Yes tecnologia

Listado yes tecnologia

  • Jorge andrés cornejo montoyamoreno
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en balao
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en colimes
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en palestina
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en pedro carbo
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en samborondon
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en santa lucia
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en urbina jado
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en yaguachi
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en ancon
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en taura

    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en azuay
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en cuenca
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en gualaceo
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en paute
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en santa isabel
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en girón
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en nabon
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en pucara
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en san fernando
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en sigsig

    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en galápagos
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en puerto baquerizo moreno
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en puerto ayora
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en santa cruz
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en isabela
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en cañar
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en azogues
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en cañar
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en la troncal
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en biblian

    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en bolivar
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en guaranda
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en caluma
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en chillanes
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en echeandía
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en la asunción
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en la magdalena
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en san josé de chimbo
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en san miguel
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en las naves

    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en carchi
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en tulcán
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en bolívar
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en el angel
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en huaca
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en julio andrade
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en la paz
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en mira
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en san gabriel
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en tulcán

    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en chimborazo
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en riobamba
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en alausi
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en cajabamba
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en chambo
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en chunchi
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en colta
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en guamote
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en guano
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en huigra
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en pallatanga
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en penipe
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en riobamba
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en san andrés
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en san juan
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en cumandá

    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en cotopaxi
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en chantillin
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en el corazón
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en guaytacama
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en la mana
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en lasso
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en latacunga
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en pastocalle
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en poalo
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en pujili
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en salcedo
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en saquisili
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en sigchos
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en tanicuchi
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en toacaso
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en mulalo

    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en el oro
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en machala
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en el guabo
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en huaquillas
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en pasaje
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en piñas
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en puerto bolivar
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en santa rosa
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en zaruma
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en portovelo
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en arenillas
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en atahualpa
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en balsas
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en chilla
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en marcabeli

    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en esmeraldas
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en esmeraldas
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en atacames
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en eloy alfaro
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en la unión
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en limones
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en muisne
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en quininde
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en rioverde
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en san lorenzo
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en suatonsupa
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en la concordia
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en la independencia
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en tonchigüé
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en same casablanca
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en borbón

    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en santa elena
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en santa elena
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en la libertad
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en salinas
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en loja
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en loja
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en macara
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en catamayo
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en cariamanga
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en celica
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en chaguarpamba
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en espindola
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en gonzanama
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en catacocha
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en alamor
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en saraguro
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en sozoranga
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en zapotillo
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en pindal
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en quilanga

    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en morona santiago
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en macas
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en gualaquiza
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en limon indanza
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en santiago
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en sucua

    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en imbabura
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en ibarra
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en ambuqui
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en atuntaqui
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en cotacachi
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en otavalo
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en pimampiro
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en san antonio de ibarra
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en san miguel de urcuqui
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en san pablo
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en tumbabiro

    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en los rios
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en babahoyo
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en buena fe
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en puebloviejo
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en quevedo
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en ventanas
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en vinces
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en baba
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en montalvo
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en catarama
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en valencia

    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en manabi
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en bahia de caraquez
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en chone
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en el carmen
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en jipijapa
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en manta
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en montecristi
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en pedernales
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en portoviejo
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en puerto lopez
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en san vicente
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en santa ana
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en pichincha
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en calceta
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en flavio alfaro
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en junin
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en pajan
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en rocafuerte
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en tosagua
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada en veinticuatro de mayo
    empresa privada de tecnología avanzada

    Armería (Colima)

    $ 1

  • Casa en preventa con lujosos acabados y tecnología de primera, consta de 3 recamaras de las cuales 2 comparten baño, 3 lugares de estacionamiento techados, sistema inteligente en toda la casa, paneles fotovoltaicos, iluminación led, cocina integral, sala-comedor, cuarto de lavado con baño, roof garden con asador y carpintería tzalam, además de una terraza

    Allende-Guanajuato (Guanajuato)

    $ 5519928

  • Ubicación: rincones del marqués   - alumbrado público con tecnología solar  características extras:    - se entrega con servicios ocultos   - seguridad 24/7   - hasta 4 pisos de altura en construcción  metros de terreno: 250m²código: mls #22-2633 rahb tipo de propiedad: terreno mixto (comercial/servicios)


    $ 1037500

  • Com/categoria/computadoras/sistemas-portatiles/laptops-trabajo/, y computadoras de escritorio: https://oasifyoasify - tienda en linea de equipo de computo y tecnologíaen oasify podrás encontrar todos los equipos para completar tu empresa, desde una laptop para el trabajo, un servidor, un monitor, hasta un disco duro, aquí podrás ver todas nuestras portátiles y laptops: https://oasifycom/categoria/computadoras/sistemas-de-escritorio/pc-intel/ haz tu pedido en oasify


    $ 1

  • Antena repetidora de última tecnología wi -fi 80211ac color blancohigh performance

    Huixquilucan (México)

    $ 2450

  • - publicidad en medios masivos
    incluye todos los servicios
    ¡¡fácil requisitos!!
    contáctanos al 4443279994se renta local en excelente ubicación, dentro de plaza de la tecnología

    San Luis Potosí (San Luis Potosi)

    $ 3000

  • nuestro nombre nos respalda
    contactame al 4443279994
    ¡nosotros! somos los especialistas consumados en ubicaciones*no existen las grandes empresas, ni las pequeñas empresas*

    ¡¡solo existen las empresas!!
    en plaza de la tecnología te llevamos de la mano para que tu inicies o tengas un negocio exitoso que te genere grandes utilidades y puedas comprarte esa casa, ese auto o esas vacaciones que tanto quieres


    $ 5000

  • solo necesitas, ine, aval ó renta anticipada y listo ya tienes tu local

    contratar tu local con nosotros es muy fácil no requieres de trámites engorrosos

    contrata ¡¡ahora mismo!! al 4443279994¡¡las hamburguesas no están en el negocio de las hamburguesas!!

    ¡¡las hamburguesas, están en el negocio de la ubicación!!

    en plaza de la tecnología toda nuestra infraestructura está diseñada para que tus productos se desplacen solos


    $ 4500

  • contáctame ¡¡ahora!! al 4443279994listo ya puedes tener tu negocio exitoso dentro de plaza de la tecnología y obtener grandes utilidades desde el primer mes* ine, 2 meses de depósito, solicitud*



    $ 4200

  • Brindar servicios y soluciones en tecnologia de seguridad cctv control acceso redes internet de primera calidad, para garantizar

    la satisfacción total de nuestros clientes en cada una de sus áreas


    tener el reconocimiento de nuestros clientes, como la empresa

    numero uno en nuestro giro con un crecimiento constante y así

    garantizar el desarrollo de nuestros colaboradores


  • nulifica hasta el 98% de la radiación a la que estamos expuestos, ondas electromagnéticas ionizantes creadas por el hombre como son, ondas celulares, de wifi, radiofrecuencias, microondas, redes eléctricas etc
    separa la estructura del ácido úrico, neutralizando su acción incrustante y facilitando la eliminación de la ureacelda electrofloc
    emplea una novedosa tecnología diseñada para armonizar las cargas eléctricas en el cuerpo humano, separando las impurezas como el ácido úrico, colesterol, triglicéridos, cálculos, toxinas para posteriormente ser eliminadas a través de las vías naturales de excreción
    ayuda a reducir las molestias del asma, alergias, diabetes, gota y problemas cardiovascularesmás información envíanos contacto whatsapp: ➤ 33 1455 9288
    contribuye a reducir los radicales libres que son cargas catiónicas (+) y que llegan a nuestro organismo provocando un gran daño a tejidos, membranas celulares, moléculas e incluso al adn
    reduce el desarrollo de enfermedades por virus, bacterias y sustancias nocivas que hayan logrado entrar al organismo, debido al campo energético que forma y nos protege como un escudo

    al usarlo sentirás de inmediato más fuerza, equilibrio y energía

    Zapopan (Jalisco)

    $ 3000

  • reduce el desarrollo de enfermedades por virus, bacterias y sustancias nocivas que hayan logrado entrar al organismo, debido al campo energético que forma y nos protege como un escudocelda electrofloc
    emplea una novedosa tecnología diseñada para armonizar las cargas eléctricas en el cuerpo humano, separando las impurezas como el ácido úrico, colesterol, triglicéridos, cálculos, toxinas para posteriormente ser eliminadas a través de las vías naturales de excreciónmás información envíanos contacto whatsapp: ➤ +52 3314559288

    ayuda a reducir las molestias del asma, alergias, diabetes, gota y problemas cardiovasculares

    separa la estructura del ácido úrico, neutralizando su acción incrustante y facilitando la eliminación de la urea

    Zapopan (Jalisco)

    $ 3000

  • Venta de residencia de 3 plantas, con tecnología inteligente, en cascatta, lomas de angelópolis, puebla, de 364 m² de construcción sobre un terreno de 200 m² y un precio de $11,900,000el fraccionamiento tiene vigilancia 24 horas, portero, control de acceso, cctv y alarmaplanta 3: espacio que puede ser la cuarta recámara, gimnasio, family room o salón de usos múltiplescon bodega, interfono, aire acondicionado, gas lp, cisterna de 18 mil litros, línea de teléfono, acceso a internet y tv de pagacon baño completo, cuarto de servicio, área de lavado, clóset de blancos, área de tendido, cuarto de máquinas y roof garden°° planta baja: vestíbulo en mármol negro, sala de triple altura, comedor, cocina con doble refrigerador, parrilla, lavavajillas, triturador y hornos; despensa, antecomedor, medio baño de visitas, jardín, terraza de 90x45 con muro vegetal, sistema de riego por aspersión y cochera techada para 3 autosplanta 2: 3 recámaras, 2 de ellas con estudio, la principal con vestidor y aire acondicionado, las secundarias con clósetfamily room con pasillo vestibular°° su costo de mercado es de $13,420,000acabados de primera, vigas de acero, piedras naturales, maderas finas de roble, parota y tzalam, conócela!!!!! #ref:cas_4007 cm/cgárea común: juegos infantiles, salón de eventos y gimnasio

    San Andrés Cholula (Puebla)

    $ 11900000

  • Onstruction: pre-construction seller financing offered?: yes total m2: 7966 total bedrooms: 1 full baths: 1 1/2 bath: 1 year built: 2022 furnished: unfurnished primary view: local secondary view: territory style: 1 level floor number: 2 stories: 3 # units in develop:   total rooms:   garage stalls:   carport: 1 car parking on property: 1 space mstr plan community: yes   unit details: deck/terrace; pet friendly: yes common amenities: fence; fire pit; garden; gym; kiddy park; picnic area; pool; security guard; tennis court construction56 decks/patios m2: 8 flooring type: ceramic tile devices: air conditioning: mini-split title: fideicomiso: monex electricity: cfe water: muni sewage: common plant hoa info: hoa name: casa adobe hoa; dues amount: 148; dues period: month price (usd): 158,482   mls 21-3455 very attractive unit for a couple or single person with so many amenitiesfuncional condominio de un dormitorio que pertenece a una comunidad planificada de bienestar y sostenible con diseños funcionales para un mejor uso del espacio a unique community that is built in one of the most internationally recognized luxury destinations: los cabos, mexico, located in a residential area with high purchasing power, el tezalfunctional one bedroom condo that belongs to a wellness and sustainable master-planned community with functional designs for better use of spacesustainable features: garbage separation (recycling), super adobe - sustainable structure (reduce the transmission of temperature and sound), soil improvement, solar panels - bioclimatic design, hot water, energy product8,500 square meters of a central park filled with a range of activities for any age, community shopping mall, and restaurantscaracterísticas sostenibles: separación de la basura (reciclaje), super adobe - estructura sostenible (reducir la transmisión de la temperatura y el sonido), la mejora del suelo, paneles solares - diseño bioclimático, agua caliente, producto energético8esta habitación ofrece un estilo y acabados modernos, materiales de construcción sostenibles, vistas al atardecer, a las montañas y a la fantástica actividad del parque centralesta moderna y compacta unidad de un dormitorio está orientada a los servicios del parque central y a las montañas del oestealso attractive as a rental unit for activity oriented vacation rentersla unidad puede ser modificada en base al uso y necesidades de los propietarioslas puestas de sol desde aquí son increíblesa separate room could be customized as: a full-bathroom or half bath with a laundry room also storagesunsets from here are amazing take the chance to choose the variety of finishes that go with your style to customize the interior design of your new condotambién atractivo como una unidad de alquiler para la actividad orientada a los inquilinos de vacacionesfloor plan is flexible and can be adapted to your needscasa adobe is a project that from its beginning has sought to be a unique community, offering an environmentally friendly housing optionunidad muy atractiva para una pareja o una persona sola con tantas comodidadescasa adobe es una comunidad unica que está construida en uno de los destinos internacionales más lujosos: los cabos, méxico, ubicado en un área residencial con alto poder adquisitivo, el tezal76 total sqft: 858this one bedroom offers modern style and finishes, sustainable building materials, sunset views, mountains, and the fantastic activity in the central parkunit can be modified based on the owners use and needs500 metros cuadrados de un parque central lleno de actividades para cualquier edad, centro comercial comunitario y restaurantesplan de piso es flexible y se puede adaptar a sus necesidades24 decks/patios sqft: 88this modern compact one bedroom unit faces the central park amenities and the mountains to the westaproveche la oportunidad de elegir la variedad de acabados que van con su estilo para personalizar el diseño interior de su nuevo condominiouna habitación separada podría ser personalizada como: un baño completo o medio baño con una sala de lavandería también el almacenamiento


    $ 158452

  • 80 total baths: 2 total bedrooms: 2 pet friendly: yes furnished: furnished pet friendly: yes parking: parking on property # units in develop: 64 primary view: ocean floor number: 5 hoa info: dues per month pesos: 9162; common area electric; common area maintenance; garden maintenance; gas; gym; on-site admin; pool maintenance reports: 3221563262unit details: deck/terrace; parking on property: yes; storage: included; type of parking: deededcommon amenities: elevator; entry gate system; fire pit; fountain; garbage chute; garden; gym; intercom; jacuzzi; pool; pool heater; security guard; 24 hours securityappliances: dishwasher; microwave; oven: gas; refrigerator/freezer; cook top: gas; stackable laundry ce; washer/dryer hookups this exquisite corner unit two-bedroom home at loft 268 redefines the art of luxury livingevolve your senses at loft 268 – the new landmark in old town80 total de baños: 2 total de habitaciones: 2 se admiten mascotas: si amueblado: si # unidades en desarrollo: 64 vista principal: océano número de piso: 5 información de la hoa: cuotas pesos mensuales: 9162; área común eléctrica; mantenimiento de áreas comunes; mantenimiento de jardines; gas; gimnasio; administrador en el sitio y mantenimiento de piscinas: informes: 3221563262detalles de la unidad: deck / terrace; estacionamiento en la propiedad: sí; almacenamiento: incluido; tipo de estacionamiento: escrituradoservicios comunes: ascensor; sistema de puerta de entrada; conducto de basura; jardín; gimnasio; intercomunicador; jacuzzi; piscina; calentador de piscina; guardia de seguridad; seguridad 24 horaselectrodomésticos: lavaplatos; microonda; horno: gas; refrigerador congelador; superficie de cocción: gas; lavandería apilable; conexiones para lavadora / secadora este exquisito apartamento en esquina de dos habitaciones en loft 268 redefine el arte de la vida de lujodepartment loft 268 $650000 dollars total m2 const: 175one of the largest covered wrap-around covered terrace, ideal for entertaining family and friends, while overlooking the pacific oceanlos huéspedes y propietarios pueden disfrutar de la innovadora zona de la azotea, que cuenta con una gran piscina de borde infinito con cascada, gimnasio, salón cubierto y abierto y áreas para tomar el sol, y un sky bar con aire acondicionado en la azoteaguests and owners can enjoy the innovative rooftop area, featuring a large sparkling infinity edge pool with waterfall, fitness room, covered and open lounge and sunning areas, and an air-conditioned rooftop sky barse pueden ver detalles excepcionales en toda la casa de diseño personalizado, incluidos muebles hechos a medida, cama plegable y placa para salpicaduras de cocina personalizadadepartamento loft 268 $ 650000 dólares total m2 const: 175desarrolla tus sentidos en loft 268                #22908una de las terrazas cubiertas envolventes más grandes, ideal para entretener a familiares y amigos, con vista al océano pacíficoexceptional details can be seen throughout the custom designer home, including custom built furniture, murphy bed and custom kitchen backsplash

    Puerto Vallarta (Jalisco)

    $ 650000

  • Door to door service
    q2: what is your moq?
    a: our moq is 10g, 100g and 1kg according to the different products
    q3: is there any discount?
    a: yes, for larger quantity, we will provide you the better pricewe wish to establish a long term mutual beneficial relationship with more friends in the future and give our customers the best products and services that they expect and deserveour clients spread all over the world
    we have freight forwarders in these countries, and our customs clearance company will clear your parcels without any customs issues, sometimes even 1000 kg
    q4: what payment terms do you accept ?
    a: we accept t/t, l/c, western union or bitcoinbased on the advantage of trade and manufacture, we strictly control the whole trade process, providing customers with all-round services such as r&d, quality control, logistics and so on

    packing & shipping
    we guarantee that your package will pass 100% through the us, uk, australia, netherlands, canada, france, germany, spain, belgium, sweden, poland, russian, ukraine, kazakhstan, czech republic, slovakia, portugalmake sure you receive 100% of the goodslet you have a good experience of our strong freight capacity

    q1: can i get a sample?
    a: yes, you can get samples for some products, in general you need to pay the delivery cost

    email: shengzhikai7@shengzhikaiwe firmly believe that quality is the life of our company and customer's success is our successour company have own import and export rightthe scope of products covers pharmaceutical intermediates, plant extracts, chemical reagent, animal pharmaceutical, agrochemical intermediates, antibiotic and so oncas 28578-16-7
    purity : 99%
    sample :available
    storage: cool dry place
    transport :door to door
    delivery time: 7 days
    shelf life: 2 years
    application: organic intermediate
    supply ablility: 5000kgs
    package:a foil bag
    specification: 25kg/bag
    trademark: szk
    origin: china
    production capacity: 5t/month

    hot selling
    cas common name
    28578-16-7 pmk ethyl glycidate
    20320-59-6 diethyl(phenylacetyl)malonate
    288573-56-8 tert-butyl 4-(4-fluoroanilino)piperidine-1-carboxylate
    236117-38-7 2-iodo-1-p-tolylpropan-1-one
    102-97-6 benzylisopropylamine
    94-24-6 tetracaine
    2114-39-8 2-bromo-1-phenylpropane
    23076-35-9 xylazine hydrochloride

    company information
    anhui shengzhikai biotechnology coreliable quality and excellent service is our permanent commitmentis a high-tech enterprise dedicated to the fields of fine chemical productscom
    whatsapp: + 86 15656035970
    q5: how about delivery lead time?
    a: 3-5 working days after payment

    El Fuerte (Sinaloa)

    $ 20

  • The eco-friendly collection by sumkoka uses only fully organic, earth-friendly materials to produce products

    place of origin: anhui, china
    brand name:sumkoka
    model number: csk65
    moq: 100000pcs
    material: sugarcane/ bagasse
    application: home, restaurant, hotel, bar, wedding
    design style: minmalist, novelty, classic, morden luxury
    usage: flatware, ice cream, meat, fruit, cake, soup
    feature: disposable, sustainable, stocked, food contact safe
    printing/embossed logo: acceptable
    oem/odm: customized logo or color print available
    certificates: ce / eu
    superiority: 100% biodegradable
    color: nature or unbleached
    size: 6

    q4: can i customize on the products or package?
    a: yes, we accept customization requirements on product size, logo, package and so onyou can wholesale knives, forks, spoons individually or in sets
    carton size: 33x18x33cm
    - 5

    q3: what's your payment terms?
    a: generally 50-70% deposit paid before production, 50-30% balance paid before shipping (it depends on the specific order amount )5 inch/ 165x27mm
    weight: 3
    carton size: 29x18x30cm
    whatsapp/telegram: +86 18856235206
    wickr: sumkoka04
    mail: skj666@sumkokawas established in 2012, with about ten-year exporting experience in eco tableware and paper packing fieldsthere are professional technical staff who specialize in researching disposable products without pfas , heavy metal or toxic substances5g
    200 pcs / bag, 10 bags / carton, 2000 pcs/ ctn; also can be customizedour product range covers disposable sugarcane bagasse products, paper packaging products, paper food containers, paper bags, plastic lids set and so on

    the reason for choosing sumkoka as a steady supplier:
    1as a company of integration of industry and trade, sumkoka surely possesses advantages of both factory and trade company5g
    type: knife, fork, spoon, cutlery set

    packaging details:
    - 65 inch knife: 165x27mm, 3cutlery disposal,

    the compostable bagasse cutlery utensil is made of organic and renewable natural fiber material from sugarcane pulp called bagassewe are always on line even though the time difference, so pls contact us free

    q6: what is the standard production time for each order?
    a: usually, the production time for each order is around 25 days, but the actual time will be subject to the order quantity, packaging way and busy season etc5 inch fork: 162x33mm, 3

    q5: do you provide samples? is it free or extra?
    a: yes, we can offer free samples, you just need to collect the freight cost
    carton size: 34x15x245 inch spoon: 141x35mm, 4g
    200 pcs / bag, 10 bags / carton, 2000 pcs/ ctn; also can be customizedcutlery disposable cutlery sugarcane cutlery sugarcane fork keywords: cutlery set,biodegradable cutlery,bagass cutlery,disposable cutlery, spoon fork knife cutlery, bagasse cutlery, sugarcane cutlery set, sugarcane cutlery, sugarcane spoon, sugarcane knife, sugarcane forkcompetitive and favorable price has been always quoted by our team just for expecting the long cooperation among customers from all over the worldsumkoka can satisfy customers’ demands in logo printing, customizable sizes, large quantities in short term

    q2: what price terms are acceptable?
    a: it's up to you, but we prefer fob and cif price termscom
    hefei sumkoka environmental technology cowe will provide you with first-class service

    q1: what's your main products?
    a: biodegradable tableware, mainly are in sugarcane, wood and bamboowe aim to provide environmentally friendly solutions to our earth, also the helpful guidance to your green businessthese eco friendly disposable knife, forks and spoons are very sturdy and durable, perfect for picnics, barbeques, camping, parties and other indoor outdoor activities

    Acolman (México)

    $ 1

  • The eco-friendly collection by sumkoka uses only fully organic, earth-friendly materials to produce products

    place of origin: anhui, china
    brand name:sumkoka
    model number: csk65
    moq: 100000pcs
    material: sugarcane/ bagasse
    application: home, restaurant, hotel, bar, wedding
    design style: minmalist, novelty, classic, morden luxury
    usage: flatware, ice cream, meat, fruit, cake, soup
    feature: disposable, sustainable, stocked, food contact safe
    printing/embossed logo: acceptable
    oem/odm: customized logo or color print available
    certificates: ce / eu
    superiority: 100% biodegradable
    color: nature or unbleached
    size: 6

    q4: can i customize on the products or package?
    a: yes, we accept customization requirements on product size, logo, package and so onyou can wholesale knives, forks, spoons individually or in sets
    carton size: 33x18x33cm
    - 5

    q3: what's your payment terms?
    a: generally 50-70% deposit paid before production, 50-30% balance paid before shipping (it depends on the specific order amount )5 inch/ 165x27mm
    weight: 3
    carton size: 29x18x30cm
    whatsapp/telegram: +86 18856235206
    wickr: sumkoka04
    mail: skj666@sumkokawas established in 2012, with about ten-year exporting experience in eco tableware and paper packing fieldsthere are professional technical staff who specialize in researching disposable products without pfas , heavy metal or toxic substancescutlery disposable cutlery bagasse cutlery bagasse spoon keywords: cutlery set,biodegradable cutlery,bagass cutlery,disposable cutlery, spoon fork knife cutlery, bagasse cutlery, sugarcane cutlery set, sugarcane cutlery, sugarcane spoon, sugarcane knife, sugarcane fork5g
    200 pcs / bag, 10 bags / carton, 2000 pcs/ ctn; also can be customizedour product range covers disposable sugarcane bagasse products, paper packaging products, paper food containers, paper bags, plastic lids set and so on

    the reason for choosing sumkoka as a steady supplier:
    1as a company of integration of industry and trade, sumkoka surely possesses advantages of both factory and trade company5g
    type: knife, fork, spoon, cutlery set

    packaging details:
    - 65 inch knife: 165x27mm, 3cutlery disposal,

    the compostable bagasse cutlery utensil is made of organic and renewable natural fiber material from sugarcane pulp called bagassewe are always on line even though the time difference, so pls contact us free

    q6: what is the standard production time for each order?
    a: usually, the production time for each order is around 25 days, but the actual time will be subject to the order quantity, packaging way and busy season etc5 inch fork: 162x33mm, 3

    q5: do you provide samples? is it free or extra?
    a: yes, we can offer free samples, you just need to collect the freight cost
    carton size: 34x15x245 inch spoon: 141x35mm, 4g
    200 pcs / bag, 10 bags / carton, 2000 pcs/ ctn; also can be customizedcompetitive and favorable price has been always quoted by our team just for expecting the long cooperation among customers from all over the worldsumkoka can satisfy customers’ demands in logo printing, customizable sizes, large quantities in short term

    q2: what price terms are acceptable?
    a: it's up to you, but we prefer fob and cif price termscom
    hefei sumkoka environmental technology cowe will provide you with first-class service

    q1: what's your main products?
    a: biodegradable tableware, mainly are in sugarcane, wood and bamboowe aim to provide environmentally friendly solutions to our earth, also the helpful guidance to your green businessthese eco friendly disposable knife, forks and spoons are very sturdy and durable, perfect for picnics, barbeques, camping, parties and other indoor outdoor activities

    Acolman (México)

    $ 1

  • The eco-friendly collection by sumkoka uses only fully organic, earth-friendly materials to produce productscutlery disposable cutlery sugarcane cutlery sugarcane knife keywords: cutlery set,biodegradable cutlery,bagass cutlery,disposable cutlery, spoon fork knife cutlery, bagasse cutlery, sugarcane cutlery set, sugarcane cutlery, sugarcane spoon, sugarcane knife, sugarcane fork

    place of origin: anhui, china
    brand name:sumkoka
    model number: csk65
    moq: 100000pcs
    material: sugarcane/ bagasse
    application: home, restaurant, hotel, bar, wedding
    design style: minmalist, novelty, classic, morden luxury
    usage: flatware, ice cream, meat, fruit, cake, soup
    feature: disposable, sustainable, stocked, food contact safe
    printing/embossed logo: acceptable
    oem/odm: customized logo or color print available
    certificates: ce / eu
    superiority: 100% biodegradable
    color: nature or unbleached
    size: 6

    q4: can i customize on the products or package?
    a: yes, we accept customization requirements on product size, logo, package and so onyou can wholesale knives, forks, spoons individually or in sets
    carton size: 33x18x33cm
    - 5

    q3: what's your payment terms?
    a: generally 50-70% deposit paid before production, 50-30% balance paid before shipping (it depends on the specific order amount )5 inch/ 165x27mm
    weight: 3
    carton size: 29x18x30cm
    whatsapp/telegram: +86 18856235206
    wickr: sumkoka04
    mail: skj666@sumkokawas established in 2012, with about ten-year exporting experience in eco tableware and paper packing fieldsthere are professional technical staff who specialize in researching disposable products without pfas , heavy metal or toxic substances5g
    200 pcs / bag, 10 bags / carton, 2000 pcs/ ctn; also can be customizedour product range covers disposable sugarcane bagasse products, paper packaging products, paper food containers, paper bags, plastic lids set and so on

    the reason for choosing sumkoka as a steady supplier:
    1as a company of integration of industry and trade, sumkoka surely possesses advantages of both factory and trade company5g
    type: knife, fork, spoon, cutlery set

    packaging details:
    - 65 inch knife: 165x27mm, 3cutlery disposal,

    the compostable bagasse cutlery utensil is made of organic and renewable natural fiber material from sugarcane pulp called bagassewe are always on line even though the time difference, so pls contact us free

    q6: what is the standard production time for each order?
    a: usually, the production time for each order is around 25 days, but the actual time will be subject to the order quantity, packaging way and busy season etc5 inch fork: 162x33mm, 3

    q5: do you provide samples? is it free or extra?
    a: yes, we can offer free samples, you just need to collect the freight cost
    carton size: 34x15x245 inch spoon: 141x35mm, 4g
    200 pcs / bag, 10 bags / carton, 2000 pcs/ ctn; also can be customizedcompetitive and favorable price has been always quoted by our team just for expecting the long cooperation among customers from all over the worldsumkoka can satisfy customers’ demands in logo printing, customizable sizes, large quantities in short term

    q2: what price terms are acceptable?
    a: it's up to you, but we prefer fob and cif price termscom
    hefei sumkoka environmental technology cowe will provide you with first-class service

    q1: what's your main products?
    a: biodegradable tableware, mainly are in sugarcane, wood and bamboowe aim to provide environmentally friendly solutions to our earth, also the helpful guidance to your green businessthese eco friendly disposable knife, forks and spoons are very sturdy and durable, perfect for picnics, barbeques, camping, parties and other indoor outdoor activities

    Acolman (México)

    $ 1

  • The eco-friendly collection by sumkoka uses only fully organic, earth-friendly materials to produce productsour product range covers disposable sugarcane bagasse products, paper packaging products, paper food containers, paper bags, plastic lids set and so on
    the reason for choosing sumkoka as a steady supplier :
    1our bagasse food trays have greater toughness and durability

    q4: can i customize on the products or package?
    a: yes, we accept customization requirements on product size, logo, package and so ontray disposable tray sugarcane tray meat tray keywords: display trays, fruit tray, sugarcane tray, tray plate, pulp tray packaging, bagasse packaging, bagasse containers, food tray, tray disposal, disposable tray, sushi tray, tray set, compostable tray, rectangular tray, square tray

    q3: what's your payment terms?
    a: generally 50-70% deposit paid before production, 50-30% balance paid before shipping (it depends on the specific order amount )it’s great alternative to plasticwas established in 2012, with about ten-year exporting experience in eco tableware and paper packing fieldsthere are professional technical staff who specialize in researching disposable products without pfas , heavy metal or toxic substancesas a company of integration of industry and trade, sumkoka surely possesses advantages of both factory and trade company

    q6: what is the standard production time for each order?
    a: usually, the production time for each order is around 25 days, but the actual time will be subject to the order quantity, packaging way and busy season etcwe are always on line even though the time difference, so pls contact us free

    q5: do you provide samples? is it free or extra?
    a: yes, we can offer free samples, you just need to collect the freight cost
    place of origin: anhui, china
    model number: crt170
    moq: 50,000pcs
    material: sugarcane/ bagasse
    feature: disposable, sustainable, stocked, compostable, food contact safe
    application: home, restaurant, hotel, bar, wedding, party
    superiority: 100% biodegradable, take away, sturdy, no leakage, hot & cold use
    usage: food packing
    printing/embossed logo: acceptable
    color: white or unbleached
    sample: free sample with freight collect
    certificates: ce / eu
    size: 170(l)x115(w)x25(h)mm
    weight: 10g

    packaging details:
    size: 170(l)x115(w)x25(h)mm, 10g
    250 pcs/ bag, 2 bags/ carton, 500 pcs/ ctn; also can be customizedthese disposable trays are 100% biodegradable and suitable for composting for easy disposal, making these trays good for the environmentcompetitive and favorable price has been always quoted by our team just for expecting the long cooperation among customers from all over the worldsumkoka can satisfy customers’ demands in logo printing, customizable sizes, large quantities in short term

    q2: what price terms are acceptable?
    a: it's up to you, but we prefer fob and cif price termscom
    hefei sumkoka environmental technology co
    the biodegradable food trays is made of sugarcane fiber, which is eco-friendly and compostable
    carton size: 33x24x18cm

    whatsapp/telegram: +86 18856235206
    wickr: sumkoka04
    mail: skj666@sumkokawe will provide you with first-class service

    q1: what's your main products?
    a: biodegradable tableware, mainly are in sugarcane, wood and bamboowe aim to provide environmentally friendly solutions to our earth, also the helpful guidance to your green business

    Acolman (México)

    $ 1

  • The eco-friendly collection by sumkoka uses only fully organic, earth-friendly materials to produce productsour product range covers disposable sugarcane bagasse products, paper packaging products, paper food containers, paper bags, plastic lids set and so on
    the reason for choosing sumkoka as a steady supplier :
    1our bagasse food trays have greater toughness and durability

    q4: can i customize on the products or package?
    a: yes, we accept customization requirements on product size, logo, package and so onit’s great alternative to plastic

    q3: what's your payment terms?
    a: generally 50-70% deposit paid before production, 50-30% balance paid before shipping (it depends on the specific order amount )was established in 2012, with about ten-year exporting experience in eco tableware and paper packing fieldsthere are professional technical staff who specialize in researching disposable products without pfas , heavy metal or toxic substancesas a company of integration of industry and trade, sumkoka surely possesses advantages of both factory and trade companybe/u-upwq2awoo tray

    the biodegradable food trays is made of sugarcane fiber, which is eco-friendly and compostable

    q6: what is the standard production time for each order?
    a: usually, the production time for each order is around 25 days, but the actual time will be subject to the order quantity, packaging way and busy season etcwe are always on line even though the time difference, so pls contact us free

    q5: do you provide samples? is it free or extra?
    a: yes, we can offer free samples, you just need to collect the freight cost
    place of origin: anhui, china
    model number: crt170
    moq: 50,000pcs
    material: sugarcane/ bagasse
    feature: disposable, sustainable, stocked, compostable, food contact safe
    application: home, restaurant, hotel, bar, wedding, party
    superiority: 100% biodegradable, take away, sturdy, no leakage, hot & cold use
    usage: food packing
    printing/embossed logo: acceptable
    color: white or unbleached
    sample: free sample with freight collect
    certificates: ce / eu
    size: 170(l)x115(w)x25(h)mm
    weight: 10g

    packaging details:
    size: 170(l)x115(w)x25(h)mm, 10g
    250 pcs/ bag, 2 bags/ carton, 500 pcs/ ctn; also can be customizedthese disposable trays are 100% biodegradable and suitable for composting for easy disposal, making these trays good for the environmenttray disposable tray bagasse tray take away tray keywords: display trays, fruit tray, sugarcane tray, tray plate, pulp tray packaging, bagasse packaging, bagasse containers, food tray, tray disposal, disposable tray, sushi tray, tray set, compostable tray, rectangular tray, square traycompetitive and favorable price has been always quoted by our team just for expecting the long cooperation among customers from all over the worldsumkoka can satisfy customers’ demands in logo printing, customizable sizes, large quantities in short term

    q2: what price terms are acceptable?
    a: it's up to you, but we prefer fob and cif price termscom
    hefei sumkoka environmental technology co
    carton size: 33x24x18cm

    whatsapp/telegram: +86 18856235206
    wickr: sumkoka04
    mail: skj666@sumkokawe will provide you with first-class service

    q1: what's your main products?
    a: biodegradable tableware, mainly are in sugarcane, wood and bamboowe aim to provide environmentally friendly solutions to our earth, also the helpful guidance to your green business

    Acambay (México)

    $ 1

  • The eco-friendly collection by sumkoka uses only fully organic, earth-friendly materials to produce productscup disposable cup bagasse cup coffee cup description:
    popular bagasse pulp cups with matching lid

    q4: can i customize on the products or package?
    a: yes, we accept customization requirements on product size, logo, package and so on

    q3: what's your payment terms?
    a: generally 50-70% deposit paid before production, 50-30% balance paid before shipping (it depends on the specific order amount )5oz/ diameter 80 x height 83mm
    weight: 9g
    packaging details:
    diameter 80 x height 83mm, 9g
    50 pcs/ bag, 20 bags/ carton, 1000 pcs/ ctn; also can be customizedwas established in 2012, with about ten-year exporting experience in eco tableware and paper packing fieldsthere are professional technical staff who specialize in researching disposable products without pfas , heavy metal or toxic substances
    these compostable disposable cups are made of 100% sugarcane fiber, they are suitable for both cold and hot drinksas a company of integration of industry and trade, sumkoka surely possesses advantages of both factory and trade company
    place of origin: anhui, china
    model number: cc75-z
    moq: 100000pcs
    material: sugarcane/ bagasse
    lids: sugarcane bagasse lid
    application: home, restaurant, hotel, bar, wedding
    design style: minmalist, novelty, classic, morden luxury
    usage: espresso, coffee, bubble tea, milk, juice, hot and cold drinking
    feature: disposable, sustainable, stocked, food contact safe
    printing/embossed logo: acceptable
    oem/odm: customized logo or color print available
    certificates: ce / eu
    superiority: 100% biodegradable, no leakage, take away
    color: white or unbleached
    size: 7

    q6: what is the standard production time for each order?
    a: usually, the production time for each order is around 25 days, but the actual time will be subject to the order quantity, packaging way and busy season etcwe are always on line even though the time difference, so pls contact us free
    carton size: 65x41

    q5: do you provide samples? is it free or extra?
    a: yes, we can offer free samples, you just need to collect the freight costdifferent sizes satisfy your different needs for sauce, ice cream, tasting food, or coffeeand bagasse tableware is sturdier than paper, plastic, or polystyrene tablewareour product range covers disposable sugarcane bagasse products, paper packaging products, paper food containers, paper bags, plastic lids set and so on

    the reason for choosing sumkoka as a steady supplier
    1sugarcane bagasse is a natural organic material, which can be completely decomposed after being recycled and composted, which is environmentally friendly and pollution-freecompetitive and favorable price has been always quoted by our team just for expecting the long cooperation among customers from all over the worldsumkoka can satisfy customers’ demands in logo printing, customizable sizes, large quantities in short term

    q2: what price terms are acceptable?
    a: it's up to you, but we prefer fob and cif price termscom
    hefei sumkoka environmental technology cothick enough and leakage proof5x28m

    whatsapp/telegram: +86 18856235206
    wickr: sumkoka04
    mail: skj666@sumkokawe will provide you with first-class service

    q1: what's your main products?
    a: biodegradable tableware, mainly are in sugarcane, wood and bamboowe aim to provide environmentally friendly solutions to our earth, also the helpful guidance to your green business
    our ecofriendly bagasse coffee cups are waterproof, oil-proof and leak-proof, and can be filled with coffee, milk tea, fruit juice, and boiled water

    Acambay (México)

    $ 1

  • The eco-friendly collection by sumkoka uses only fully organic, earth-friendly materials to produce products

    q4: can i customize on the products or package?
    a: yes, we accept customization requirements on product size, logo, package and so on

    q3: what's your payment terms?
    a: generally 50-70% deposit paid before production, 50-30% balance paid before shipping (it depends on the specific order amount )5oz/ diameter 80 x height 83mm
    weight: 9g
    packaging details:
    diameter 80 x height 83mm, 9g
    50 pcs/ bag, 20 bags/ carton, 1000 pcs/ ctn; also can be customizedwas established in 2012, with about ten-year exporting experience in eco tableware and paper packing fieldsthere are professional technical staff who specialize in researching disposable products without pfas , heavy metal or toxic substances
    these compostable disposable cups are made of 100% sugarcane fiber, they are suitable for both cold and hot drinksas a company of integration of industry and trade, sumkoka surely possesses advantages of both factory and trade company
    place of origin: anhui, china
    model number: cc75-z
    moq: 100000pcs
    material: sugarcane/ bagasse
    lids: sugarcane bagasse lid
    application: home, restaurant, hotel, bar, wedding
    design style: minmalist, novelty, classic, morden luxury
    usage: espresso, coffee, bubble tea, milk, juice, hot and cold drinking
    feature: disposable, sustainable, stocked, food contact safe
    printing/embossed logo: acceptable
    oem/odm: customized logo or color print available
    certificates: ce / eu
    superiority: 100% biodegradable, no leakage, take away
    color: white or unbleached
    size: 7

    q6: what is the standard production time for each order?
    a: usually, the production time for each order is around 25 days, but the actual time will be subject to the order quantity, packaging way and busy season etcwe are always on line even though the time difference, so pls contact us free
    carton size: 65x41

    q5: do you provide samples? is it free or extra?
    a: yes, we can offer free samples, you just need to collect the freight costdifferent sizes satisfy your different needs for sauce, ice cream, tasting food, or coffeeand bagasse tableware is sturdier than paper, plastic, or polystyrene tablewareour product range covers disposable sugarcane bagasse products, paper packaging products, paper food containers, paper bags, plastic lids set and so on

    the reason for choosing sumkoka as a steady supplier
    1sugarcane bagasse is a natural organic material, which can be completely decomposed after being recycled and composted, which is environmentally friendly and pollution-freecompetitive and favorable price has been always quoted by our team just for expecting the long cooperation among customers from all over the worldsumkoka can satisfy customers’ demands in logo printing, customizable sizes, large quantities in short termcup disposable cup sugarcane cup take away cup description:
    popular bagasse pulp cups with matching lid

    q2: what price terms are acceptable?
    a: it's up to you, but we prefer fob and cif price termscom
    hefei sumkoka environmental technology cothick enough and leakage proof5x28m

    whatsapp/telegram: +86 18856235206
    wickr: sumkoka04
    mail: skj666@sumkokawe will provide you with first-class service

    q1: what's your main products?
    a: biodegradable tableware, mainly are in sugarcane, wood and bamboowe aim to provide environmentally friendly solutions to our earth, also the helpful guidance to your green business
    our ecofriendly bagasse coffee cups are waterproof, oil-proof and leak-proof, and can be filled with coffee, milk tea, fruit juice, and boiled water

    Acambay (México)

    $ 1

  • The eco-friendly collection by sumkoka uses only fully organic, earth-friendly materials to produce products

    q4: can i customize on the products or package?
    a: yes, we accept customization requirements on product size, logo, package and so onthe bowls are microwaveable and freezer safe

    q3: what's your payment terms?
    a: generally 50-70% deposit paid before production, 50-30% balance paid before shipping (it depends on the specific order amount )
    the compostable bowl is made of 100% natural sugarcane fiber, it's an earth-friendly alternative to disposable plastic serving bowlssuitable for hot or cold mealswas established in 2012, with about ten-year exporting experience in eco tableware and paper packing fieldsthere are professional technical staff who specialize in researching disposable products without pfas , heavy metal or toxic substances

    whatsapp/telegram: +86 18856235206
    wickr: sumkoka04
    mail: skj666@sumkokaas a company of integration of industry and trade, sumkoka surely possesses advantages of both factory and trade companywe are always on line even though the time difference, so pls contact us free

    q5: do you provide samples? is it free or extra?
    a: yes, we can offer free samples, you just need to collect the freight costour biodegradable bagasse bowls are strong and durable, microwavable and freezableour product range covers disposable sugarcane bagasse products, paper packaging products, paper food containers, paper bags, plastic lids set and so on

    the reason for choosing sumkoka as a steady supplier
    1competitive and favorable price has been always quoted by our team just for expecting the long cooperation among customers from all over the worldbowl disposable bowl bagasse bowl salad bowl keywords: paper bowl, salad bowl,babi bowl,disposable bowls, bagass bowl, biodegrad bowl, paper salad bowl, paper bowl with lid, bowl, bagasse packaging, bagasse containers, takeaway bowl, eco-friendly bowls, biodegrad bowl, bowl set, bowl disposal, disposable bowls, bagasse bowl, sugarcane bowl, round bowl
    our biodegradable sugarcane bowls are made of 100% sugarcane fiber, perfect for picnics, barbeques, camping, and other outdoor functions both formal and informalsumkoka can satisfy customers’ demands in logo printing, customizable sizes, large quantities in short term

    q2: what price terms are acceptable?
    a: it's up to you, but we prefer fob and cif price termscom
    hefei sumkoka environmental technology cowe will provide you with first-class service

    q1: what's your main products?
    a: biodegradable tableware, mainly are in sugarcane, wood and bamboowe aim to provide environmentally friendly solutions to our earth, also the helpful guidance to your green business

    Acambay (México)

    $ 1

  • The eco-friendly collection by sumkoka uses only fully organic, earth-friendly materials to produce products

    q4: can i customize on the products or package?
    a: yes, we accept customization requirements on product size, logo, package and so onbowl disposable bowl sugarcane bowl take away bowl keywords: paper bowl, salad bowl,babi bowl,disposable bowls, bagass bowl, biodegrad bowl, paper salad bowl, paper bowl with lid, bowl, bagasse packaging, bagasse containers, takeaway bowl, eco-friendly bowls, biodegrad bowl, bowl set, bowl disposal, disposable bowls, bagasse bowl, sugarcane bowl, round bowl

    our biodegradable sugarcane bowls are made of 100% sugarcane fiber, perfect for picnics, barbeques, camping, and other outdoor functions both formal and informalthe bowls are microwaveable and freezer safe

    q3: what's your payment terms?
    a: generally 50-70% deposit paid before production, 50-30% balance paid before shipping (it depends on the specific order amount )
    the compostable bowl is made of 100% natural sugarcane fiber, it's an earth-friendly alternative to disposable plastic serving bowlssuitable for hot or cold mealswas established in 2012, with about ten-year exporting experience in eco tableware and paper packing fieldsthere are professional technical staff who specialize in researching disposable products without pfas , heavy metal or toxic substances

    whatsapp/telegram: +86 18856235206
    wickr: sumkoka04
    mail: skj666@sumkokaas a company of integration of industry and trade, sumkoka surely possesses advantages of both factory and trade companywe are always on line even though the time difference, so pls contact us free

    q5: do you provide samples? is it free or extra?
    a: yes, we can offer free samples, you just need to collect the freight costour biodegradable bagasse bowls are strong and durable, microwavable and freezableour product range covers disposable sugarcane bagasse products, paper packaging products, paper food containers, paper bags, plastic lids set and so on

    the reason for choosing sumkoka as a steady supplier
    1competitive and favorable price has been always quoted by our team just for expecting the long cooperation among customers from all over the worldsumkoka can satisfy customers’ demands in logo printing, customizable sizes, large quantities in short term

    q2: what price terms are acceptable?
    a: it's up to you, but we prefer fob and cif price termscom
    hefei sumkoka environmental technology cowe will provide you with first-class service

    q1: what's your main products?
    a: biodegradable tableware, mainly are in sugarcane, wood and bamboowe aim to provide environmentally friendly solutions to our earth, also the helpful guidance to your green business

    Acambay (México)

    $ 1

  • The eco-friendly collection by sumkoka uses only fully organic, earth-friendly materials to produce productsour product range covers disposable sugarcane bagasse products, paper packaging products, paper food containers, paper bags, plastic lids set and so on
    the reason for choosing sumkoka as a steady supplier :

    q4: can i customize on the products or package?
    a: yes, we accept customization requirements on product size, logo, package and so onthis bagasse tableware can safely be used in the microwave and also can be frozen

    q3: what's your payment terms?
    a: generally 50-70% deposit paid before production, 50-30% balance paid before shipping (it depends on the specific order amount )this sugarcane clamshell container is very suitable for takeaways, restaurants and hamburger shopsoil and liquid resistantclamshell box disposable clamshell box bagasse clamshell key word: disposable clamshell box,sugarcane clamshell,clamshell packaging,
    bagasse clamshell, clamshell lunch box, clamshell bagasses,clamshell boxes,bagasse packaging, bagasse containers, clamshell box, bagasse clamshell, clamshell set, clamshell disposal, disposable clamshell,

    the compostable food container for restaurant is made from sugarcane/bagasse, biodegradable and ecofriendly
    carton size: 43x26x24cm

    whatsapp/telegram: +86 18856235206
    wickr: sumkoka04
    mail: skj666@sumkokawas established in 2012, with about ten-year exporting experience in eco tableware and paper packing fieldsthere are professional technical staff who specialize in researching disposable products without pfas , heavy metal or toxic substancesas a company of integration of industry and trade, sumkoka surely possesses advantages of both factory and trade company

    q6: what is the standard production time for each order?
    a: usually, the production time for each order is around 25 days, but the actual time will be subject to the order quantity, packaging way and busy season etcwe are always on line even though the time difference, so pls contact us free

    q5: do you provide samples? is it free or extra?
    a: yes, we can offer free samples, you just need to collect the freight cost
    place of origin: anhui, china
    model number: css95
    moq: 50000pcs
    material: sugarcane/ bagasse
    feature: disposable, sustainable, stocked, compostable, food contact safe
    application: home, restaurant, hotel, bar, wedding, party
    superiority: 100% biodegradable, take away, sturdy, no leakage, hot & cold use
    usage: take out container, food packing, lunch, burger, hot dog, cake
    type: takeaway food container/ clamshell
    printing/embossed logo: acceptable
    color: bleached or unbleached
    sample: free sample with freight collect
    size: 9x5 inch, 220(l)x130(w)x45/70(h)mm
    weight: 25g

    packaging details:
    size: 9x5 inch, 220(l)x130(w)x45/70(h)mm, 25g
    50 pcs/ bag, 4 bags/ carton, 200 pcs/ ctn; also can be customizedcompetitive and favorable price has been always quoted by our team just for expecting the long cooperation among customers from all over the worldsumkoka can satisfy customers’ demands in logo printing, customizable sizes, large quantities in short term

    q2: what price terms are acceptable?
    a: it's up to you, but we prefer fob and cif price termsthey are suitable for hot and cold foodcom
    hefei sumkoka environmental technology cowe will provide you with first-class service

    q1: what's your main products?
    a: biodegradable tableware, mainly are in sugarcane, wood and bamboowe aim to provide environmentally friendly solutions to our earth, also the helpful guidance to your green business

    Acambay (México)

    $ 1

  • The eco-friendly collection by sumkoka uses only fully organic, earth-friendly materials to produce productsour product range covers disposable sugarcane bagasse products, paper packaging products, paper food containers, paper bags, plastic lids set and so on
    the reason for choosing sumkoka as a steady supplier :

    q4: can i customize on the products or package?
    a: yes, we accept customization requirements on product size, logo, package and so onthis bagasse tableware can safely be used in the microwave and also can be frozen

    q3: what's your payment terms?
    a: generally 50-70% deposit paid before production, 50-30% balance paid before shipping (it depends on the specific order amount )this sugarcane clamshell container is very suitable for takeaways, restaurants and hamburger shopsoil and liquid resistant
    carton size: 43x26x24cm

    whatsapp/telegram: +86 18856235206
    wickr: sumkoka04
    mail: skj666@sumkokawas established in 2012, with about ten-year exporting experience in eco tableware and paper packing fieldsthere are professional technical staff who specialize in researching disposable products without pfas , heavy metal or toxic substancesclamshell box disposable clamshell box hamburger box key word: disposable clamshell box,sugarcane clamshell,clamshell packaging,
    bagasse clamshell, clamshell lunch box, clamshell bagasses,clamshell boxes,bagasse packaging, bagasse containers, clamshell box, bagasse clamshell, clamshell set, clamshell disposal, disposable clamshell,

    the compostable food container for restaurant is made from sugarcane/bagasse, biodegradable and ecofriendlyas a company of integration of industry and trade, sumkoka surely possesses advantages of both factory and trade company

    q6: what is the standard production time for each order?
    a: usually, the production time for each order is around 25 days, but the actual time will be subject to the order quantity, packaging way and busy season etcwe are always on line even though the time difference, so pls contact us free

    q5: do you provide samples? is it free or extra?
    a: yes, we can offer free samples, you just need to collect the freight cost
    place of origin: anhui, china
    model number: css95
    moq: 50000pcs
    material: sugarcane/ bagasse
    feature: disposable, sustainable, stocked, compostable, food contact safe
    application: home, restaurant, hotel, bar, wedding, party
    superiority: 100% biodegradable, take away, sturdy, no leakage, hot & cold use
    usage: take out container, food packing, lunch, burger, hot dog, cake
    type: takeaway food container/ clamshell
    printing/embossed logo: acceptable
    color: bleached or unbleached
    sample: free sample with freight collect
    size: 9x5 inch, 220(l)x130(w)x45/70(h)mm
    weight: 25g

    packaging details:
    size: 9x5 inch, 220(l)x130(w)x45/70(h)mm, 25g
    50 pcs/ bag, 4 bags/ carton, 200 pcs/ ctn; also can be customizedcompetitive and favorable price has been always quoted by our team just for expecting the long cooperation among customers from all over the worldsumkoka can satisfy customers’ demands in logo printing, customizable sizes, large quantities in short term

    q2: what price terms are acceptable?
    a: it's up to you, but we prefer fob and cif price termsthey are suitable for hot and cold foodcom
    hefei sumkoka environmental technology cowe will provide you with first-class service

    q1: what's your main products?
    a: biodegradable tableware, mainly are in sugarcane, wood and bamboowe aim to provide environmentally friendly solutions to our earth, also the helpful guidance to your green business

    Acolman (México)

    $ 1

  • The eco-friendly collection by sumkoka uses only fully organic, earth-friendly materials to produce productsour product range covers disposable sugarcane bagasse products, paper packaging products, paper food containers, paper bags, plastic lids set and so on
    the reason for choosing sumkoka as a steady supplier :

    q4: can i customize on the products or package?
    a: yes, we accept customization requirements on product size, logo, package and so onthis bagasse tableware can safely be used in the microwave and also can be frozen

    q3: what's your payment terms?
    a: generally 50-70% deposit paid before production, 50-30% balance paid before shipping (it depends on the specific order amount )this sugarcane clamshell container is very suitable for takeaways, restaurants and hamburger shopsoil and liquid resistant
    carton size: 43x26x24cm

    whatsapp/telegram: +86 18856235206
    wickr: sumkoka04
    mail: skj666@sumkokawas established in 2012, with about ten-year exporting experience in eco tableware and paper packing fieldsthere are professional technical staff who specialize in researching disposable products without pfas , heavy metal or toxic substancesas a company of integration of industry and trade, sumkoka surely possesses advantages of both factory and trade company

    q6: what is the standard production time for each order?
    a: usually, the production time for each order is around 25 days, but the actual time will be subject to the order quantity, packaging way and busy season etcwe are always on line even though the time difference, so pls contact us free

    q5: do you provide samples? is it free or extra?
    a: yes, we can offer free samples, you just need to collect the freight cost
    place of origin: anhui, china
    model number: css95
    moq: 50000pcs
    material: sugarcane/ bagasse
    feature: disposable, sustainable, stocked, compostable, food contact safe
    application: home, restaurant, hotel, bar, wedding, party
    superiority: 100% biodegradable, take away, sturdy, no leakage, hot & cold use
    usage: take out container, food packing, lunch, burger, hot dog, cake
    type: takeaway food container/ clamshell
    printing/embossed logo: acceptable
    color: bleached or unbleached
    sample: free sample with freight collect
    size: 9x5 inch, 220(l)x130(w)x45/70(h)mm
    weight: 25g

    packaging details:
    size: 9x5 inch, 220(l)x130(w)x45/70(h)mm, 25g
    50 pcs/ bag, 4 bags/ carton, 200 pcs/ ctn; also can be customizedcompetitive and favorable price has been always quoted by our team just for expecting the long cooperation among customers from all over the worldsumkoka can satisfy customers’ demands in logo printing, customizable sizes, large quantities in short term

    q2: what price terms are acceptable?
    a: it's up to you, but we prefer fob and cif price termsdisposable box bagasse box sugarcane box take away box key word: disposable clamshell box,sugarcane clamshell,clamshell packaging,
    bagasse clamshell, clamshell lunch box, clamshell bagasses,clamshell boxes,bagasse packaging, bagasse containers, clamshell box, bagasse clamshell, clamshell set, clamshell disposal, disposable clamshell,
    the compostable food container for restaurant is made from sugarcane/bagasse, biodegradable and ecofriendlythey are suitable for hot and cold foodcom
    hefei sumkoka environmental technology cowe will provide you with first-class service

    q1: what's your main products?
    a: biodegradable tableware, mainly are in sugarcane, wood and bamboowe aim to provide environmentally friendly solutions to our earth, also the helpful guidance to your green business

    Acolman (México)

    $ 1

  • The capital gain is enormous!features: bedrooms: 1 + flex room bathrooms: 2 part furnished air conditioning: yes parking: yes playroom sky lounge with pool, bar, jacuzzi, sundecks, grills and fire pit or campfire gym and boxing studio 24 hour security and controlled access bussiness center events area recreation area this apartment at zoho skies puerto vallarta has been perfectly designed with modern architecture and its interiors offer you a contemporary neutral color scheme and quality finishesyour location is worth gold!located in the modern complex of zoho skies in the hotel zone of puerto vallarta, surrounded by all kinds of services, such as shopping malls, restaurants, hospitals, cinemas and in front of the maritime port and of course just a few minutes walk to the beachwith everything at your fingertips in the condominium and all the entertainment options that puerto vallarta offers, every day will seem like a vacationon the ground floor it offers a large living-dining room area full of light that connects it to the outdoor terrace providing a perfect space for entertainment and relaxation, inside on the same floor it incorporates the beautiful modern kitchen, a flex and a full bathroomthis apartment is located in one of the most sought after condominiums in puerto vallarta, in a complex that is distinguished by its concept of having all services and entertainment on site, carefully planned around quiet and distinctive places of attraction, a beautiful place to call homeyou will delight in the vibrant and comfortable atmosphere, feeling completely at home in one of the most modern developments in the hotel zone of puerto vallartaon the second level you will find the bedroom that includes access to the balcony, closet and a full bathroomzoho skies is a planned development that features a fully integrated lifestyle compound that incorporates green areas, entertainment areas, and an endless common amenitiesthe smart, light and airy open plan layout provides a quality lifestyle for singles, couples or small familiesmeintenance dues include gas and water *non-negotiable priceresort lifestyleclearly contemporary, yet quietly elegant, this sophisticated two-level apartment offers you a functional, spacious design and just 350 meters from the beach!enjoy beautiful uninterrupted mountain views and impressive ocean views from your roof terrace with poolperfectly located with quick access to main avenue and a few minutes from the maritime port, beach shopping centers, magnificent gastronomic options, hospitals, airport and downtown puerto vallarta

    Puerto Vallarta (Jalisco)

    $ 257475

  • 51 lot dimensions:   ocean front meters:   total bedrooms: 3 fullbaths: 2 1/2baths: 0 year built: 2004 furniture: furnished primary view: local secondary view: ocean style: two story garage stalls: 0 carport: 1 mstr plan community: yes tax id number: 402-042-022-001-003-m23 taxes (pesos): 3,067 latitude: 22885978         terms:   description: this is one of the highest homes in the development with one bedroom and bath downstairs with the living room, dining and kitchen and separate laundry room, upstairs there is a nice wide landing that leads to the ample outdoor terrace with comfortable seating and a grill, just off the hallway are two other nice size bedrooms with a shared baththis house is quiet and comfortable32 ac sqft: 875 decks/patios m2: 10 decks/patios sqft: 107seller financing offered?: no total m2: 9,132 total sqft: 98,260 construction type: concrete / cinder block; flooring types: ceramic tile devices: ceiling fans; air conditioning: mini splits; gas tank liters: 300 road type: paved title: fideicomiso: scotia connectivity: internet: infinitum; telephone: 1 line; tv: satellite electricity: cfe water: muni sewage: common plant how to show: agent to accompany price (usd): 141,000        located in cluster 3 there is a nice pool close to the houselegal: amenities: fence / wall; garden; pergola common amenities: gated; guarded; pool appliances: clothes dryer: electric; clothes washer; microwave; oven: electric; range: electric; refrigerator const913821 longitude: -109


    $ 141000

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