Franquicia the surge
Listado franquicia the surge
the surge es un juego de acción y rpg desarrollado por focus home interactiveaunque the surge no cuenta con modo multijugador, los usuarios pueden disfrutar del juego offline solamenteen resumen, este título ofrece una experiencia emocionante e inmersiva para aquellos interesados en juegos de rol y acción futuristasel juego está disponible en formato digital como descarga electrónica de software (esd)fue lanzado el 15/05/2017 para la plataforma xbox one, con una clasificación esrb de m (maduro)el jugador asume el papel del protagonista warren, quien trabaja en creo, una corporación que busca salvar al mundo a través de avances tecnológicossin embargo, las cosas toman un giro oscuro cuando ocurre un accidente catastrófico en la instalaciónla jugabilidad se centra en combates cuerpo a cuerpo intensos y desafiantes contra robots y otros adversarios peligrososlos jugadores pueden mejorar su personaje mediante implantes cibernéticos que otorgan habilidades especiales
the surge 2 - premium edition es un videojuego de acción desarrollado por deck13 y publicado por focus home interactiveen cuanto a las calificaciones esrb, the surge 2 - premium edition tiene una clasificación m (maduro), lo que indica que puede contener contenido violento e inapropiado para menores de edadel modo multijugador no está disponible en este título, lo que significa que los jugadores solo pueden disfrutarlo individualmentefue lanzado el 16 de enero del año 2020 para la plataforma xbox one, con una clasificación pegi de 18 años o másel género principal del juego es la acción, donde los usuarios deben luchar contra diferentes tipos de enemigos mientras exploran diversos entornoseste software está disponible como descarga electrónica (esd), lo que significno se necesitan auriculares de realidad virtual (vr) para jugarloesta edición premium incluye compras dentro del juego y requiere un espacio recomendado en disco duro de al menos 816 gb para su instalación
Para disfrutar completamente del contenido ofrecido por the surge 2 season pass, no se requieren auriculares de realidad virtual (vr)el surge 2 season pass es un complemento para el juego de rol básico disponible en la plataforma xbox oneeste producto fue desarrollado por focus home interactive y lanzado al mercado el 29/10/2019, con una clasificación pegi de 18 años o más y un rango esrb m (maduro)en general, esta expansión proporciona nuevas oportunidades para explorar el mundo creado por focus home interactive sa y mejorar aún más la experiencia rpg ya emocionanteeste pase de temporada ofrece a los jugadores acceso a contenido adicional que amplía la experiencia del juego originallos detalles específicos sobre qué se incluye en este paquete pueden variar según las actualizaciones posteriores al lanzamiento del productoel modo multijugador no está incluido en este paquete
Este juego pertenece a la serie assassin's creed, una franquicia muy popular en el mundo de los videojuegosassassin's creed the ezio collection es un videojuego de acción desarrollado por ubisoft y lanzado el 15 de noviembre del año 2016 para la plataforma xbox onepor otro lado, según pegi (pael jugador tiene que controlar al protagonista mientras éste realiza misiones peligrosas y emocionantes en diferentes ciudades italianas como florencia, venecia o romaademás, incluye tres juegos completos: assassin's creed ii, brotherhood y revelationsen cuanto a su clasificación esrb (entertainment software rating board), este título está catalogado como "m" (maduro) debido a su contenido violento e intensola trama se centra en las aventuras del personaje principal llamado ezio auditore da firenze, quien vive durante el renacimiento italianoel juego cuenta con gráficos mejorados respecto a sus versiones anteriores y ofrece una experiencia más inmersiva gracias a su resolución hd
Dragon ball: the breakers es un juego de acción y aventura desarrollado por bandai namco entertainmentel título pertenece a la serie dragon ball, una franquicia muy popular en el mundo del entretenimiento que cuenta con millones de seguidores en todo el planetaen lo que respecta a las características técnicas del producto, cabe destacar que ofrece compras dentro del juego para aquellos usuarios interesados en adquirir elementos adicionales durante su experienciaen cuanto al género del juego, se trata de un título enfocado en la acción y la aventura, donde los jugadores tendrán que enfrentarse a diversos desafíos mientras exploran diferentes escenariosel videojuego está disponible para xbox one/one s/series x/s desde su fecha de lanzamiento oficial, 14/10/2022además, cuenta con modos multijugador tanto online como offline; siendo necesario contar con un mínimo de dos jugadores conectados para poder disfrutarlola versión plurilingüe permite jugar al título en varios idiom
• menor inversión: si lo comparas con empezar un negocio independiente, comprar una franquicia de bienes raíces es una inversión mucho menor a la cantidad de dinero que necesitarías para hacer funcionar un negocio nuevo
adquirir una franquicia inmobiliaria es un tipo de inversión sostenible, incluso en tiempos de crisis, ya que estás comprando un negocio que ha sido probado por otros y ha tenido éxito, obteniendo un modelo de negocios efectivo que te permitirá iniciar tu carrera inmobiliaria sin pérdidas de tiempo y dinero, que es algo que suele ocurrir cuando comienzas un negocio desde cero, pasando siempre por ensayo y errorcitymax una marca con atributos diferenciadores que le permiten insertarse en el mercado inmobiliario de su localidad con excelentes resultadoslas franquicias de bienes raíces dan muchas ventajas a aquellos broker que se mueven en el mercado de valores inmobiliarios
• capacitación: los franquiciadores ofrecen constantemente capacitaciones para la enseñanza de sus franquiciados en los procesos de trabajo esenciales para poner en marcha la empresa
• promoción y publicidad: te verás beneficiado de las campañas publicitarias generales que realiza la empresa matriz, para fortalecer ese engagement que se busca con los clientes y con las mismas franquicias de la red
si estás interesado en conocer más sobre nuestra filosofía y detalles de inversión, no dudes en contactarnos
• crecimiento rápido: no solo adquieres una marca, obtienes también todos los beneficios y reconocimientos que esta ha logrado, así atraerás clientes más rápido, podrás crecer y tu dinero invertido retornará
el modelo de negocios de las franquicias tiene muchas ventajas para quienes buscan invertir y comenzar un negocio, en el nicho de mercado que seacom
(+502) 2493-5579 (whatsapp y llamada)
(+502) 5016-5134 (whatsapp)tenemos en primer lugar que distinguir las dos figuras principales: la del franquiciador, el dueño o propietario de la marca (puede ser desde una persona hasta una empresa o grupo de empresas) y la del franquiciado, es decir, quien quiere comprar los derechos de uso de la marca del producto o servicio en el que quiere invertir
franquicias@citymax-laSan Luis Potosí (San Luis Potosi)
$ 1290548
Se traspasa franquicia de alfa inmobiliaria con 70 propiedades en cartera¿qué beneficios obtienes con alfa inmobiliaria? ser parte de la red inmobiliaria n°1 somos la primera franquicia en promover el trabajo en red, a través de nuestra innovadora plataforma cada oficina alfa ingresa los datos de todos los inmuebles en venta o renta de su área local poniéndolas a disposición de las distintas oficinas a nivel internacionalpágina web propia con más de 4,000 inmuebles disponiblesincluye: licencia de una marca registrada con reconocimiento internacional y presencia de más de 90 franquicias a nivel nacionaltecnología propia: somos los únicos en brindar una plataforma inmobiliaria verdaderamente integrada, que permite gestionar y administrar eficazmentedesde el portafolio de propiedades, documentos, clientes, empleados y procesos centrales, hasta compartir las propiedades con todas las oficinas de la red internacional alfa y la publicación simultánea en tu propio sitio web alfa y en 20 portales inmobiliarios de forma automáticacoaching empresarial y programa mentor business rich de la firma internacional action coachalianzas estratégicas: contamos con una red de empresas y colaboradores para ofrecer soluciones integrales, desde asesoría empresarial, fiscal y financiera hasta alianzas con los principales portales inmobiliarios, consultores jurídicos, soluciones en mudanzas y brokers hipotecarios, logrando satisfacer todas las necesidades del negocio y la de los clientes de la red alfasoftware de gestión crm-mls-cre inmoalfa campuseducación integral: nuestro programa de formación esta creado para permitir a cualquier persona sin experiencia previa, certificarse como profesional inmobiliario, desarrollar un espíritu emprendedor y asumir una visión global del negocio de los bienes raíces, con el seguimiento de la firma internacional de coaching empresarial action coach, aun después, mantenemos una continua formación con programas de actualización a través de microformación, seminarios, webinars y videocom reuniones virtuales semanales de soporte técnico chat online de soporte en inmoalfa y área reservada contrato por tiempo ilimitadotécnicas y herramientas que están revolucionando el mercado inmobiliario y que en méxico han superado las expectativasguía paso a paso para la consolidación de una corporación se servicios: inmobiliarios + hipotecarios + legalescon alfa inmobiliaria, no tendrás que recurrir a pagos mensuales altos, contamos con los costos operativos más bajos del mercado inmobiliarioalfa inmobiliaria te ofrece la oportunidad de que inicies con tu propio negocio o amplíes tu actividad empresarial, brindándote todas las herramientas para que logres el mejor resultado posible y con el menor riesgo, convirtiéndote en un especialista en unos de los negocios más simple y rentable que existeasesoría jurídica que resuelve las dudas legales de tus clientes
Pachuca de Soto (Hidalgo)
$ 199000
Renta de locales para franquicia una excelente oportunidad de inversiónterreno de 1,880 m2 con tres locales con una construcción total de 302 m2 y 15 lugares de estacionamiento o másubicado sobre autopista méxico - acapulco y a 10 min del centro de la ciudad de cuernavaca
Cuernavaca (Morelos)
$ 70000
Venta de proyecto de franquicia crepes & subs , gran oportunidad de negociocosto de proyecto $ 40,000 mil pesos, información al 5540731137, 5542281322un concepto único con gran rentabilidad y margen de gananciase parte de nuestras sucursalesincluye el estudio de mercado y acompañamiento técnico en todo el proceso de montaje
$ 40000
Ideal para restaurant, franquicia como oxxo, refaccionaría, etcsolo se pide:deposito de renta y energía eléctricapago de agua por adelantadosobre autopista méxico-puebla
Puebla (Puebla)
$ 15000
Adquirir una franquicia es una ventaja porque permite ahorrarse los problemas de los negocios independientes cuando comienzan: posicionarse, encontrar clientes, obtener el retorno de la inversióny es que al trabajar en red, las franquicias brindan la mayor probabilidad de lograr negocios en el menor tiempo y al mejor precio, pues integran tanto a vendedores como a compradores potenciales¿quieres conocer más acerca de citymax? contáctanos por las diferentes vías
si quieres invertir en un negocio, esta es tu oportunidad
• franquicias@citymax-launo de los retos que tienen los nuevos emprendedores es posicionar su marca y generar confianza en sus potenciales clientescom
• (+502) 2493-5575
• (+502) 5016-5134
• ofrecemos un modelo de negocio probado
• ofrecemos reconocimiento de nombre
• trabajarás con sistemas de marketing probados
• formación y apoyo en ventas
por otra parte, se ha consolidado como un mercado objetivo para la industria internacionalAlvaro Obregón Distrito Federal (Distrito Federal)
Local en renta para franquicia en santa ana600m2afluencia de gentea 100 metros de oxxoa 5 min de la parada de santa ana chiautempana 2 min de vía cota santa anaav aguascalientes 30, el alto, 90807 chiautempan, tlaxgl/maps/parha6letkuax4jv6?coh=178573&entry=tt
Santa Ana Nopalucan (Tlaxcala)
$ 25000
If you like the views of the mountains, the bay and the city, we trust that you will enjoy zul** the listed price does not include closing costs nor any other cost generated by the purchase of the property (ithe developer reserves the right to modify or change plans, specifications, features and prices without notice*according to the specialized platform casas y terrenos the capital gain is estimated between 10% to 20% annuallythis is just informative data and can’t be guaranteed by the vendorall renders, views and images are the concept of the architect and are intended for use as general reference only and are not to be considered final productbank commissions in the event of obtaining a mortgage) ask for payment plans and policiesas your new home or investment* in puerto vallarta, zul is a great option for you!pre-sale of condominiums located just 7 minutes near the beach and 10 minutes away from the downtown area (boardwalk)the availability, pricing and purchase homes cannot be guaranteed until time of contract signing and the number of homes available for purchase, pricing, terms, conditions, designs, floorplans, features or amenities, may change at any time prior to contract signing units features: living room dining room kitchen 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms balcony or garden a/c amenities: controlled access elevator infinity pool sky terrace barbecue area bar area lounge area outdoor shower 360 degree views of agua azul waterfall, mountain, city and banderas bay parking (4 spaces available to purchase) prices from $215,973 usd**location:located just 7 minutes from the beach in agua azul neighborhood, close to the mountain, the highway 200, multi athletic complex, romantic zone and the boardwalkzul is an opportunity for investment that offers you the balance between space, functionality and design with a modern style **ask for payment plans and policiesthis is your opportunity to acquire a quality property with an excellent priceapproximate delivery date: july, 2024 *price subject to availability and change without noticezul is a new development with 12 units from 100
Puerto Vallarta (Jalisco)
$ 215970
If you like the views of the mountains, the bay and the city, we trust that you will enjoy zul** the listed price does not include closing costs nor any other cost generated by the purchase of the property (ithe developer reserves the right to modify or change plans, specifications, features and prices without notice*according to the specialized platform casas y terrenos the capital gain is estimated between 10% to 20% annuallythis is just informative data and can’t be guaranteed by the vendorall renders, views and images are the concept of the architect and are intended for use as general reference only and are not to be considered final productbank commissions in the event of obtaining a mortgage) ask for payment plans and policiesas your new home or investment* in puerto vallarta, zul is a great option for you!pre-sale of condominiums located just 7 minutes near the beach and 10 minutes away from the downtown area (boardwalk) units features: living room dining room kitchen 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms balcony or garden a/c amenities: controlled access elevator infinity pool sky terrace barbecue area bar area lounge area outdoor shower 360 degree views of agua azul waterfall, mountain, city and banderas bay parking (4 spaces available to purchase) prices from $238,666 usd**location:located just 7 minutes from the beach in agua azul neighborhood, close to the mountain, the highway 200, multi athletic complex, romantic zone and the boardwalkthe availability, pricing and purchase homes cannot be guaranteed until time of contract signing and the number of homes available for purchase, pricing, terms, conditions, designs, floorplans, features or amenities, may change at any time prior to contract signingzul is an opportunity for investment that offers you the balance between space, functionality and design with a modern style **ask for payment plans and policiesthis is your opportunity to acquire a quality property with an excellent priceapproximate delivery date: july, 2024 *price subject to availability and change without noticezul is a new development with 12 units from 100
Puerto Vallarta (Jalisco)
$ 238666
On the second level you will find the bedroom that includes access to the balcony, closet and a full bathroomyou will delight in the vibrant and comfortable atmosphere, feeling completely at home in one of the most modern developments in the hotel zone of puerto vallartaon the ground floor it offers a large living-dining room area full of light that connects it to the outdoor terrace providing a perfect space for entertainment and relaxation, inside on the same floor it incorporates the beautiful modern kitchen, a flex and a full bathroomwith everything at your fingertips in the condominium and all the entertainment options that puerto vallarta offers, every day will seem like a vacationyour location is worth gold!located in the modern complex of zoho skies in the hotel zone of puerto vallarta, surrounded by all kinds of services, such as shopping malls, restaurants, hospitals, cinemas and in front of the maritime port and of course just a few minutes walk to the beachthe smart, light and airy open plan layout provides a quality lifestyle for singles, couples or small familiesperfectly located with quick access to main avenue and a few minutes from the maritime port, beach shopping centers, magnificent gastronomic options, hospitals, airport and downtown puerto vallartaresort lifestyleclearly contemporary, yet quietly elegant, this sophisticated two-level apartment offers you a functional, spacious design and just 350 meters from the beach!enjoy beautiful uninterrupted mountain views and impressive ocean views from your roof terrace with poolthis apartment is located in one of the most sought after condominiums in puerto vallarta, in a complex that is distinguished by its concept of having all services and entertainment on site, carefully planned around quiet and distinctive places of attraction, a beautiful place to call homethe capital gain is enormous!features: bedrooms: 1 + flex room bathrooms: 2 part furnished air conditioning: yes parking: yes playroom sky lounge with pool, bar, jacuzzi, sundecks, grills and fire pit or campfire gym and boxing studio 24 hour security and controlled access bussiness center events area recreation area this apartment at zoho skies puerto vallarta has been perfectly designed with modern architecture and its interiors offer you a contemporary neutral color scheme and quality finishesmeintenance dues include gas and water *non-negotiable pricezoho skies is a planned development that features a fully integrated lifestyle compound that incorporates green areas, entertainment areas, and an endless common amenities
Puerto Vallarta (Jalisco)
$ 257475
Its colorful colonial houses keep it as one of the most beautiful places in the city of méridathe park was remodeled a few years ago and since then it has further enhanced the beauty that characterizes this place" the house has a living room, dining room, both spacious, kitchen with lebanese arches, high metal beam ceilings, garage for 4 cars, much desired in the downtown merida, it also has an apartment at the back of the property which has, living room, dining room, kitchen, full bathroom, and a bedroom and with a huge patio or garden, enough space for a good size poolawayla ermita parkhermitage church of santa isabella ermita botanical spacethe bike routes every sunday, walks with the family or to exercisecolonial house with an unbeatable size lot and location, just a few steps away from la ermita park and its church in the historic downtown of merida, potential for the house of your dreams, or commercial use, airbnb new jewel in downtown merida, quiet area, but full of life on the mexican holidays, like the festival of souls every year, from october 1 to november 3, something exclusive for this park, it has also been a setting for some filming novels and film productionsits yellow church, its french cobblestone streets, its park and its botanical garden combine to give its visitors an incredible view of the whole place5 blocks from san juan park9 streets from la plaza grande (festival events on weekends)schools of all levels just minutes awayit is a tourist area, very quiet and picturesque in its festivals “la ermita de santa isabel, is a soap opera place, literallyimportant notesunexpected visits are not welcome / please make an appointmentdocuments ready for your quick and safe purchasetrusts are welcome / fideicomiso readythe price is fixed / non-negotiableit has an appraisal for a value greater than $4(owners motivated to sell) places of interest:airport just 11min
$ 197368
the latter with large windows that open completely to a beautiful terrace and the garden
in the basement we find the cellar and the service area: 2 service rooms with bathroom, driver's room with bathroom, cellar, laundry room and parking for 8 carsit is a project of the collaboration of the offices of artek, architect pancho guzmán and sprezzatura and, architect juan zepeda carranza
on the ground floor we find a large dining and living areabeautiful bathroom with showers and tub which have a beautiful view of the gardenlocated in the best area of lomas de chapultepec we find this beautiful house
on the third floor there are 2 bedrooms with a full bathroom, a large open family room and a large roof terrace
on the main floor we find 2 bedrooms with a bathroom and a dressing room each, a tv room and a master bedroom with a walk in-closetlarge kitchen plus outdoor kitchen, study-library and half bathroom
without a doubt, a spectacular house with large spaces to enjoy and share with family and friends
upon entering we are greeted by a beautiful garden with exotic vegetation and a water mirrorChapultepec (México)
$ 3000
the lots for sale have the following measurements and pricesa few minutes from la gloria village, you can build a beach house for vacation or spend the weekend enjoying the views that offer the lotsthe lots for sale are an investment opportunity, with the amount of square meters that each one has the option to build a small condominium or a house with lots of space and privacymake your dreams come true and acquire the relaxing place you deservedont miss the opportunity to get one or both of the two lots for sale to develop an investment or vacation spot of your dreams, take the oportunity to build a large, favorable property with lots of privacy! also the lots are located approximately 1 hour from chacalatepec, where future resorts and airport are being built location:these lots for sale are located just 2hrs and a half from puerto vallarta and close to the turtle camp of tomatlanaquired two lots with a price of $152,212 usd with 1,21282 m2 near virgin beach where you can enjoy privacy and tranquility in this locationacquire 2 lots with 1,212price of lot 1 $74,999 usd with 597price of lot 2 $77,213 usd with 615
Tomatlán-Jalisco (Jalisco)
$ 152212
the break at arenal, allows residences to coexist with the best elements of the bajathe vitality of the terrain is translated into livable and functional spaces with all the necessary amenities to be there, in the moment live in seamless harmony with the baja landscapeenjoy the rooftop terrace, pool and bar, wellness room, garden and fire pit amongst the surrounding streams, mountains and beaches9 residences are located at the costa azul viewpoint featuring 220º views overlooking the entire bay of san josé del cabothe break at arenal permite que las residencias coexistan con los mejores elementos de la bajavive en perfecta armonía con el paisaje de baja californialas residencias varían de 2 a 3 dormitorios e incluyen una opción llave en mano totalmente amueblada, piscina de inmersión y terrazasdisfrute de la terraza en la azotea, la piscina y el bar, la sala de bienestar, el jardín y la hoguera entre los arroyos, las montañas y las playas de los alrededoresla vitalidad del terreno se traduce en espacios habitables y funcionales con todas las comodidades necesarias para estar ahí, en el momentoresidences range from 2 to 3 bedrooms and include a turn-key fully-furnished option, plunge pool and terraces9 residencias están ubicadas en el mirador costa azul con vistas de 220º a toda la bahía de san josé del cabo
Los Cabos (Baja California Sur)
$ 1245000
the lots for sale have the following measurements and pricesa few minutes from la gloria village, you can build a beach house for vacation or spend the weekend enjoying the views that offer the lotsthe lots for sale are an investment opportunity, with the amount of square meters that each one has the option to build a small condominium or a house with lots of space and privacymake your dreams come true and acquire the relaxing place you deservedon't miss the opportunity to get one or both of the two lots for sale to develop an investment or vacation spot of your dreams, take the oportunity to build a large, favorable property with lots of privacy! also the lots are located approximately 1 hour from chacalatepec, where future resorts and airport are being built location:these lots for sale are located just 2hrs and a half from puerto vallarta and close to the turtle camp of tomatlanaquired two lots with a price of $152,212 usd with 1,21282 m2 near virgin beach where you can enjoy privacy and tranquility in this locationacquire 2 lots with 1,212price of lot 1 $74,999 usd with 597price of lot 2 $77,213 usd with 615
Tomatlán-Jalisco (Jalisco)
$ 152212
the best price per m2| the numbers do not lie, metro has the lowest price per m2 in the market; guaranteeing more value for your moneythe new business center in mérida, yucatán the best location | strategically located in colonia méxico, the new center of mérida; surrounded by an infinity of services, a few meters from the most important avenues of the city: prolongación paseo de montejo and calle 60 the best investment | whether to establish your new office or to generate future income through leasing plans, metro is the ideal option for a safe and smart investment; in addition to having an excellent financing planmetro business center tree levels to 92 ofiice from34 m2 to 57 m2 , meeting and co working rooms for each leveland full amenitties
$ 76250
House to remodel on a 781 m2 plot of land in the center of hunucmá, yucatánin the city center,¬ on the main street of the center of hunucmᬠa few steps from the san francisco de asís church¬ a few steps from the zócalo of the city¬ 2 blocks from the municipal market¬ all services at hand (screw stores, greengrocers, pharmacies, clinics)¬ close to schools and shops in general¬ 18 km from mérida, entering through caucel¬ 30 km from mérida international airport, yucatán¬ 25 km from the port of sisal, yucatandistribution:¬ room¬ dining room¬ rustic kitchen¬ complete bathroom to remodel¬ washing area¬ service yardamenities:¬ masonry construction¬ preserves original floors¬ height ceiling of 4 meters¬ with perimeter fence throughout the land¬ land: 11 x 71 (781 m2)price $1,400,000 mxnfree of lien
$ 1400000
the sims 4: extra content starter bundle is a downloadable content (dlc) for the video game the sims 4, available on xbox oneas an expansion to the sims 4, players can expect new features and gameplay options with the extra content starter bundlethe esrb rating for this product is t (teen), indicating that it may contain content inappropriate for children under the age of thirteenit's important to note that owning the base game of the sims 4 is required before being able to use any additional content packs like this oneoverall, if you enjoy playing the sims 4 and want more variety in your gaming experience, then purchasing this dlc could be worth consideringhowever, specific details about what this dlc contains are not provided in its description or packaging materialsthis dlc was released on november 13th, 2017 and includes one additional content pack
In the heart of the marina district, is cabo's hottest address, minutes from the sea and surrounded by shopping, restaurants and nightlifewatch the famous cabo sunset on your new rooftop terraceliving in the heart of los cabos marina, definitely has its perksthe paraiso residences bliss phase comprehends 58 unique luxury residences floor plans, spanning from contemporary one bedroom to spacious four-bedroom homes overlooking the los cabos marinalay down and enjoy the full concierge service included with your new residencethis is more than a resort; this is life on the adventurous sidefrom open kitchens to intimate gathering spotsdesigned to be an extension of its surroundings, these residences are ideal for those looking to own a piece of cabo that is close to everything#20-2433call leo now +521 624-1844797 & naysin +521 667-1444723
$ 480000
This lot has the perfect location, just one block away from the ocean, direct beach access to the best beach in cabo ''el medano'' and one of the most famous one in the worldthe security and tranquility of the area are ideal to develop a residential investment in tourism and serviceslocated on a beautiful avenue in el tezal area, one of the best in caboperfect for a hotel, commercial plaza or condominiums (there are already several built on the sides)alternate routes make access very easy and represent a safe investment as they have water infrastructure, electricity and public transportationwalking distance to costco, walmart, home depotlot can be subdivided or merge with lot 4, ask for our suggestions or construction projectsnegotiable price !!!13-1312for this or more options call leo now +521 624 184 4797 & naysin +521 667 144 4723
Distrito coral is a new and exclusive development with only 72 apartments, special amenities, natural spaces and a privileged location where the magic of the sea, the mountains and the city is combinedlocated in the hotel zone of puerto vallarta, jalisco, the development consist of three towers with functional and innovative design that preserve harmony with the surrounding environmentthe beautiful accents and quality of its materials make it a thoughtfully designed home with abundant light and natural perspectives**prices subject to change without prior notice* ask about our payment plans and policies distrito coral has areas and benefits that will make this space your new home: pool bussiness center gym training circuit sunbathing area covered parking elevators terrace security and controlled access prices starting at: us$213,000apartments with living room, dining room, kitchen, closet, laundry room and a parking spacein puerto vallarta, distrito coral not only offers comfort, luxury and added value, but much more with its authentic and contemporary style, it allows a fully functional lifestyle due to its excellent locationdistrito coralcontemporary living, style and locationthere are many new condos that promise comfort and luxury, but distrito coral offers so much more for its authentic style, as well as great added value
Puerto Vallarta (Jalisco)
$ 213000
Let yourself be enveloped in the magic of this paradisiacal venue, enjoying each of the amenities that will connect you with yourself and its nature, experience the power and energy of each element of this placethe natural mix of tulum such as water, earth, fire and air are witnesses to the birth of elements 326, a development that symbolizes peace, connection and spiritualitythe relaxed and calm lifestyle is breathed in this magic town of the riviera maya, tulum is today an icon that represents: culture, jungle, fauna, beaches, sunsets and sunrisestulum has become a world-class tourist destination thanks to its eco-chic lifestyle and the great diversity of activities and places that you can visit in this tropical paradise in the mexican caribbeantypologies: ground floor one bedroom apartment with jacuzzi - 5416 m2amenities: lobby• waterfall• 4 elevators• 2 restaurant / bar• commercial area• firepit• pool bar• water source• fresh & salt water jacuzzi• temazcal• massage zone• river pool• cinema• arcade game zone• gym• yoga zone• terraces• juice bar• business center• vegetal patch• sport bar• sky bar• sky pool• solarium• parking for cars & bikes• art• laundryequipment:fully equipped ktichen• frigobar• hood oven• electric grill• kitchen sink• bathroom furniture• king size bed base andmatterss• air conditioning• blackout curtains 76 m2ground floor one bedroom apartment with jacuzzi - 6292 m2apartment 1 and 2 level one bedroom - 4561 m2ground floor one bedroom apartment with jacuzzi - 5861 m2penthouse apartment two levels with lock off - 91
$ 133000