Basuritos the grossery gang camion

Listado basuritos the grossery gang camion

  • Motor cummins isc 285 hp 14 metros
    mod 1999
    transmision fuller 9 velosidades
    mancuerna 42,000 libras
    cami贸n volteo 1999
    camion volteo 14 metros freightlinel
    telefono 427 106 09 66


    $ 230000

  • M/rpm): 730/1200-1700
    desplazamiento (cc): 6495

    contacto: lee
    telefono: +8616600410692
    correo: special_automobile@126com

    nombre del producto: cami贸n antipolvo y smog
    dimensiones totales (mm): 8840x2490x2850
    volumen del dep贸sito (m鲁): 15
    distancia entre ejes (mm): 4500
    peso total (kg): 25000
    peso (kg): 8900
    carga 煤til (kg): 15000
    volumen del dep贸sito de combustible (l): 300
    tipo de conducci贸n: la izquierda
    tipo de combustible: diesel
    motor de formaci贸n: 6 cilindros, en l铆nea, turbocompresor, common-rail
    potencia: 147kw(200hp)
    par m谩ximo (ncami贸n de pulverizaci贸n exportar directa desde china, oferta espacial(fob)
    contacto: lee
    telefono: +8616600410692
    correo: special_automobile@126

    Alvaro Obreg贸n Distrito Federal (Distrito Federal)

    $ 1

  • nosotros reparamos / regeneramos baterias de auto y camion y otros

    simplemente hay que "regenerar y/o recargar"le indicaremos con "que % de carga
    la recibimos" y con "cual % de carga" la recibe y el % de "vida util" que le queda realmente !

    llame ya ! y regenere su bateria ya !! (686)182-8446

    recuerde: no es necesario estar comprando baterias de auto o camion
    cuando "dejan de funcionar"

    dejamos su bateria "cargando" con "carga lenta de pulsos" con
    la cual aumentamos su capacidad de carga y amperajellame ya ! (686)182-8446y ya que salga de nuestra "carga lenta
    y regeneracion de un dia para otro

    regeneramos su bateria hasta enun 65, 70, 80, 90 y hasta 100% y mas !!
    del voltaje original !!

    ahorre mucho dinero ! no "compre" mejor "regenere" su bateria !
    es mucho mas economico que adquirir una bateria nueva !!
    y todavia su bateria durara mucho mas tiempo !!

    nosotros le indicaremos (a traves de una serie de pruebas) como
    esta su bateria "actualmente" / % de vida restante antes de nuestro servicio al recibir la bateria)

    regeneramos las "celdas de su bateria" (6 celdas generalmente)
    y tambien rellenamos de "carga y/o amperaje" (voltaje / amperaje)
    a traves de pulsos de corriente electrica

    Mexicali (Baja California)

    $ 569

  • Oficin

    0448112031798cel tere asistente




    servicios_playwood@hotmail5 toneladas
    redilas y cerrados
    torton volteo 7m3
    tractores para jalar cajas de trailer

    la verdad somos los mas baratos de el mercado 驴verdad?????????????

    tenemos salidas en trailer a mexico df todos los dias

    monterrey nl


    san luis potosi


    mexico df



    y mas


    40 40 30 66la oruga
    fletes mudanza y renta de camiones
    aplican restriccionbes segun camion

    salimos a mexico todos los dias en plataforma trailer

    sapucoson camiones la oruga sa de cv

    cami贸n 3oficina


    Abasolo Nuevo Leon (Nuevo Leon)

    $ 3500

  • camion disponible para mudanza o flete local o foraneo

  • Empresa importante en el 谩rea de transporte de carga solicita operadores de tracto camion (muleros) favor de comunicarse al con mario reyes para hacer cita

  • Fletes en nissan o camion movimientos locales y for谩neos marcame para un presupuesto sin compromiso alos sig n煤meros # # trato directo sin intermediarios

  • Traslados de mercancias en camion de 5 toneladas locales y foraneo merida, cancun, campeche,te ofrecemos servicio de almacen temporal o a largo plazo, facturamos

  • Empresa vende:
    tracto camion freightliner cascadia
    fabricaci贸n: 2012
    motor cummins isx450
    transmisi贸n: fuller de 18 velocidades
    recorrido: 562,708 kms
    llantas al 80%
    garant铆a 12 meses
    sin choques, pintura de fabrica
    precio: $ 600,000
    informes al: tel茅fono: 4776903733
    wasapp: 4122046418


    $ 600000

  • Vendo camion de volteo ford a帽o 1988 motor navistar 190 transmicion de 9 velocidades diferencial de ataque directo cualquier prueba mecanica esta trabajando perfectamente bien llantas buenas baterias nuevas clutch nuevo tratamos precio dejo mi numero 346 124 1426


    $ 1

  • Vendo camion de volteo ford a帽o 1988 motor navistar 190 transmicion de 9 velocidades diferencial de ataque directo cualquier prueba mecanica esta trabajando perfectamente bien llantas buenas baterias nuevas clutch nuevo tratamos precio dejo mi numero 346 124 1426 listo para trabajar


    $ 1

  • Se vende freightliner cascadia tracto camion
    fabricaci贸n: 2012
    motor cummins isx450
    transmisi贸n: fuller de 18 velocidades
    recorrido: 562,708 kms
    tel茅fono para informes: 4776903733 wasapp: 4122046418
    llantas al 80%
    garant铆a 12 meses
    sin choques, pintura de fabrica
    precio: $ 600,000
    documentaci贸n al corriente

    Saltillo (Coahuila)

    $ 600000

  • a帽o:1991
    montado en cami贸n dina
    condiciones: trabajando
    ubicaci贸n : cdmxhiab 10 ton
    tipo: articulado
    marca: hiab
    modelo: tipo torton
    55 43 82 84 65
    55 34 15 50 34

    precio : $630,000 pesosserie:
    documentos: en orden
    capacidad: 10 tons
    ejes: 3 ejes

    Iztapalapa (Distrito Federal)

    $ 630000

  • Com

    dimensiones: 8840mm x2520mm x 3930mm
    volumen del dep贸sito (m鲁): 8 o 9 o 10
    distancia entre ejes (mm) 3650 + 1350
    peso total (kg): 27900
    tipo de combustible: dieselcami贸n mezcladora de cemento, oferta directa de planta china, fob
    escribame por correo o llame al telefono
    contacto: sr lee
    telefono: 008616600410692
    correo: special_automobile@126

    Cuauht茅moc Distrito Federal (Distrito Federal)

    $ 1

  • Empresa dispone la venta, por renovaci贸n de flota, del siguiente tracto camion: marca: kenworth
    modelo: t660
    fabricaci贸n: 2014
    motor paccar mx
    transmision: manual fuller de 18 velocidades
    eje delantero
    marca meritor
    capacidad 14,600 lb (6,622 kg)
    eje posterior
    marca meritor 46,000 lbs
    modelo rt-46-160p, con bomba de lubricaci贸n y
    blocaje de diferencial posterior
    estado: nunca chocada, pintura ok, mec谩nicamente al 100
    documentaci贸n al corriente
    precio de partida: $ 510,000
    precio de venta: $ 574,000
    adem谩s se venden inter prostar 2014kenwort t660 2014
    tel茅fono: 5584218170


    $ 574000

  • Lavado y desinfecci贸n de tinacos y cisternasrenta de cami贸n vactor y malacate para desazolve, desazolve de drenaje, fosas s茅pticas, carcamos, trampas de grasa etc

    Toluca (M茅xico)

    $ 1

  • Lavado y desinfectado de cisternas y tinacosrenta de cami贸n vactor, malacate para desazolve, desazolve de drenajes,fosas s茅pticas, carcamos

    Alvaro Obreg贸n Distrito Federal (Distrito Federal)

    $ 1

  • Empresa vende por renovacion: tracto camion
    marca: kenworth
    modelo: t660
    fabricaci贸n: 2013
    motor cummins isx400
    transmision: automatica
    eje delantero
    marca meritor
    capacidad 14,600 lb (6,622 kg)
    eje posterior
    marca meritor 46,000 lbs
    modelo rt-46-160p, con bomba de lubricaci贸n y
    blocaje de diferencial posterior
    estado: nunca chocada, pintura ok, mec谩nicamente al 100
    documentaci贸n al corriente
    precio de venta: $ 545,000
    informes al 5584218170


    $ 545000

  • Fletes industriales
    somos una empresa que trabaja para diferentes sectores industriales como el alimenticio (traslado de alimentos secos), transporte de maquinaria, traslado de montacargas peque帽os, maquinaria para imprenta, etcfletes en caja seca y plataforma
    fletes en tr谩iler
    fletes en rab贸n
    fletes en torton
    fletes en cami贸n de 3 1/2 ton
    fletes en nissan estaquita y caja seca
    caja seca de 53 pies
    caja seca de 48 pies
    operadores certificados
    unidades recientes
    maniobras tradicionales
    comunicacion 24 horas
    20 a帽os en servico erick linares todos nuestros fletes y servicios le garantizan una seguridad en su carga, transparencia en el servicio, confianza, y un monitoreo constante 24/7 de las unidades
    podemos generar un contrato para programar traslados peri贸dicos o de credito con las empresas

    Abasolo Nuevo Leon (Nuevo Leon)

    $ 3500

  • -zona: acapulco de ju谩rez
    interesados comunicarse al tel
    - contar con licencia para conducir vigentedesazolves acapulco solicita chofer-ayudante, para cami贸n torton
    - sexo masculino
    - disponibilidad de tiempo completo
    - trabajo en equipo

    Acapulco de Ju谩rez (Guerrero)

  • Oficin

    04481120317985 toneladas
    redilas y cerrados
    torton volteo 7m3
    tractores para jalar cajas de trailer
    movemos cualquier cosa

    la verdad somos los mas baratos de el mercado 驴verdad??

    salidas en trailer a mexico df todos los dias

    monterrey nl


    san luis potosi


    mexico df



    y mas


    40 40 30 66atendido por sus propietarios

    sapucoson camiones la oruga sa

    cami贸n 3cel tere asistente



    correo electr贸nico



    Abasolo Nuevo Leon (Nuevo Leon)

    $ 5650

  • garant铆a y seguro vigente

    precio solicitado: 165,000 mxn

    contamos con sistema de flete a nivel nacional sin cargo adicional

    renueva su flota vehicular de uso industrial y convoca a toda persona f铆sica o moral a gran remate de unidades de uso laboral, industrial, ejecutivo y gerencial

    las unidades se entregar谩n con un presente en productos oficiales de la tequilera don juliotequila don julio s70
    direcci贸n: hidr谩ulica
    a/c: incluido
    frenos: disco abs
    asientos: 2 pasajeros
    sistema el茅ctrico: delphi usa
    rendimiento: 15 km/l
    todo pagado hasta 2023
    unidad 100% operativa, jam谩s ha sido chocada ni refaccionadacom

    central telefonica / whatsapp 3384219234 ext 204

    lic enrique de colsa (director general departamento en ventas)

    porfirio d铆az 17, chichimeco, 47750 atotonilco el alto, jalm茅xico, planta la primaverafactura original de agenciav

    l铆der en la elaboraci贸n del tequila en m茅xico y en el mundo
    servicios de mantenimiento al d铆a
    documentaci贸n en regla

    solicite informes, cotizaciones y/o aparte su cita

    cami贸n marca cab 2019

    motor: 105hp suzuki
    carga: 1200 kg
    transmisi贸n: manual
    medidas caja: 2

    Atotonilco El Alto (Jalisco)

    $ 165000

  • camion dina con menos de 150,000 km, en perfectas condiciones, cuenta con rampa hidraulica y caja mudancera, ubicado en estado de m茅xico, n煤mero de contacto: 5553584213


    $ 480000

  • If you like the views of the mountains, the bay and the city, we trust that you will enjoy zul** the listed price does not include closing costs nor any other cost generated by the purchase of the property (ithe聽developer reserves the right to modify or change plans, specifications, features and prices without notice*according to the specialized platform casas y terrenos the capital gain is estimated between 10% to 20% annuallythis is just informative data and can鈥檛 be guaranteed by the vendorall renders, views and images are the concept of the architect and are intended for use as general reference only and are not to be considered final productbank commissions in the event of obtaining a mortgage) ask for payment plans and policiesas your new home or investment* in puerto vallarta, zul is a great option for you!pre-sale of condominiums located just 7 minutes near the beach and 10 minutes away from the downtown area (boardwalk)the availability, pricing and purchase homes cannot be聽guaranteed until time of contract signing and the number of homes available for purchase, pricing, terms, conditions, designs, floorplans, features or amenities, may聽change at any time prior to contract signing聽units features:聽 living room dining room kitchen聽 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms balcony or garden a/c聽amenities: controlled access聽 elevator聽 infinity pool聽 sky terrace barbecue area bar area lounge area outdoor shower 360 degree views of agua azul waterfall, mountain, city and banderas bay parking (4 spaces available to purchase)聽prices from $215,973聽usd**location:located just 7 minutes from the beach in agua azul neighborhood, close to the mountain, the highway 200, multi athletic complex, romantic zone and the boardwalkzul is an opportunity for investment that offers you the balance between space, functionality and design with a modern stylezul is a new development with 12 units from 100this is your opportunity to acquire a quality property with an excellent聽price聽聽**ask for payment plans and policiesapproximate delivery date: july, 2024聽*price subject to availability and change without notice

    Puerto Vallarta (Jalisco)

    $ 215970

  • If you like the views of the mountains, the bay and the city, we trust that you will enjoy zul** the listed price does not include closing costs nor any other cost generated by the purchase of the property (ithe聽developer reserves the right to modify or change plans, specifications, features and prices without notice*according to the specialized platform casas y terrenos the capital gain is estimated between 10% to 20% annuallythis is just informative data and can鈥檛 be guaranteed by the vendorall renders, views and images are the concept of the architect and are intended for use as general reference only and are not to be considered final productbank commissions in the event of obtaining a mortgage) ask for payment plans and policiesas your new home or investment* in puerto vallarta, zul is a great option for you!pre-sale of condominiums located just 7 minutes near the beach and 10 minutes away from the downtown area (boardwalk)the availability, pricing and purchase homes cannot be聽guaranteed until time of contract signing and the number of homes available for purchase, pricing, terms, conditions, designs, floorplans, features or amenities, may聽change at any time prior to contract signing聽units features:聽 living room dining room kitchen聽 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms balcony or garden a/c聽amenities: controlled access聽 elevator聽 infinity pool聽 sky terrace barbecue area bar area lounge area outdoor shower 360 degree views of agua azul waterfall, mountain, city and banderas bay parking (4 spaces available to purchase)聽prices from $238,666聽usd**location:located just 7 minutes from the beach in agua azul neighborhood, close to the mountain, the highway 200, multi athletic complex, romantic zone and the boardwalkzul is an opportunity for investment that offers you the balance between space, functionality and design with a modern stylezul is a new development with 12 units from 100this is your opportunity to acquire a quality property with an excellent聽price聽聽**ask for payment plans and policiesapproximate delivery date: july, 2024聽*price subject to availability and change without notice

    Puerto Vallarta (Jalisco)

    $ 238666

  • On the second level you will find the bedroom that includes access to the balcony, closet and a full bathroomyou will delight in the vibrant and comfortable atmosphere, feeling completely at home in one of the most modern developments in the hotel zone of puerto vallartaon the ground floor it offers a large living-dining room area full of light that connects it to the outdoor terrace providing a perfect space for entertainment and relaxation, inside on the same floor it incorporates the beautiful modern kitchen, a flex and a full bathroomwith everything at your fingertips in the condominium and all the entertainment options that puerto vallarta offers, every day will seem like a vacationyour location is worth gold!located in the modern complex of zoho skies in the hotel zone of puerto vallarta, surrounded by all kinds of services, such as shopping malls, restaurants, hospitals, cinemas and in front of the maritime port and of course just a few minutes walk to the beachthe smart, light and airy open plan layout provides a quality lifestyle for singles, couples or small familiesperfectly located with quick access to main avenue and a few minutes from the maritime port, beach shopping centers, magnificent gastronomic options, hospitals, airport and downtown puerto vallartaresort lifestyleclearly contemporary, yet quietly elegant, this sophisticated two-level apartment offers you a functional, spacious design and just 350 meters from the beach!enjoy beautiful uninterrupted mountain views and impressive ocean views from your roof terrace with poolthis apartment is located in one of the most sought after condominiums in puerto vallarta, in a complex that is distinguished by its concept of having all services and entertainment on site, carefully planned around quiet and distinctive places of attraction, a beautiful place to call homethe capital gain is enormous!features: bedrooms: 1 +聽flex room bathrooms: 2 part furnished air conditioning: yes parking: yes playroom sky lounge with pool, bar, jacuzzi, sundecks, grills and fire pit or campfire gym and boxing studio 24 hour security and controlled access bussiness center events area recreation area聽this apartment at zoho skies puerto vallarta has been perfectly designed with modern architecture and its interiors offer you a contemporary neutral color scheme and quality finisheszoho skies is a planned development that features a fully integrated lifestyle compound that incorporates green areas, entertainment areas, and an endless common amenitiesmeintenance聽dues include gas and water聽*non-negotiable price

    Puerto Vallarta (Jalisco)

    $ 257475

  • Its colorful colonial houses keep it as one of the most beautiful places in the city of m茅ridathe park was remodeled a few years ago and since then it has further enhanced the beauty that characterizes this place"聽the house has a living room, dining room, both spacious, kitchen with lebanese arches, high metal beam ceilings, garage for 4 cars, much desired in the downtown merida, it also has an apartment at the back of the property which has, living room, dining room, kitchen, full bathroom, and a bedroom and with a huge patio or garden, enough space for a good size poolawayla ermita parkhermitage church of santa isabella ermita botanical spacethe bike routes every sunday, walks with the family or to exercisecolonial house with an unbeatable size lot and location, just a few steps away from la ermita park and its church in the historic downtown of merida, potential for the house of your dreams, or commercial use, airbnb new jewel in downtown merida, quiet area, but full of life on the mexican holidays, like the festival of souls every year, from october 1 to november 3, something exclusive for this park, it has also been a setting for some filming novels and film productionsits yellow church, its french cobblestone streets, its park and its botanical garden combine to give its visitors an incredible view of the whole placeimportant notesunexpected visits are not welcome聽/ please make an appointment5 blocks from san juan park9 streets from la plaza grande (festival events on weekends)schools of all levels just minutes awayit is a tourist area, very quiet and picturesque in its festivals聽鈥渓a ermita de santa isabel, is a soap opera place, literally(owners motivated to sell)聽聽places of interest:airport just 11mindocuments ready for your quick and safe purchasetrusts are welcome / fideicomiso readythe price is fixed / non-negotiableit has an appraisal for a value greater than $4


    $ 197368

  • the best price per m2| the numbers do not lie, metro has the lowest price per m2 in the market; guaranteeing more value for your moneythe new business center in m茅rida, yucat谩n the best location聽| strategically located in colonia m茅xico, the new center of m茅rida; surrounded by an infinity of services, a few meters from the most important avenues of the city: prolongaci贸n paseo de montejo and calle 60聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽聽the best investment | whether to establish your new office or to generate future income through leasing plans, metro is the ideal option for a safe and smart investment; in addition to having an excellent financing plan聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽tree levels to 92 ofiice from34 m2聽to 57 m2聽, meeting and co working rooms for each levelmetro business centerand full amenitties


    $ 76250

  • House to remodel on a 781 m2 plot of land in the center of hunucm谩, yucat谩nin the city center,卢 on the main street of the center of hunucm谩卢 a few steps from the san francisco de as铆s church卢 a few steps from the z贸calo of the city卢 2 blocks from the municipal market卢 all services at hand (screw stores, greengrocers, pharmacies, clinics)卢 close to schools and shops in general卢 18 km from m茅rida, entering through caucel卢 30 km from m茅rida international airport, yucat谩n卢 25 km from the port of sisal, yucatandistribution:卢 room卢 dining room卢 rustic kitchen卢 complete bathroom to remodel卢 washing area卢 service yardamenities:卢 masonry construction卢 preserves original floors卢 height ceiling of 4 meters卢 with perimeter fence throughout the land卢 land: 11 x 71 (781 m2)price $1,400,000 mxnfree of lien


    $ 1400000

  • the latter with large windows that open completely to a beautiful terrace and the garden

    in the basement we find the cellar and the service area: 2 service rooms with bathroom, driver's room with bathroom, cellar, laundry room and parking for 8 carsit is a project of the collaboration of the offices of artek, architect pancho guzm谩n and sprezzatura and, architect juan zepeda carranza

    on the ground floor we find a large dining and living arealocated in the best area of lomas de chapultepec we find this beautiful housebeautiful bathroom with showers and tub which have a beautiful view of the garden

    on the third floor there are 2 bedrooms with a full bathroom, a large open family room and a large roof terrace

    on the main floor we find 2 bedrooms with a bathroom and a dressing room each, a tv room and a master bedroom with a walk in-closetlarge kitchen plus outdoor kitchen, study-library and half bathroom

    upon entering we are greeted by a beautiful garden with exotic vegetation and a water mirror

    without a doubt, a spectacular house with large spaces to enjoy and share with family and friends

    Chapultepec (M茅xico)

    $ 3000

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Busquedas relacionadas basuritos the grossery gang camion