacious garden and palapa 2 car garages with electric gate  this 2-level house features a double height entry that gives a feeling of spaciousness, its hall has an attractive wall of stone arches drowned in cement, its wide spaces invite you to share moments with your family and enjoy its different areas surrounded by large windows that allow natural light to enteror if you prefer, the garden is large enough to build a nice poollaundry room: it connects to the kitchen and has direct access to the garage, ample space for a washer and dryer37 sq ft) 3 bedrooms with balcony + flex room 2the master bedroom has bathroom with tub and closet, the other two bedrooms share a bathroom, all bedrooms with air conditioning and flex room or tv roomrest of the house:this house has the option to grow above the garage since it has the necessary supports and foundations for one more roomlocation:located en colonia ojo de agua in puerto vallarta, very close to two of the main avenues, such as francisco villa and fluvial vallarta that connect with the main points of interest in the destination, such as shopping centers, services, schools and hospitalsgarden and terrace: a large garden with 2 sections and a lot of vegetation which makes it a pleasant space to hang out, as well as a terrace with a palapa with ample space to enjoy, relax or spend time with family and friendsits garden and terrace will allow you to spend pleasant and relaxing moments or to spend time with family and friendsit has a double height entrance, half bathroom, tv room, living room with access to the garden, dining room, kitchen, laundry room that connects with the garagefeatures: lot: 417 m2 (4488kitchen: spacious fitted kitchen with granite bar and breakfast bar, has a pantry with wooden doors, double sink and stovethe house has a perimeter fence and protective meshjust 10 minutes from the beach and 20 minutes from the airport and the malecón puerto vallartadescription:this house has a hallway at the entrance that connects to the terrace of the tv room and in turn to the garden and on the other side to the 2-car garage with electric gate55 sq ft) construction: 278 m2 (2992additional the house has: spring wood finishes hydropneumatic 2,500-liter cistern stationary gas tank automatic heaterthis spacious traditional-style hose for sale is located in colonia ojo de agua, its located in the corner, its perfect for families looking for nearby services and tranquility in a comfortable space

    Puerto Vallarta (Jalisco)

    $ 6095000

  • First level: this house has a hall at the entrance and half bathroom for visitors, connects the living room and this with the dining roombackyard:large conditioned patio with ceramic floor and planter around the perimeter wall5 bathrooms living room, spacious dining room and kitchen large backyard with floor front porch 2 car garage air conditioners throughout the house ceiling fans 12 solar panels furnished description:this house is 2 levels, with excellent interior spaces, connecting the living room with the dining room and kitchen, thus giving way to its pleasant backyardin addition to a linen closetcistern 2,500 liters    stationary gas tank with external connection automatic heater 12 solar panels air conditioning (4 units) garage for 2 carsfeatures:  120 sq m of land and 150 sq m of constructionit has 2 ton air conditioningkitchen: fully equipped kitchen, breakfast bar with granite counter topnuevo vallarta has become a trendy place with restaurants, cafeterias and high-level services and it is a place of great growth, demand and added value, so this is an unbeatable opportunity to invest in your patrimonyon the outside it has a terrace (porch) and garage with space for 2 carsperfect to spend a nice time with family and friendsits ample spaces invite you to share family moments and enjoy its different areas with large windows that allow natural light and ventilationthis beautiful house located in the lomas del sol gated community in nuevo vallarta, offers the opportunity to acquire a great property perfect for families looking for tranquility and security, in addition to recreational areas and excellent location with nearby services and places of interestlocation: located within a prestigious gated community, with easy access from nuevo vallarta avenue, close to shopping centers, services, schools, restaurants, beaches and hospitalsall bedrooms have air conditioning and ceiling fansit has a full kitchen with granite counter, laundry room and a large backyard with great light and ventilation, as it does not adjoin any house in the backshared bathroom for bedrooms 2 and 3 which also have closetsstove, hood, refrigerator, microwave oven, pantry and cabinetsthe master bedroom has a full bathroom, closet and balconyin addition, the house has: wood finishes and granite details on wallslaundry room:connects to the kitchen and was remodeled to close it, enough space for washer and dryer, plus shelves for storage3 bedrooms, master bedroom with bathroom and balcony 2second level: consists of 3 bedroomsonly 10 minutes from the airportor if your intention is as an investment, it is a great opportunity to generate income since it has great profitability and affluence in rental platforms like airb&b

    Bahía de Banderas (Nayarit)

    $ 4598000

  • Change of stay status from temporary resident to permanent residentvisas for job offer or family bondemployer record updaterenewal of the legal stay
    our main objective is to give you the results you expect and help you have a comfortable and excellent stay in mexicoregularization program 2021don´t do things in a bad way, do it better by legal means so that everything is reliable and secureare you a foreigner and would you like to live in mexico? or are you in mexico but your immigration status is irregular? or do you want to open a new business in mexico? contact us! we also do conferences via skype from anywhere in the world
    services we offer:
    1employer records for companies (in case you want to hire foreign personnel)regularize migratory status by family linklegal stay in mexico (temporary residence, work permit or permanent residence)open a business or invest in mexico (partnerships, business association)excellent customer service is our priority, clarifying all your doubts and resolving them with great seriousness, professionalism, honesty and confidentiality, adhering to mexican lawscom
    whatsapp cel: 9985772380 or to 9982368426

    skype: violetapiza
    e-mail: viagui@yahooour law firm maintains an excellent standard of personalized quality

    Benito Juárez Quintana Roo (Quintana Roo)

  • The third level consists od a terrace with views to the mountains and the park5 sq ft construction: 248house in presale in puerto vallartaon the terrace is an half bathroom moredesigns and/or features may varyestimated delivery date: april 2023*price subject to change without notice on the second level in the master bedroom with a balcony, walking closet and an elegant bathroom with fine finishes, double sink and tempered glass, as well as another bedroom with a bathroom location: its location makes it an excellent investment, located in fluvial vallarta, very close to shopping malls, supermarkets, restaurants, schools, medical services and a few minutes from the beach90 sq ftprice: $525,000 usd * description of the house: the ground floor consists in a spacious living room, perfect for the entertainment or just relax, dining room with enough space for gatherings with family or friends and a fitted kitchenthis house offers a modern design that provides an atmosphere of spaciousness, freshness and lightfeatures: 3 bedrooms 3fluvial vallarta in one of the best zones for investment!  the images shown are merely illustrative and should not consider the final productadditionally, on the first level you will find a bedroom, a full bathroom in the living area, and a patio/terrace with a pool5 bathrooms living room dining room fitted kitchen air conditioning pool roof garden parking  lot: 180 m2 / 1937

    Puerto Vallarta (Jalisco)

  • Com
    whatsapp cel: 9985772380 or 9982368426immigrations specialist attorneys in mexico with 15 years of experience our office is located in the city of cancun, mexico

    in order to schedule an appointment our opening hours are monday through friday from 9 am to 3 pmwe may provide personalized solutions whether inside or outside mexico we may gladly do it via video call, or the residence area

    - employer certificate renewal
    we offer the following legal services:
    - mexican temporary residence
    - mexican permanent residence
    - authorization to work as a natural person or by job offer from a company in mexico
    - employer certification for companiesthis document must be renewed every year if you continue to have foreign employees in your company
    - visas for job offers by companies in mexico
    - visas for family tiesforeign spouse, minor children or parents
    - renewal of temporary residence or renewal of permanent residence (in cases of children under 18 years of age)
    - immigration regularization to obtain temporary or permanent residence (family unit or for having an expired document)
    - notice to immigration of change of place of work, address, name or nationality (you have 90 days to do so)
    - advice and management to establish a company in mexico
    -real estate relocation servicesdocument that issues immigration to be able to hire foreign workers in mexico

    Benito Juárez Quintana Roo (Quintana Roo)

  • **ask about sales policies and payment plansbedrooms: this house has 4 spacious and bright bedrooms all with closet, bathroom, and terrace ***prices and information subject to change without prior noticeit has a service entrance on the side of the house from the garage to the patiothis project can be done in any area of puerto vallarta – bahía de banderas, please give us call for an estimate!description: kitchen: wide and totally equipped kitchen, well-lit and beautifully designed, has an isle with granite top, spacious cabinets, and breakfast areaproject features: 4 bedrooms 6 bathrooms garage pool laundry room all the finishings, equipment and materials shown in the images are included an can be personalizedthis house is just an example of what we can do for you, the price is approximated for a house of 300 m² of construction and 250 m² of lotpatio and pool: and to spend family time, this house has an extensive patio with a modern pool, with enough space for beach furniture such as lounge chairs and recreation area with barit also has separate service doorthis project is an excellent opportunity!*the images are illustrative to show the type of design, finishes and materials that can be used in the projectthis house has 6 bathrooms (4 of them in each bedroom, 1 in the lobby and one more close to the pool), in the upper floor there is a spacious tv roomthe laundry room is also located in the ground floor, with enough room for laundry and drying machine and with a service stairway that leads to the roofrest of the property: it has a garage with an automatic iron gate, with space for 2 cars, that leads to a lobby where the living room and dining room are located, both of large size, which gives the house a sense of spaciousness, with big sliding window-doors, leading to the patio and pool

    Puerto Vallarta (Jalisco)

    $ 5995000

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