Scooter for

Listado scooter for

  • El scooter soporta hasta7 kg), el vorago scooter es fácilmente transportable a cualquier lugarel vorago scooter sc-302-v2 es un patín tipo bicicleta diseñado para cualquier géneroeste scooter cuenta con faros incorporados para mayor seguridad durante la conducción nocturnala carga completa de la batería tarda aproximadamente cuatro horas, lo que permite al usuario disfrutar del scooter por largos períodos sin preocuparse por quedarse sin energíael color negro elegante del producto le da un aspecto moderno e innovadortambién se puede plegar para ahorrar espacio cuando no está en usosu potencia del motor de 250 w y su capacidad de batería de 6000 ah le permiten alcanzar una velocidad máxima de hasta 25 km/h, lo que lo convierte en un medio de transporte rápido y eficienteademás, tiene un sistema de freno trasero eléctrico que garantiza una parada segura y rápida ante cualquier emergenciacon unas dimensiones compactas (180 mm x 1120 mm x 545 mm) y un peso ligero (15


  • El scooter soporta una sola batería recargable cuyo tiempo total de carga es aproximadamente seiel scooter cuenta con dos ruedas y su motor tiene una potencia nominal de 350 wla tecnología lcd del segway scooter ninebot kickscooter max g30lp muestra información importante como el nivel de batería y la velocidad actualel segway scooter ninebot kickscooter max g30lp es un patín clásico con una potencia instantánea máxima de 700 w y una velocidad máxima de 25 km/htambién cuenta con funciones de protección contra sobrecorriente, sobrecarga, sobrecalentamiento y cortocircuito para garantizar la seguridad del usuariosu ángulo máximo de ascenso es de 20°, lo que le permite subir pendientes moderadas sin problemasademás, incluye faros tanto en la parte delantera como trasera para mayor seguridad durante los desplazamientos nocturnoseste modelo es resistente al agua gracias a su código ipx5, por lo que puede ser utilizado bajo condiciones climáticas adversas sin preocupaciones


  • El segway scooter ninebot s es un scooter de auto-equilibrio con una potencia de 800 w y un código ip (international protection) de ip54la velocidad máxima que puede alcanzar este scooter eléctrico es hasta los16 km/h gracias a la potencia del motor que llega a ser incluso superior:1600wen cuanto a sus dimensiones físicas, el segway scooter ninebot s tiene una altura total de 595 mm y profundidad medida en unos 260 mm; mientras que su ancho alcanza los 548 mm aproximadamenteel color disponible para este modelo son negro o gris oscurosu voltaje se encuentra en los 54además, su tamaño de rueda imperial es de 268 v y utiliza tecnología ión-litio para su batería5") y posee una pantalla incorporadaeste modelo también incluye luces traseras que funcionan como frenos, así como conectividad bluetooth para mayor comodidad del usuarioeste producto cuenta con la capacidad para subir pendientes máximas de hasta 15°, soportando un peso máximo de carga de 100 kg


  • Este scooter cuenta con dos ruedas, una pantalla led incorporada y luz delantera tipo ledel lanix scooter lxes x9 es un vehículo eléctrico de color negro con una potencia del motor de 350 weste scooter no dispone portaequipaje pero sí ofrece espacio suficiente para transportar objetos personales como mochilas o bolsos pequeños durante el trayecto gracias a sus dimensiones compactasel inclinación permisible para este modelo no debe superar los quince gradosla batería tarda aproximadamente seis horas en cargarse completamente y permite recorrer distancias máximas por carga cercanas a los 25 kilómetrosademás, su altura al estar desplegado es de 1090 mm mientras que al estar plegado se reduce a tan solo 49 cmsu velocidad máxima alcanza los 25 kmh y puede soportar un peso máximo de carga de hasta 120 kgen resumen, el lanix scoes plegable, lo que facilita su transporte ya que tiene una profundidad de plegado de tan solo 43 cm y un ancho total cuando está plegado de 114 cm


  • El scooter cuenta con tres modos diferentes de potencia, así como funciones avanzadas de protección contra sobrecorriente, descarga excesiva, sobrecalentamiento y cortocircuitoademás, el segway scooter f30 dispone tanto luz delantera como suspensión trasera para garantizar mayor seguridad durante su uso nocturno o sobre superficies irregularesel segway scooter f30 es un patín clásico de dos ruedas con una potencia del motor de 300 w y una capacidad máxima de carga de hasta 120 kg3 cm) y altura plegado (49la batería recargable tiene una capacidad total de 7650 mah y ofrece una distancia por carga máxima aproximada a los 30 kilómetrossu velocidad máxima alcanza los 25 km/h, lo que lo convierte en un medio de transporte rápido y eficiente para desplazarse por la ciudadla pantalla led muestra información relevante5 cm), permitiendo transportarlo cómodamente en cualquier lugar sin ocupar demasiado espacioeste modelo se pliega fácilmente gracias a su profundidad plegado (114


  • you can registered this scooter and drive on roadnew electric scooter with eec/coc certificate / licence (street legal)

    this new year’s hot product are these wonderfully funky electric \”harley\” style fat boy scootersas well as those listed, we have variety of colours including black, silver, purple, brown, orange, green and metallicsfront&rear;shock absorber

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    Doctor Coss (Nuevo Leon)

    $ 500

  • El lanix scooter xscooter x12 es un vehículo eléctrico de dos ruedas con una velocidad máxima de 25 km/heste scooter no cuenta con portaequipaje, pero se pliega fácilmente gracias a sus medidas: ancho plegado de 123 cm y altura plegada de 60 cmeste paquete completo viene empaquetado en cajas conunpeso total aproximado alrededorde25kgsu diseño en color negro y su profundidad de 480 mm lo hacen atractivo para aquellos que buscan un medio de transporte práctico y elegantesu asiento único tiene capacidad para una persona y el voltaje necesario para cargarlo es de adaptador ac:42 vademás, puede soportar inclinaciones permisibles hasta los 20° sin perder estabilidad debido a su peso ligero (20 kg)con unas dimensiones totales del producto (ancho x alto)de 1230mm x1245mm respectivamente, este modelo posee pantalla incorporada tipo ledla potencia del motor alcanza los500 w permitiendo transportar cargas pesadas hasta un máximo recomendable por la marca fabricante de120 kg


  • El peso máximo que soporta este scooter eléctrico es de 100 kgel hover-1 scooter aviator galaxy es un patín clásico de color azul con una velocidad máxima de 24 kmhcon una potencia motorizada capaz de generar hasta 300 w, se trata además de un vehículo plegable fácileste modelo incluye freno trasero tipo pedal así como también odómetro integrado pero no viene equipado con asiento adicional alguno65 cm y el ancho total del producto es de 25 mmtiene dos ruedas, la delantera y trasera tienen un diámetro de 13 vah y cuenta con pantalla incorporada para visualizar información relevante como la distancia recorrida o la carga restante en tiempo realla capacidad de su batería es de 4además, tiene adherencia antideslizante en las ruedas para mayor seguridad durante su usosu marco está fabricado en aluminio lo que le otorga resistencia y durabilidad a largo plazo, mientras que su altura alcanza los 65 mm desde el piso hasta el manubrio ajustable según preferencias personales


  • El hover-1 scooter aviator iridescent es un patín clásico con una altura de 65 mm y un ancho de 25 mmeste scooter tiene una pantalla lcd incorporada en la cual se pueden visualizar diferentes datos como la distancia recorrida por carga (11 kilómetros), el odómetro y otros detalles importantes del vehículola capacidad máxima de carga es de 100 kg gracias a su marco fabricado en aluminio resistente pero ligeroes plegable, lo que facilita su transporte y almacenamiento cuando no está en usocuenta con dos ruedas traseras que tienen un diámetro de 1no incluye asiento pero puede ser utilizado por cualquier género sin restricciones específicas debidoel motor eléctrico tiene una potencia de 300 w y funciona mediante batería recargable con capacidad total de energía equivalente a 465 cm cada una, lo que le permite alcanzar una velocidad máxima de hasta 24 kmhademás, cuenta con tecnología antideslizante para garantizar la seguridad del usuario mientras circula sobre él


  • scooter eléctrico rodada 10 pulgadas, motor 250 w, batería de litio 36 v x 5colores: negro y blancodimensiones: 112 cm x 15 cm x 105 cm aproximado2 ah, fabricado en aluminio, frenos de disco trasero, cuenta con salpicaderas, tiene un display que nos indica velocidad, batería, niveles de manejo, cuenta con faro delantero y una campanavelocidad máxima: 25 km/hincluye: manual de usuario, patín, cargador y herramienta de armadoajustables: no- alimentación: corriente eléctricacapacidad de carga: 120 kgcolor de la rueda negra- diámetro de ruedas: 10 pulgadas

    Atizapán de Zaragoza (México)

    $ 9900

  • Hermoso scooter chrome wheels en color negro, tal como se muestra en las fotos se encuentra en excelente estado, las luces de las llantas sirven perfectamente, en una de las fotos aparecen las medidas exactasse entrega en lugares cercanos a acordar!!!

    $ 600

  • El scooter es completamente nuevo peso: 18kgvelocidad máxima de 25km/hrduración de batería: 22kmruedas: 8grandísima oportunidad, precio de tienda de lista de $11,999 en tiendas departamentales5 pulgadas freno trasero de disco se carga en casa, incluye cargador

    Almoloya de Juárez (México)

    $ 9500

  • Vendo scooter honeywhaleplegable y con asiento que se puede quitaraguanta 120kg corre a 40 kmhllantas de 10\" y doble amortiguador para uso rudocon luces y faro claxon y llave de encendidoy velocímetro con indicador de carga incluye maletín nuevome costo 13,800 lo voy a dejar en *$ 10,500*informeswhatsapp55-3464-6943

    Ecatepec de Morelos (México)

    $ 10500

  • Balatas delanteras para motoneta scooter yamaha cygnus zr 125
    precio: $114
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    $ 114

  • El acteck scooter kinetic runner es680 es un patín tipo bicicleta de color negro con una pantalla incorporada y faros delantero y trasero5") tanto en la parte delantera como trasera, siendo estas fabricadas en caucho para mayor resistencia al desgaste4 ah y voltaje de entrada ac:120 vtiene una velocidad máxima de 25 km/h, lo que lo convierte en un medio de transporte rápido y eficienteeste modelo no incluye asiento pero cuenta con la opción plegable para facilitar su almacenamiento o transporte cuando sea necesario; además, está construido en marco ligero hecho completamente en aluminio para garantizar durabilidad sin sacrificar movilidadlas llantas tienen un tamaño imperial de 21la tecnología lcd permite visualizar información relevante sobre eel peso máximo de carga es de 100 kg, por lo que puede ser utilizado por personas con diferentes pesos corporalesla distancia por carga máxima alcanza los 20 kilómetros gracias a su batería recargable con capacidad de 6


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    finding the perfect cat to adopt can seem like a daunting taskin fact, russian blue kittens for sale were ranked nothe russian blue cat for sale has been through some modifications and improvements over the years2 behind only ragdoll cats among domestic breeds!

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    the russian blue cat breed, also known as the archangel cat, was originally developed in the 1800s by cat lovers in england who sought to combine the blue coloring of the siamese with the loving personality of the british shorthairwith so many breeds and personalities to choose from, you may be feeling a little overwhelmedsince then, this gorgeous and intelligent feline has become one of the most popular breeds in the united states, according to purina’s 2013 cat fanciers association (cfa) cat breed popularity survey

    for more information follow my link : https://russianbluekittensactually, the breed has developed enormously in recent years, owing to the work of many devoted breeders throughout the world who seek to keep its peculiar appearance and backstory

    Acambay (México)

    $ 800

  • This house for sale in residencial fluvial vallarta is special because in new construction and for all its qualities, its location, design and above all for its price: it is a true investment in your heritageit has many wooden drawers and a cupboard, ideal for storing all kitchen itemsthe laundry room is located on the ground floor, with enough space for a washer/dryer and storagepatio and pool: to spend time with the family, this house in residencial fluvial vallarta has a terrace and a very nice pool, there is an additional space for a nice table and umbrella, ideal for having a barbecuethe house has an attractive design and a spacious and functional interior for a completely modern and pleasant family lifestyleon the second floor there is a tv room, with enough space for a small sofa or even as a work areathis new house in the best area de puerto vallarta is very spacious and fuses contemporary style with comfort, its spaces are designed with flexibility in mind and functionality as a focus, this magnificent property meets the style demands of today, and will do so for many years to comedescription of the house: first level: this new house in fluvial vallarta consists on its first level of a bright living-dining room area, which connects to the rear terrace with pool, kitchen, flex room which can also be used as a bedroom, one full bathroom, laundry room and to the front it has parking for two cars88 sqft 3 bedrooms + flex room 3 bathrooms pool roof top parking for 2 cars air conditioning in bedrooms kitchen with granite countertops hydropneumatics automatic heater wooden finishes 2,800-liter tank 120-liter stationary tank location: located in fluvial vallarta, one of the most attractive zone in puerto vallarta, close to shopping malls, restaurants, parks, schools, and the avenues most important of the city, the avbedrooms: this house in fluvial vallarta has 3 bedrooms and 1 flex room on the ground floor that can be used as a bedroom23 sqft construction: 225 m2 / 2421the 2nd and 3rd bedrooms are also very spacious, both with closets and sharing a full bathroombrand new house with an excellent location in fluvial vallarta, 2-levels and roof topthis beautiful integral kitchen is located next to the living and dining area, interacting perfectly, without having walls in between, which makes the ground floor a space with a great sense of spaciousnessthe bathroom in this bedroom is very elegant, spacious and modern, with very nice finishes and tempered glass, sink and walking closetdelivery date: october 20222 car garages with gatesecond level: consists of 3 bedrooms, the main one with a balcony, dressing room and full bathroom, as well as two others each with its own closet and a shared full bathroom, and a tv roomkitchen: the elegant and functional kitchen has granite countertops, equipped with a stove, hood and ovendue to its sliding windows that communicate the main room (living room and dining room) with the patio, it is possible to have a sense of great spaciousness and freshnessyou can compare similar properties and you will see!*estit has a stationary gas systemfrancisco villa and av, francisco medina ascencio, just to 5 minutes from the beach and 10 minutes from the international airport of puerto vallartaprice in pesos: $7,890,000 mxn features: lot: 160 m2 / 1722the master bedroom of almost 36m2 is incredible, it has a very high ceiling, the windows are sliding, and it has a small balcony facing the streetthese rooms overlook the poolrest of the house: roof garden on the third floor, a very comfortable and functional area to enjoy a pleasant atmosphere and a beautiful view of the mountains

    Puerto Vallarta (Jalisco)

    $ 394500

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    $ 30000

  • Comfortable house for sale in fraccionamiento jardines del porvenir, located in bahia de banderas   description of the house:   1 level house, with excellent interior spaces, ideal for small families  patio and laundry area:   this house for sale has a laundry space with a small patio, and a boiler  living room and dining room:   small area for the living room that connects to the dining room, to enjoy an evening watching movies or a nice meal with the family  general features:    3 bedrooms    1 full bathroom    kitchen    patio with laundry area    1 car garage    price: $879,000 mnx location:   this home for sale is located in san jose, bahia de banderas  this house for sale in bahia de banderas is an extraordinary oportunity, and located in an area of constant growth, very quiet and with all the services required to live fullyjardines del porvenir has a great location, very close to schools, parks for recreational activities and excellent shopping area, where you can find a variety of restaurants, markets or other services and bars  rest of the house:   in the front of the house yo can find a parking space for 1 car and a nice garden with a tree that will offer shade to your homethe living room connects with the dining room giving a spacious view, kitchen, laundry area, backyard, 3 bedrooms and 1 full bathroom  take this opportunity of acquiring a house at a super affordable price with the option to build a second level and make bigger your house! the patio has enough space to put a small barbecue, a table and chairs, to relax and enjoy with your family or with friends   kitchen:   the kitchen is equipped with a quite functional kitchen bar to prepare all kinds of disheslocated very close to san vicente, just take 16 de octubre avenue until you reach el colomo road and you will find a place full of traditions and culture91 m2 of land, living room, dining room, kitchen, 1 full bathroom and three bedrooms, it also has laundry area, yard and parking space  bedrooms:   it has three bedrooms with a space where a queen size bed fits perfectly and offer a closet spacethe house has a construction of 60  bania de banderas is an excellent place to invest because is an area in high commercial growth and great added value

    Bahía de Banderas (Nayarit)

    $ 43950

  • Patio: at the front of this property for sale is an open parking space for up to 2 cars and it has a backyard with enough space for a small garden with furniturebeautiful house for sale with community pool in los olivos, puerto vallartabright and with a modern design this property for sale has a lot of 108 m2 and a construction of 104 m2rest of the house: on the ground floor has a half bathroom for guests and an excellent terrace in the second floor to enjoy a good time outdoors this house for sale in los olivos is special, very little availability in the area at an incredible price! it has the advantage of being located within a gated community that provides security and common areas with a poollook no further, this house is without a doubt the best option!features: 3 bedrooms 2bedrooms: this house in los olivos vallarta has 3 spacious bedrooms, all of them with closets and air conditioninglocated in a strategic zone, in the heart of the city, just a 1living room and dining room: the living room has air conditioning to enjoy a break watching tv or any other activity of your choiceor the backyard patio doors can be opened to let in fresh air and natural lightthe living room connects with the dining room to give a feeling of spaciousnessthe master bedroom is in the ground floor, has a full bathroom with walking closet00location: located in the best zone of puerto vallarta, behind the condominium las moras5 km from the beach and the hotel zone, surrounded by restaurants, shopping malls, hospitals, banks, schools and morethe second and third bedrooms are in the second floor, each one has a closet and shares a bathroom5 bathrooms 2 parking lot fitted kitchen patio terrace air conditioning unfurnished community pool 24-hour security pet friendly  price in pesos: $3,170,000description of the house: kitchen: open-plan fitted kitchen that connects with the dining room to have a sense of spaciousness that turns out to be practical when cooking

    Puerto Vallarta (Jalisco)

    $ 3170000

  • This property for sale is very spacious and has an excellent location for investment, just a 5 minute from vidanta! it’s an excellent investment opportunity for renting their three apartments or modifying the ground floor and adding 2 commercial premises of approxsee renderings of the facade specially designed for the property for illustration purposes only, the price of the house does not include any improvements or remodeling and it is sold as isvidanta: 5 minutes access to the beach: 8 minutes airport: 10 minutes  description of the house: this property for sale has 3 apartments, 2 in the first floor and one more in the second floorgeneral features: 3 apartments with independent access 7 bedrooms 5 bathrooms 2 parking lots 350 m2 of construction  location: the house has an excellent location, is in the corner of the block, very close there are schools, restaurants, parks and more18 m² each (thus being 1 apartment, 2 small apartments and 2 commercial premises)features: 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms spacious kitchen with kitchen island spacious living room and dining room balcony  rest of the house: the roof terrace has a construction of approximately 60 m2 that can be arranged as a roof gardenfeatures: 2 bedrooms 1 bathroom patio living room and dining room kitchen parking lot  second floor: the second floor only has one apartment of 150m2 of construction excellent business opportunity, don't think twice! *merely illustrative images of the remodeling proposal are included**the sale price doesn´t include any improvementsfirst floor: on the first floor there are two apartments with access independent, both apartments are totally the same, each one with 75m2 of constructionthe house offers excellent potential and great versatility, if you choose to remodel its interiors as well as its façade, you can turn it into a magnificent contemporary style house

    Puerto Vallarta (Jalisco)

    $ 3449000

  • We will wait for you!the house has 5 large bedrooms, 4 bathrooms and a spectacular pool, which makes it perfect for large families or for those looking for a spacious and comfortable space to receive guestscontact us today for more information and to schedule a showingenjoy the luxury and comfort you deserve! spectacular new luxury home for sale in the exclusive cresta del mar community in cabo san lucasthe cresta del mar community is exclusive and safe, which gives you the peace of mind and security you are looking for in your homein addition, it is located in a privileged location, close to the best restaurants, shops and entertainment venues in los cabos, méxicodont miss out on the opportunity to live in a luxury home in one of the most exclusive communities in cabo san lucasyou will be able to enjoy a luxurious and comfortable life in every corner of its 563 m2 of constructionthis contemporary designed house, built with luxury materials, has one floor and offers an impressive view of the sea


    $ 1250000

  • We will wait for you!the house has 5 large bedrooms, 4 bathrooms and a spectacular pool, which makes it perfect for large families or for those looking for a spacious and comfortable space to receive guestscontact us today for more information and to schedule a showingenjoy the luxury and comfort you deserve! spectacular new luxury home for sale in the exclusive cresta del mar community in cabo san lucasthe cresta del mar community is exclusive and safe, which gives you the peace of mind and security you are looking for in your homein addition, it is located in a privileged location, close to the best restaurants, shops and entertainment venues in los cabos, méxicodont miss out on the opportunity to live in a luxury home in one of the most exclusive communities in cabo san lucasyou will be able to enjoy a luxurious and comfortable life in every corner of its 606008 sqft of construction and lad of  8406this contemporary designed house, built with luxury materials, has one floor and offers an impressive view of the sea


    $ 1250000

  • This spacious traditional-style hose for sale is located in colonia ojo de agua, its located in the corner, its perfect for families looking for nearby services and tranquility in a comfortable spacegarden with space for pool and terrace with palapa with additional bathroomlaundry room: it connects to the kitchen and has direct access to the garage, ample space for a washer and dryerrest of the house:this house has the option to grow above the garage since it has the necessary supports and foundations for one more roomor if you prefer, the garden is large enough to build a nice pool5 bathrooms tv room, dining room and fitted kitchen spacious garden and palapa 2 car garages with electric gate  this 2-level house features a double height entry that gives a feeling of spaciousness, its hall has an attractive wall of stone arches drowned in cement, its wide spaces invite you to share moments with your family and enjoy its different areas surrounded by large windows that allow natural light to enterit has a double height entrance, half bathroom, tv room, living room with access to the garden, dining room, kitchen, laundry room that connects with the garagethe master bedroom has bathroom with tub and closet, the other two bedrooms share a bathroom, all bedrooms with air conditioning and flex room or tv roombedrooms: 3 bedrooms with balconygarden and terrace: a large garden with 2 sections and a lot of vegetation which makes it a pleasant space to hang out, as well as a terrace with a palapa with ample space to enjoy, relax or spend time with family and friendsthe house has a perimeter fence and protective meshfeatures: lot: 417 m2 (448837 sq ft) 3 bedrooms with balcony + flex room 2its garden and terrace will allow you to spend pleasant and relaxing moments or to spend time with family and friends55 sq ft) construction: 278 m2 (2992kitchen: spacious fitted kitchen with granite bar and breakfast bar, has a pantry with wooden doors, double sink and stovejust 10 minutes from the beach and 20 minutes from the airport and the malecón puerto vallartadescription:this house has a hallway at the entrance that connects to the terrace of the tv room and in turn to the garden and on the other side to the 2-car garage with electric gateadditional the house has: spring wood finishes hydropneumatic 2,500-liter cistern stationary gas tank automatic heaterlocation:located en colonia ojo de agua in puerto vallarta, very close to two of the main avenues, such as francisco villa and fluvial vallarta that connect with the main points of interest in the destination, such as shopping centers, services, schools and hospitals

    Puerto Vallarta (Jalisco)

    $ 6095000

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