Longman preparation course for the toefl test
Listado longman preparation course for the toefl test
Players can also create their own custom courses using the course designer tool, which provides endless possibilities for gameplayone of the key features of the golf club 2019 is its inclusion of real-life courses from the pga tour, such as tpc sawgrass and pebble beach golf linksthe golf club 2019 featuring pga tour is a golf simulation game that offers players an immersive experience on the xbox one platformto enhance gameplay even further, the golf club 2019 offers in-game currency called "coins" that allow players to purchase new equwith its realistic graphics and physics engine, this game allows users to play as professional golfers in various tournaments around the worldin addition to single-player modes like career mode and practice range, the golf club 2019 also includes online multiplayer options where players can compete against each other or join societies with friendsthis adds another layer of excitement and challenge to an already engaging gaming experience
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$ 596100
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Make your home dream true, building your custom home, centrally located near the beach, downtown and the charming san jose del cabo in méxicowith all services available: water, electricity, sewer, without paying hoa fees, in a perfect location, in the heart of the golf club of fonatur colony in san josé del cabo13 sq feet (800 m2) lot is perfect and easy to build your dream or vacation home in a safe and quiet neighborhood, in the heart of san josé fonatur golf club colony with views to: the beautiful park, sea of cortez (from the 2nd floor); and perfect location: walking distance to downtown, estuary, hotel zone, beach, supermarkets (soriana and wallmart), restaurants, hospital (hospiten), school, (greenland), cinema (cinepolis), stores and much more#21-1235call leo now +521 624-1844797 & naysin +521 667-1444723
$ 150000
Build the home of your dreams among the multi-million dollar homes in the neighborhoodthis lot has wonderful unobstructed views of the sea of cortez, the jack nicklaus signature ocean course and the beautiful cabo del sol club house#21-2234call leo now +521 624-1844797 & naysin +521 667-1444723 do not contact me with unsolicited services or offersit is very tranquil and extremely quiet
$ 995000
these rooms overlook the poolthe laundry room is located on the ground floor, with enough space for a washer/dryer and storagethe master bedroom of almost 36m2 is incredible, it has a very high ceiling, the windows are sliding, and it has a small balcony facing the streetrest of the house: roof garden on the third floor, a very comfortable and functional area to enjoy a pleasant atmosphere and a beautiful view of the mountainsthe house has an attractive design and a spacious and functional interior for a completely modern and pleasant family lifestyleon the second floor there is a tv room, with enough space for a small sofa or even as a work areathis house for sale in residencial fluvial vallarta is special because in new construction and for all its qualities, its location, design and above all for its price: it is a true investment in your heritagefrancisco villa and av, francisco medina ascencio, just to 5 minutes from the beach and 10 minutes from the international airport of puerto vallarta88 sqft 3 bedrooms + flex room 3 bathrooms pool roof top parking for 2 cars air conditioning in bedrooms kitchen with granite countertops hydropneumatics automatic heater wooden finishes 2,800-liter tank 120-liter stationary tank location: located in fluvial vallarta, one of the most attractive zone in puerto vallarta, close to shopping malls, restaurants, parks, schools, and the avenues most important of the city, the avpatio and pool: to spend time with the family, this house in residencial fluvial vallarta has a terrace and a very nice pool, there is an additional space for a nice table and umbrella, ideal for having a barbecueit has many wooden drawers and a cupboard, ideal for storing all kitchen itemsdescription of the house: first level: this new house in fluvial vallarta consists on its first level of a bright living-dining room area, which connects to the rear terrace with pool, kitchen, flex room which can also be used as a bedroom, one full bathroom, laundry room and to the front it has parking for two carsdue to its sliding windows that communicate the main room (living room and dining room) with the patio, it is possible to have a sense of great spaciousness and freshnesskitchen: the elegant and functional kitchen has granite countertops, equipped with a stove, hood and oventhis beautiful integral kitchen is located next to the living and dining area, interacting perfectly, without having walls in between, which makes the ground floor a space with a great sense of spaciousnessthis new house in the best area de puerto vallarta is very spacious and fuses contemporary style with comfort, its spaces are designed with flexibility in mind and functionality as a focus, this magnificent property meets the style demands of today, and will do so for many years to comethe 2nd and 3rd bedrooms are also very spacious, both with closets and sharing a full bathroomthe bathroom in this bedroom is very elegant, spacious and modern, with very nice finishes and tempered glass, sink and walking closetbedrooms: this house in fluvial vallarta has 3 bedrooms and 1 flex room on the ground floor that can be used as a bedroomsecond level: consists of 3 bedrooms, the main one with a balcony, dressing room and full bathroom, as well as two others each with its own closet and a shared full bathroom, and a tv room2 car garages with gatebrand new house with an excellent location in fluvial vallarta, 2-levels and roof topprice in pesos: $7,890,000 mxn features: lot: 160 m2 / 1722it has a stationary gas systemdelivery date: october 202223 sqft construction: 225 m2 / 2421you can compare similar properties and you will see!*est
Puerto Vallarta (Jalisco)
$ 394500
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$ 800
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$ 150
14 sq ft the front of the lot is 7that alone speaks about the impact in value for your property in that areaits colorful colonial mansions make one of the most beautiful places in the city of mérida62 ft, but the back opens to 8” upon entering the house you are greeted by a living room, followed by a room that is currently used as an office, next to these two spaces we have a garage for a large car and plenty of space for storage, in the middle of the house we have the common area, a dining room and kitchen run under a terrace-type roof, a full bathroom, then we have a huge patio on the north side of the property and 4 of the bedrooms face the patio, two bedrooms share a bathroom, another has a full bathroom, and in the back there is a good size garden that can be used with the patio for a large pool, the property has a solid structure, even for a second level, and much to take advantage of the current constructionthe park was remodeled a few years ago, and since then it has further highlighted the beauty that characterizes this place36 ftcolonial house with unbeatable size lot and location, just a few steps from la ermita church & park in the historic downtown of mérida yucatán, potential for the house of your dreams, or commercial use, quiet area, but full of life on local festive dates; like the festival of souls every year, from october 1 to november 3, something unique in la ermita park, it has also been a stage for some filming of soap operas and film productionsits yellow church, its french cobblestone streets, its park and its botanical garden combine to give its visitors an incredible view of the entire site important notesno unexpected visitors allowed / please schedule an appointmentdocuments up-to-date ready for your quick and secure purchasetrusts welcome price is negotiable(owner motivated to sell)places of interest:la ermita church of santa isabella ermita botanical spacelocal festivals in the area4 blocks from san juan park7 blocks from la plaza grande (tourism every day and events on weekends)schools of all levels just minutes awayit is a tourist area, very quiet and picturesque in its festivalsin this case, size really matters: irregular lot size in meters: front 7“la ermita de santa isabel, is a soap opera stage, literally90 m = 567 sq mirregular lot size in ft
$ 2499000
Rest of the house: on the ground floor has a half bathroom for guests and an excellent terrace in the second floor to enjoy a good time outdoorslocated in a strategic zone, in the heart of the city, just a 100location: located in the best zone of puerto vallarta, behind the condominium las morasthe living room connects with the dining room to give a feeling of spaciousnessthe master bedroom is in the ground floor, has a full bathroom with walking closetpatio: at the front of this property for sale is an open parking space for up to 2 cars and it has a backyard with enough space for a small garden with furniturethe second and third bedrooms are in the second floor, each one has a closet and shares a bathroom5 km from the beach and the hotel zone, surrounded by restaurants, shopping malls, hospitals, banks, schools and morelook no further, this house is without a doubt the best option!beautiful house for sale with community pool in los olivos, puerto vallarta this house for sale in los olivos is special, very little availability in the area at an incredible price! it has the advantage of being located within a gated community that provides security and common areas with a pooldescription of the house: kitchen: open-plan fitted kitchen that connects with the dining room to have a sense of spaciousness that turns out to be practical when cookingor the backyard patio doors can be opened to let in fresh air and natural lightbright and with a modern design this property for sale has a lot of 108 m2 and a construction of 104 m2living room and dining room: the living room has air conditioning to enjoy a break watching tv or any other activity of your choicefeatures: 3 bedrooms 2bedrooms: this house in los olivos vallarta has 3 spacious bedrooms, all of them with closets and air conditioning5 bathrooms 2 parking lot fitted kitchen patio terrace air conditioning unfurnished community pool 24-hour security pet friendly price in pesos: $3,170,000
Puerto Vallarta (Jalisco)
$ 3170000
the listing is for the full villa with both unitsone on the bottom floor and one on the top floorif presold the project can be modified to become a big villa with 6 bedrooms and double ceiling height in the social area on the ground floor garden unit 3 bedrooms 2 full bathrooms with bathtubs and separate showers outside hot tub with overflow to pool 175 m2 = 1883 sqft living area big wooden terrace with sunken lounge high quality kitchen hidden ac units for all areas parking space for 2 cars outside bbq station real jungle feelingpent house 3 bedrooms 2 full bathrooms with bathtubs and separate showers 175 m2 = 1883 sqft infinity pool on roof terrace big wooden terrace with lounge and bbq area and additional bathroom high quality kitchen hidden ac units for all areas parking space for 1 car beautiful rooftop views over the jungle$825,000 us for the complete villa with both units, full ownership the villa is nestled in the jungle to provide privacy but is still close enough to tulum downtown for all services, restaurants, bars and only 15 min to the beacheach unit has it´s own entrance and they are completely separatedbig villa with 2 independent unitsthough it can be rented as a full villa with 6 bedrooms by opening a staircase door uniting both units
$ 16500000
Rest of the house:this house has the option to grow above the garage since it has the necessary supports and foundations for one more roomjust 10 minutes from the beach and 20 minutes from the airport and the malecón puerto vallartadescription:this house has a hallway at the entrance that connects to the terrace of the tv room and in turn to the garden and on the other side to the 2-car garage with electric gatelaundry room: it connects to the kitchen and has direct access to the garage, ample space for a washer and dryerthis spacious traditional-style hose for sale is located in colonia ojo de agua, its located in the corner, its perfect for families looking for nearby services and tranquility in a comfortable spacethe house has a perimeter fence and protective meshgarden with space for pool and terrace with palapa with additional bathroomit has a double height entrance, half bathroom, tv room, living room with access to the garden, dining room, kitchen, laundry room that connects with the garagethe master bedroom has bathroom with tub and closet, the other two bedrooms share a bathroom, all bedrooms with air conditioning and flex room or tv roomor if you prefer, the garden is large enough to build a nice poollocation:located en colonia ojo de agua in puerto vallarta, very close to two of the main avenues, such as francisco villa and fluvial vallarta that connect with the main points of interest in the destination, such as shopping centers, services, schools and hospitalsadditional the house has: spring wood finishes hydropneumatic 2,500-liter cistern stationary gas tank automatic heater5 bathrooms tv room, dining room and fitted kitchen spacious garden and palapa 2 car garages with electric gate this 2-level house features a double height entry that gives a feeling of spaciousness, its hall has an attractive wall of stone arches drowned in cement, its wide spaces invite you to share moments with your family and enjoy its different areas surrounded by large windows that allow natural light to enterfeatures: lot: 417 m2 (4488bedrooms: 3 bedrooms with balcony55 sq ft) construction: 278 m2 (2992its garden and terrace will allow you to spend pleasant and relaxing moments or to spend time with family and friendsgarden and terrace: a large garden with 2 sections and a lot of vegetation which makes it a pleasant space to hang out, as well as a terrace with a palapa with ample space to enjoy, relax or spend time with family and friends37 sq ft) 3 bedrooms with balcony + flex room 2kitchen: spacious fitted kitchen with granite bar and breakfast bar, has a pantry with wooden doors, double sink and stove
Puerto Vallarta (Jalisco)
$ 6095000
these disposable trays are 100% biodegradable and suitable for composting for easy disposal, making these trays good for the environment
q6: what is the standard production time for each order?
a: usually, the production time for each order is around 25 days, but the actual time will be subject to the order quantity, packaging way and busy season etccompetitive and favorable price has been always quoted by our team just for expecting the long cooperation among customers from all over the worldthe eco-friendly collection by sumkoka uses only fully organic, earth-friendly materials to produce productswe are always on line even though the time difference, so pls contact us freewe aim to provide environmentally friendly solutions to our earth, also the helpful guidance to your green business
q4: can i customize on the products or package?
a: yes, we accept customization requirements on product size, logo, package and so on
q5: do you provide samples? is it free or extra?
a: yes, we can offer free samples, you just need to collect the freight cost
q3: what's your payment terms?
a: generally 50-70% deposit paid before production, 50-30% balance paid before shipping (it depends on the specific order amount )our product range covers disposable sugarcane bagasse products, paper packaging products, paper food containers, paper bags, plastic lids set and so on
the reason for choosing sumkoka as a steady supplier :
place of origin: anhui, china
model number: crt170
moq: 50,000pcs
material: sugarcane/ bagasse
feature: disposable, sustainable, stocked, compostable, food contact safe
application: home, restaurant, hotel, bar, wedding, party
superiority: 100% biodegradable, take away, sturdy, no leakage, hot & cold use
usage: food packing
printing/embossed logo: acceptable
color: white or unbleached
sample: free sample with freight collect
certificates: ce / eu
size: 170(l)x115(w)x25(h)mm
weight: 10g
packaging details:
size: 170(l)x115(w)x25(h)mm, 10g
250 pcs/ bag, 2 bags/ carton, 500 pcs/ ctn; also can be customizedour bagasse food trays have greater toughness and durabilitywe will provide you with first-class service
q1: what's your main products?
a: biodegradable tableware, mainly are in sugarcane, wood and bambooit’s great alternative to plastic
q2: what price terms are acceptable?
a: it's up to you, but we prefer fob and cif price termssumkoka can satisfy customers’ demands in logo printing, customizable sizes, large quantities in short termtray disposable tray sugarcane tray meat tray keywords: display trays, fruit tray, sugarcane tray, tray plate, pulp tray packaging, bagasse packaging, bagasse containers, food tray, tray disposal, disposable tray, sushi tray, tray set, compostable tray, rectangular tray, square tray
the biodegradable food trays is made of sugarcane fiber, which is eco-friendly and compostablethere are professional technical staff who specialize in researching disposable products without pfas , heavy metal or toxic substancesas a company of integration of industry and trade, sumkoka surely possesses advantages of both factory and trade company
carton size: 33x24x18cm
whatsapp/telegram: +86 18856235206
wickr: sumkoka04
mail: skj666@sumkokacom
hefei sumkoka environmental technology cowas established in 2012, with about ten-year exporting experience in eco tableware and paper packing fieldsAcolman (México)
$ 1
these disposable trays are 100% biodegradable and suitable for composting for easy disposal, making these trays good for the environment
q6: what is the standard production time for each order?
a: usually, the production time for each order is around 25 days, but the actual time will be subject to the order quantity, packaging way and busy season etccompetitive and favorable price has been always quoted by our team just for expecting the long cooperation among customers from all over the worldthe eco-friendly collection by sumkoka uses only fully organic, earth-friendly materials to produce productswe are always on line even though the time difference, so pls contact us freewe aim to provide environmentally friendly solutions to our earth, also the helpful guidance to your green business
q4: can i customize on the products or package?
a: yes, we accept customization requirements on product size, logo, package and so on
q5: do you provide samples? is it free or extra?
a: yes, we can offer free samples, you just need to collect the freight cost
q3: what's your payment terms?
a: generally 50-70% deposit paid before production, 50-30% balance paid before shipping (it depends on the specific order amount )our product range covers disposable sugarcane bagasse products, paper packaging products, paper food containers, paper bags, plastic lids set and so on
the reason for choosing sumkoka as a steady supplier :
place of origin: anhui, china
model number: crt170
moq: 50,000pcs
material: sugarcane/ bagasse
feature: disposable, sustainable, stocked, compostable, food contact safe
application: home, restaurant, hotel, bar, wedding, party
superiority: 100% biodegradable, take away, sturdy, no leakage, hot & cold use
usage: food packing
printing/embossed logo: acceptable
color: white or unbleached
sample: free sample with freight collect
certificates: ce / eu
size: 170(l)x115(w)x25(h)mm
weight: 10g
packaging details:
size: 170(l)x115(w)x25(h)mm, 10g
250 pcs/ bag, 2 bags/ carton, 500 pcs/ ctn; also can be customizedour bagasse food trays have greater toughness and durabilitywe will provide you with first-class service
q1: what's your main products?
a: biodegradable tableware, mainly are in sugarcane, wood and bambooit’s great alternative to plastic
q2: what price terms are acceptable?
a: it's up to you, but we prefer fob and cif price termssumkoka can satisfy customers’ demands in logo printing, customizable sizes, large quantities in short term
https://yoututhere are professional technical staff who specialize in researching disposable products without pfas , heavy metal or toxic substancesas a company of integration of industry and trade, sumkoka surely possesses advantages of both factory and trade companytray disposable tray bagasse tray take away tray keywords: display trays, fruit tray, sugarcane tray, tray plate, pulp tray packaging, bagasse packaging, bagasse containers, food tray, tray disposal, disposable tray, sushi tray, tray set, compostable tray, rectangular tray, square tray
carton size: 33x24x18cm
whatsapp/telegram: +86 18856235206
wickr: sumkoka04
mail: skj666@sumkokacom
hefei sumkoka environmental technology cowas established in 2012, with about ten-year exporting experience in eco tableware and paper packing fieldsbe/u-upwq2awoo tray
the biodegradable food trays is made of sugarcane fiber, which is eco-friendly and compostableAcambay (México)
$ 1
If you like the views of the mountains, the bay and the city, we trust that you will enjoy zul **ask for payment plans and policies** the listed price does not include closing costs nor any other cost generated by the purchase of the property (ibank commissions in the event of obtaining a mortgage) ask for payment plans and policiesthe developer reserves the right to modify or change plans, specifications, features and prices without notice*according to the specialized platform casas y terrenos the capital gain is estimated between 10% to 20% annuallyall renders, views and images are the concept of the architect and are intended for use as general reference only and are not to be considered final productzul is an opportunity for investment that offers you the balance between space, functionality and design with a modern styleas your new home or investment* in puerto vallarta, zul is a great option for you!pre-sale of condominiums located just 7 minutes near the beach and 10 minutes away from the downtown area (boardwalk)this is just informative data and can’t be guaranteed by the vendorthe availability, pricing and purchase homes cannot be guaranteed until time of contract signing and the number of homes available for purchase, pricing, terms, conditions, designs, floorplans, features or amenities, may change at any time prior to contract signing units features: living room dining room kitchen 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms balcony or garden a/c amenities: controlled access elevator infinity pool sky terrace barbecue area bar area lounge area outdoor shower 360 degree views of agua azul waterfall, mountain, city and banderas bay parking (4 spaces available to purchase) prices from $215,973 usd**location:located just 7 minutes from the beach in agua azul neighborhood, close to the mountain, the highway 200, multi athletic complex, romantic zone and the boardwalkthis is your opportunity to acquire a quality property with an excellent pricezul is a new development with 12 units from 100approximate delivery date: july, 2024 *price subject to availability and change without notice
Puerto Vallarta (Jalisco)
$ 215970
As for the restaurant and the rest of the property, it was left intestate and is in the process of being transferred to the name of the childrenlegal matter of the property, the hotel was inherited for the children, said inheritance being in orderif there is interest, you can acquire the hotel and a contract to tie the other party to the restaurant (promise of sale so that as soon as the intestate is fulfilled, proceed to the definitive contract and liquidate it)the total price is 35 million pesos, 23 for the hotel and 12 for the restaurant and the rest of the landhotel for sale in the heart of the town of isla mujeres, one hundred meters from the caribbean sea, 200 meters from the main pier to access the island, and 300 meters from the beautiful and famous north beachthis hotel has 25 rooms on three levels and a commercial space on the ground floorthe hotel occupies 10 meters in front by approximately 40 meters in the background, and on the left side there is a restaurant of about 10 meters in front by 20 meters in the background, leaving an empty space behind the restaurantit is not currently in operation as a hotel, but it has hotel land use, commercial premises and restaurant permits, all permits must be updated for usethis hotel is built on a plot of land 20 meters wide by 40 meters deep, totaling 800 m2
Isla Mujeres (Quintana Roo)
$ 35000000
2 spaces for the disabled and 1 for an ambulancethe characteristics of the industrial warehouse are:- guardhousespaces for training- room of site for servershydrants distributed throughout the buildingthe land has a rectangular shapethe property was built in 2011 within the industrial park “bachicuy” and was previously used as a warehouse for textile use_____________________________________________industrial building for sale in mexicowarehouse for sale is located in agua prieta, sonora, mexico just 6 km away from the border with douglas arizona, usa2 medic rooms- 59 sanitary (bathrooms for men and women)in the kitchen: freezers, irons, bain-marie and dining room furniture3 substations (transformers):+ first (2,000 kva)+ second (1,500 kva) and (2,000 kva - 1,500 kva - 2,000 kva)+ third has 3 transformers for a total of (9,000 kva)- cctv system throughout the warehouseit had a certification "c tpat exports"distance between the industrial warehouse and main commercial points:- border agua prieta mx / douglas usa: 3su ubicación es estratégica para estar conectado entre ambos países33%construction area: 705,399 ft²land area: 39 acresschedule your visit with your real estate agentits location is strategic to be connected between both countriesconstruccion: 65,533 m²supkitchen and dining area35 oficinas entre planta baja y altaland use: industrialtechumbre de lámina galvanizada aislada y traslúcida+ altura mínima nave: 74 workshop areasparedes de blockespacios para capacitación- cuarto de site para servidoreslas características de la nave industrial son:- caseta de vigilancia4 áreas de tallercocina y área de comedor7 hasagenda tu visita con tu asesor inmobiliariosistema de cctv por toda la nave49 cajones de estacionamientomaximum height warehouse 28minimum height warehouse: 24entrada gerencial independienteminimum height offices: 14administrative offices: 3 meeting roomsel terreno tiene forma rectangularnatural ventilation with air extraction on roof "wind turbine vent"contaba con certificación “c tpat exportaciones”distancia entre la nave industrial y principales puntos comerciales:- frontera agua prieta/douglas eua: 6 km- los angeles eua: 970 km- dallas eua: 1,390 km- hermosillo: 386 km- nogales: 182 km- monterrey: 1,335 kmnuevo precio: $21,000,000 usdprecio anterior: $22,960,000 usdestimada tasa de capitalización: 949 m+ altura máxima nave 8pisos de alta resistencia2 consultorios- 59 sanitarios (baños de hombres y mujeres)49 parking spacesfire fighting system with ignition or starting with alternate systems or batteriesaltura máxima oficinas: 6uso de suelo: industrialimmediate availabilitymaximum height offices: 21high resistance floorssistema contra incendio con encendido o arranque con sistema alterno o baterías2 cajones para discapacitados y 1 para ambulancia7 miles- los angeles usa: 602 miles- dallas usa: 863 miles- hermosillo mx: 239 miles- nogales mx: 113 miles- monterrey mx: 829 milesnew price: $21,000,000 usdreduced from: $22,960,000 usdestimated cap rate: 9en cocina: congeladores, planchas, baños maría y mobiliario de comedor24 loading and unloading access platformsventilación natural con “cebollas” de extracción35 offices between ground floor and upper floorindependent managerial entryse vende nave industrial en agua prieta, sonorabodega en venta muy bien ubicada en agua prieta, sonora, a solo 6 km de distancia de la frontera con douglas arizona, e24 andenes de acceso de carga y descargala propiedad fue construida en el 2011 dentro del parque industrial bachicuy y anteriormente era utilizada como una nave para uso textildisponibilidad inmediata70 m+ altura mínima oficinas: 4all security accesses with panic barshidrantes distribuidos en toda la nave- todos los accesos de seguridad con barras de pánico- 3 subestaciones (transformadores):+ primera (2,000 kva)+ segunda (1,500 kva) y (2,000 kva - 1,500 kva - 2,000 kva)+ tercera tiene 3 transformadores para un total de (9,000 kva)- cuenta con a/c y calefacciónoficinas administrativas: 3 salas de juntasinsulated and translucent galvanized sheet roof
Agua Prieta (Sonora)
$ 21000000
If you like the views of the mountains, the bay and the city, we trust that you will enjoy zul **ask for payment plans and policies** the listed price does not include closing costs nor any other cost generated by the purchase of the property (ibank commissions in the event of obtaining a mortgage) ask for payment plans and policiesthe developer reserves the right to modify or change plans, specifications, features and prices without notice*according to the specialized platform casas y terrenos the capital gain is estimated between 10% to 20% annuallyall renders, views and images are the concept of the architect and are intended for use as general reference only and are not to be considered final productzul is an opportunity for investment that offers you the balance between space, functionality and design with a modern styleas your new home or investment* in puerto vallarta, zul is a great option for you!pre-sale of condominiums located just 7 minutes near the beach and 10 minutes away from the downtown area (boardwalk)this is just informative data and can’t be guaranteed by the vendorthe availability, pricing and purchase homes cannot be guaranteed until time of contract signing and the number of homes available for purchase, pricing, terms, conditions, designs, floorplans, features or amenities, may change at any time prior to contract signing units features: living room dining room kitchen 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms balcony or garden a/c amenities: controlled access elevator infinity pool sky terrace barbecue area bar area lounge area outdoor shower 360 degree views of agua azul waterfall, mountain, city and banderas bay parking (4 spaces available to purchase) prices from $238,666 usd**location:located just 7 minutes from the beach in agua azul neighborhood, close to the mountain, the highway 200, multi athletic complex, romantic zone and the boardwalkthis is your opportunity to acquire a quality property with an excellent pricezul is a new development with 12 units from 100approximate delivery date: july, 2024 *price subject to availability and change without notice
Puerto Vallarta (Jalisco)
$ 238666
Be the ones that get the best price for the best property, located only 5 minutes from the beach and downtown a luxury area in development, this is the moment to invest either is for living or for getting returnssome of the listings on this site are displayed courtesy of mls bcs, and/or from the professional real estate local network and may not be the listings of the site ownerdo not let it pass, ask for more info and financingthis is being developed on the main road towards hotel pueblo bonito sunsetprecios sujetos a cambio sin previo aviso, fotografias son demostrativas unicamente#hose for sale in los cabos, # departments for sale, #condominiums on sale cabo, # cabo properties, # venta de casas en los cabos, #venta de condos en los cabos, #compra de casas en los cabos, #compra de departamentos en los cabos pregunta ahora por precios, detalles y financiamientosopportunity!!, pre-sale of miró offers affordable luxurious condominiumall information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed!!oportunidad!!, aprovecha la pre-venta de condominios miro, condominios accesibles y de lujodesarrollo miro se encuentra sobre el camino hacia el hotel pueblo bonito sunsetestos se encuentran en un area muy solicitada, en pleno apojeo y desarrollo
$ 157000
✓ 100% of the shares of the company whose only asset is the land are soldparticular rules the regulation of tourist areas is intended to promote the following actions: • safeguard the beauty and environmental value of natural resources, which are the reason for the attractiveness of these areas and whose deterioration most of the time is irreversible, becoming at the same time the decline of the tourist activity itself2 tourist zones they correspond to the key t following the consecutive number indicated• promote the adequate use of the development potential that sites of natural attraction may have, anticipating different types of zones that respond to the natural characteristics of the area; • protect the areas against the excessive concentration of inhabitants by regulating the population density and the density of the building in each specific zone, indicating the minimum endowment of open spaces within these zones in order to ensure spaces for rest and recreation; as well as protecting tourist areas against urban risks and heavy traffic caused by incompatible uses✓ beachfront 195 linear meters ✓use of tourist land for hotels ✓ 386 hotel rooms ✓ 100 more rooms will be authorized by building a double key ✓ 35% rudeness ✓ permits for piloted beach club ✓ pier of 100 linear meters authorized license ✓concession of federal maritime zone ✓ permit for 40 bungalows in front of the sea and 200 umbrellas ✓ land is in a trust the owner ✓ "el porvenir development company" located in bvi✓ concession of federal maritime terrestrial zonedescripción uso de suelo (zt)3normas particularesla reglamentación de zonas turisticas tiene la finalidad de promover las siguientes acciones:• salvaguardar la belleza y valor ambiental de los recursos naturales, que son la razón de ser del atractivo de estas zonas y cuyo deterioro las más de las veces es irreversible convirtiéndose a la vez en decadencia de la propia actividad turística;• propiciar el aprovechamiento adecuado del potencial de desarrollo que pueden tener sitios de atractivo natural, previendo distintos tipos de zonas que respondan a las caracteristicas naturales del área;• proteger las áreas contra la excesiva concentración de habitantes regulando la densidad de la población y la densidad de la edificación en cada zona especifica, señalando la minima dotación de espacios abiertos dentro de estas zonas con objeto de asegurar espacios para el descanso y la recreación; así como proteger las zonas turísticas contra riesgos urbanos y tráfico pesado ocasionados por usos incompatiblesriviera maya hotel lot location: next to 3 rives riviera maya✓cambio de uso de suelo en terrenos forestales, ya ejecutado y finiquitado (semarnat-dgira)low and medium density houses and hotels are being developed in these areas✓ compliance with terms and conditions regarding change in forest land use000 usd✓superficie total 31land use description (zt) 3✓ frente de playa 195 metros lineales✓uso de suelo turístico hotelero✓ 386 cuartos hoteleros✓se autorizarian 100 cuartos mas construllendo doble llave✓ 35% desplante✓ permisos para club de playa piloteado ✓ muelle de 100 metros lineales licencia autorizada✓concesion de zona federal maritima ✓ permiso para 40 bungalows frente mar y 200 sombrillas✓ terreno esta en un fideicomiso el titular✓ "el porvenir development company" ubicada en bvien estas zonas se desarrollan viviendas y hoteles de densidad baja y densidad medialote hotelero riviera mayaubicación: junto a 3 rios riviera maya2 zonas turisticascorresponden a la clave t siguiendo el número consecutivo que se indica✓ compliance with terms and conditions regarding environmental impact (mia)✓ concesión de zona federal marítimo terrestre✓ cumplimiento de términos y condicionantes en materia de cambio de uso de suelo forestal✓change of land use in forest lands, already executed and settled (semarnat-dgira)✓ se vende el 100% de las acciones de la compañía cuyo único activo es el terrenoinvestment: $ 26,500,000 usd ✓total area 31✓ cumplimiento de términos y condicionantes en materia de impacto ambiental (mia)
$ 26500000
the project has received strong support from the cuban national tourism administration, the cuban consulate general in shanghai, the national art museum of argentina, the borges cultural center of argentina, the cultural center of chile, and the national autonomous university of mexicothe strength has improved significantly, and zhejiang has a good foundation for the development of cultural creativity and creative tourism industrysimultaneous development of openness and innovation is the foundation for the prosperity and development of cultural creativity and creative tourism in latin americathere are 131 sites recorded on the world heritage list, and many latin american writers are well-known around the worldespecially since it was listed as a comprehensive pilot province for the national cultural system reform in 2003, its culture has been softthe cuban national tourism administration and the cuban consulate in shanghai were invited to give lectures on the theme of "china-cuban cultural tourism market exchange", and invited the national autonomous university of mexico, professionals from supporting units such as the national museum of argentina, the gabriela mistral cultural center of chile, and the zhejiang cultural and creative association have revolved around "the inheritance of art-ancient inca culture in modern life" and "art treasures from pampas-argentina "ancient culture (before the 16th century)", "the integration of chilean traditional culture and the cultural and creative market", "zhejiang songyun culture's cultural innovation height" and other topics to share and exchangelatin america and the caribbean is rich in cultural and natural heritageit is good at introducing and absorbing the latest achievements of other cultureslatin america cultural creativity and creative tourism service special
in order to strengthen the exchanges and mutual learning between zhejiang's cultural and creative industries and tourism and latin america, and stimulate the vitality of the zhejiang cultural, creative and tourism international market, the 2021 zhejiang service trade cloud exhibition (latin american cultural and creative and creative tourism services) will open on the online zoom platform on october 26zhejiang is one of the most developed and dynamic regions in china, and it is also a veritable private economic province with a developed market, sufficient private capital, and strong economic vitality, providing a good economic foundation for the development of zhejiang’s cultural creativity and tourism industryat the same time, zhejiang is also a major cultural province and a major tourist province
during this period when the global epidemic is spreading, the zhejiang provincial department of commerce has been committed to mutual assistance and cooperation among international sister cities to help zhejiang enterprises go out
the joint support unit of this cloud exhibition specially arranged five lectures in the field of cultural creativity and creative tourismit has a great affinity and strong fusion power, thus creating a latin american cultural and creative industry with its own distinctive characteristicscreative tourism industrylatin american culture is a "hybrid" culture or a "hybrid" cultureit has a strong cultural heritage and excellent cultural traditions, and abundant natural tourism and cultural tourism resourcesCerro de San Pedro (San Luis Potosi)
$ 1
On the first level, the house sits on the first 861113 sq ft of the lot, the other 861113 sq ft is vegetation, the entrance has a large iron gate, 6 cars garage area, 2 under roof, there is access to the main house from the garage, hallway gives access to the 2 apartments next to the huge pool of 53 ft wide x 96 ft long, upon entering the house we are greeted by a high ceiling area, has lots of windows that give natural lighting to the entire first floor, spacious tv room, a bedroom with full bath and a study with independent access to the patio and the pool, spacious dining room with lots of natural light too, large kitchen with cupboard, large space for a double-door refrigerator, a window to the hallway of the house and access to the patio and pool, the service patio connects you to the corridor that leads to the garage for service personnel and allows you to keep privacy, two comfortable apartments with full baths, laundry area and independent cellar of the house, it is also worth mentioning that in the middle of the land there are huge trees that give an impressive shade which covers a half basketball court that divides the other part of the landthe property gives you the peace you desire without having to drive miles and miles to get to the cityinventory: fans in every room and most common areasacs in every bedroomwell and filling pump for the poolpool drainage well300l stationary tankaluminum windowsironwork protections on all windows and some access doorswaterproofed since (septhe second level has the 3 large bedrooms with full baths and closets in each one, lots of windows to keep humidity under controllocated in small local traffic street, one block from mercado de chuburna, the local cathedral ceilings church, local hospital, minutes away from calle 60, main road that takes you north and south of the city, especially to downtown mérida2021) places of interestairportprogresolocal marketlocal hospitallocal churchsams clubcostcowalmartplaza grande (downtown)la negrita barprivate and state schools / universities from all levels important notesno unexpected visitors allowed / please schedule an appointmentdocuments up-to-date ready for your quick and secure purchaseit is recommended to visit the property and ask everything about it2021)interior painting since (sepmotivated seller 16 sq ftmeasurements: 17222 sq m w x 1076lot: 1722226 sq ftconstruction: 418739 sq m lgreat investment opportunity, better than banks
$ 192000
We will wait for you!the house has 5 large bedrooms, 4 bathrooms and a spectacular pool, which makes it perfect for large families or for those looking for a spacious and comfortable space to receive guestsenjoy the luxury and comfort you deserve! spectacular new luxury home for sale in the exclusive cresta del mar community in cabo san lucasthe cresta del mar community is exclusive and safe, which gives you the peace of mind and security you are looking for in your homecontact us today for more information and to schedule a showingdont miss out on the opportunity to live in a luxury home in one of the most exclusive communities in cabo san lucasthis contemporary designed house, built with luxury materials, has one floor and offers an impressive view of the seain addition, it is located in a privileged location, close to the best restaurants, shops and entertainment venues in los cabos, méxicoyou will be able to enjoy a luxurious and comfortable life in every corner of its 563 m2 of construction
$ 1250000
the lots for sale have the following measurements and pricesa few minutes from la gloria village, you can build a beach house for vacation or spend the weekend enjoying the views that offer the lotsthe lots for sale are an investment opportunity, with the amount of square meters that each one has the option to build a small condominium or a house with lots of space and privacydont miss the opportunity to get one or both of the two lots for sale to develop an investment or vacation spot of your dreams, take the oportunity to build a large, favorable property with lots of privacy! location:these lots for sale are located just 2hrs and a half from puerto vallarta and close to the turtle camp of tomatlanmake your dreams come true and acquire the relaxing place you deservealso the lots are located approximately 1 hour from chacalatepec, where future resorts and airport are being built82 m2 near virgin beach where you can enjoy privacy and tranquility in this locationaquired two lots with a price of $152,212 usd with 1,212acquire 2 lots with 1,212price of lot 2 $77,213 usd with 615price of lot 1 $74,999 usd with 597
Tomatlán-Jalisco (Jalisco)
$ 152212